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Britain Says Russian Defense Ministry Admits Using Thermobaric Weapons In Ukraine (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Britain says the Russian Ministry of Defense has confirmed the use in Ukraine of the TOS-1A weapon system, which uses thermobaric rockets. "The Russian MoD has confirmed the use of the TOS-1A weapon system in Ukraine," it said on Twitter. "The TOS-1A uses thermobaric rockets, creating incendiary and blast effects." Thermobaric weapons, sometimes called "vacuum bombs," basically suck in oxygen from the surrounding air to generate a more high-temperature explosion than conventional bombs. Though not illegal, their usage is controversial because they are much more devastating than conventional explosives of a similar size, and have a devastating impact on anyone caught in their blast radius. The United States has used them in Vietnam and more recently in Afghanistan to destroy mountain caves where militants were hiding. Russia used them in its war in Chechnya in 1999 and was condemned by Human Rights Watch for doing so. Russian-made thermobaric weapons were also reportedly used in the Syrian civil war by the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

These weapons should NEVER EVER be used in urban or populated areas.

Initially, all air is sucked inward towards the point of ignition, then a pressure wave rushes outward followed by a scorching hot cloud that incinerates everything within its radius.

This has the effect on humans of eyeballs popping, internal organs exploding, and then cremation. There is no escaping a thermobaric if you are within its kill zone.

And even if only on the periphery, minute slivers of metal floating in the surrounding air are hot enough to burn down to the bone.
Russia says they have. US says they haven’t. 🤷‍♂️

Where is a citation for your US statement?

Ukrainians also say they have. Last week CNN reporters saw TOS thermobaric launchers in the Mariupol area.


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