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Brokeback Mountain (1 Viewer)

Will you go see Brokeback Mountain

  • Absolutely.

    Votes: 23 25.8%
  • Only when it comes out in video/DVD.

    Votes: 22 24.7%
  • No friggen way.

    Votes: 31 34.8%
  • I'd rather watch Fahrenheit 9-11

    Votes: 13 14.6%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Okay, who's going to go out and see this movie? It's about two cowboys who are gay and are in love with each other. I think there's a love scene in it too. :shock:
I voted no. It's a chick flick...well, a chick flick with dick. Same difference to me, yawn.
Shouldn't they call it "Bareback Mountain":3oops:

No, I think I would rather watch ice freeze.
LOL You guys are funny! shuamort--chick flick! Deegan, love the "bareback" comment. :lol:

I am a total gay supporter, but don't know if I'll even watch it. I am not a big moviegoer.
aps said:
Okay, who's going to go out and see this movie? It's about two cowboys who are gay and are in love with each other. I think there's a love scene in it too. :shock:
Thanks for the heads-up :good_job:

I could have wandered in accidentaly. I love westerns.
It's a "Dick Flick", can't say as I have any interest in it at all.
Calm2Chaos said:
It's a "Dick Flick", can't say as I have any interest in it at all.

Homophobic, are you? I'm kidding! :)
aps said:
Homophobic, are you? I'm kidding! :)

No in the least... Just have no desire to see a couple of guys making out. Doesn't scare me, or annoy me, I just personally find it distasteful is all.
It's not a chick flick. While it's true that men who pretend to be uber-macho might not like it, it's a drama (and probably the best drama since Amelie) that everyone else needs to go see.

Clearly the best movie of 2005.
I think I'll pass on this one as well.

I support gay rights, but when the crux of the movie is about a gay love story, I see it to be nothing more than a gimmick to stir controversy ie. TICKET SALES.
Oh, and a question for the ladies....

Does the idea of 2 men getting hot and sweaty appeal to you?
Kandahar said:
It's not a chick flick. While it's true that men who pretend to be uber-macho might not like it, it's a drama (and probably the best drama since Amelie) that everyone else needs to go see.

Clearly the best movie of 2005.

That or you just prefer to watch men get sweaty. LOL

Not to mention I was unaware I was uber macho because I don't have interest in this movie... why thank you....LOL
Kandahar said:
It's not a chick flick. While it's true that men who pretend to be uber-macho might not like it, it's a drama (and probably the best drama since Amelie) that everyone else needs to go see.

Clearly the best movie of 2005.
A drama revolving around romance=chick flick.

Movie summary:
The new film from Academy Award-nominated director Ang Lee. An epic love story set against the sweeping vistas of Wyoming and Texas, Brokeback Mountain tells the story of two young men - a ranch-hand and a rodeo cowboy - who meet in the summer of 1963, and unexpectedly forge a lifelong connection, one whose complications, joys and tragedies provide a testament to the endurance and power of love.
Sounds like a complete chick flick to me.
Kandahar said:
It's not a chick flick. While it's true that men who pretend to be uber-macho might not like it, it's a drama (and probably the best drama since Amelie) that everyone else needs to go see.

Clearly the best movie of 2005.
Some people believe everyone needs to go to services on Sunday. You won't see me there either. I guess everyone doesn't need to be there to know they don't like it ;)
Go see KING KONG instead.

It's another one of Peter Jackson's 3 hour long epics that at least an hours worth of footage should have hit the cutting room floor.

Plenty of people being decimated and explosions and there's even an inter species love story between the giant ape and Naomi Watts.

I saw it for free so I can't complain, but I suggest you watch KING KONG over Ruptured Sphincter Mountain.
SixStringHero said:
Go see KING KONG instead.

It's another one of Peter Jackson's 3 hour long epics that at least an hours worth of footage should have hit the cutting room floor.

Plenty of people being decimated and explosions and there's even an inter species love story between the giant ape and Naomi Watts.

I saw it for free so I can't complain, but I suggest you watch KING KONG over Ruptured Sphincter Mountain.


I don't think I will see either... But I definetly got a chuckle out of that one...LOL
I love the responses in this thread.

Calm, I was merely yanking your chain when I accused you of being a homophobe.

Six, two men together does nothing for me; two women, however...... ;)

Maybe all you gentlemen in this thread would learn something from the love scene. :lol:
aps said:
I love the responses in this thread.

Calm, I was merely yanking your chain when I accused you of being a homophobe.

Six, two men together does nothing for me; two women, however...... ;)

Maybe all you gentlemen in this thread would learn something from the love scene. :lol:

aps.... If your a guy then the middle of your post is pretty standard... Being a woman however then it's kinda hot....:rofl

Really strange how that works isn't it...lol
Calm2Chaos said:
aps.... If your a guy then the middle of your post is pretty standard... Being a woman however then it's kinda hot....:rofl

Really strange how that works isn't it...lol

I'm a woman...... ;)
aps, hey, I'm glad you're here:2wave:

I will see this movie on dvd I am sure. Don't make it out to the movies much. Usually get railroaded into seeing something my kids want to see. Like War of the Worlds. :roll:

I'm a big fan of Ang Lee though and this movie was based on a book by an author I admire so I am sure I will pick it up when it hits the video store.
mixedmedia said:
aps, hey, I'm glad you're here:2wave:

Are you coming onto me? lol It's about time you made the first move. :lol:

Okay, okay, I need to stop making the girl-on-girl comments. Or should I? ;)

I will see this movie on dvd I am sure. Don't make it out to the movies much. Usually get railroaded into seeing something my kids want to see. Like War of the Worlds. :roll:

I'm a big fan of Ang Lee though and this movie was based on a book by an author I admire so I am sure I will pick it up when it hits the video store.

I will probably wait for it to come out on DVD as well. Somehow I doubt my husband will want to watch it.
I have said many times that what 2 people do in the privacy of the bedroom is their business but no way so I want to watch them make out in a movie......

Now if it was 2 lesbians that is another story.....:lol: Just kidding.........
aps said:
Are you coming onto me? lol It's about time you made the first move. :lol:

Okay, okay, I need to stop making the girl-on-girl comments. Or should I? ;)

Don't change a thing for me, babe. ;)
I'm just glad you're here, dat's all.

I will probably wait for it to come out on DVD as well. Somehow I doubt my husband will want to watch it.

Yeah, I don't really understand that. It doesn't bother me to see two girls together. I'm not gay (that I know of) but it just doesn't bother me.

eh, men and their sensitivities...whataya gonna do?
mixedmedia said:
Don't change a thing for me, babe. ;)
I'm just glad you're here, dat's all.

Yeah, I don't really understand that. It doesn't bother me to see two girls together. I'm not gay (that I know of) but it just doesn't bother me.

eh, men and their sensitivities...whataya gonna do?

Aww, shucks. Thank you! I like your terminology about it not bothering you to see two chicks. I would not be able to use that phraseology. :shock:

Navy Pride said:
I have said many times that what 2 people do in the privacy of the bedroom is their business but no way so I want to watch them make out in a movie......

Now if it was 2 lesbians that is another story.....:lol: Just kidding.........

Somehow I am not buying the "Just kidding." :lol:

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