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'Brutal act of war': Photos of Russia invading Ukraine show mass evacuations, rockets (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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'Brutal act of war': Photos of Russia invading Ukraine show mass evacuations, rockets

After weeks of tensions, Russia invaded eastern Ukraine on Thursday morning. Ukraine announced dozens of people had died from Russian military attacks. Ukrainians awoke to the sounds of explosions in major cities, including the capital of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa. Russian forces had hit military assets and other defense facilities in what NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called "a brutal act of war." Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced marital law and offered weapons to anyone who wished to defend the country.

The article above, originally by USA Today, contains some pics of civilian flight and Russian rocket strikes in Ukraine.

A young child was killed by a Russian rocket strike in the city of Kharkiv. There are no military facilities anywhere near this neighborhood. A war crime.

'This is our country': Putin's narratives hide the truth about Ukraine's superpower
'Brutal act of war': Photos of Russia invading Ukraine show mass evacuations, rockets

The article above, originally by USA Today, contains some pics of civilian flight and Russian rocket strikes in Ukraine.

A young child was killed by a Russian rocket strike in the city of Kharkiv. There are no military facilities anywhere near this neighborhood. A war crime.

'This is our country': Putin's narratives hide the truth about Ukraine's superpower
Great, labor camps, and another Soviet Union on all us dunces, let's go take birth there, maybe we can fix it that way, follow der Fuhrer.
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The pics/videos will get worse.

Then all those that sided with or supported Putin will need to answer.
Goodbye blue sky.


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