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Brexit bad omen for global order... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
The economic story of the past quarter-century was the rapid advance of globalization, the unleashing of trade and commerce among countries rich and poor - a McDonald’s in every European capital, “Made in China” labels throughout Toys R Us. The Brexit vote on Thursday ends that story, at least in its current volume. Voters will soon tell us what sort of sequel they’d prefer.

Brexit is a bad omen for world commerce
The economic story of the past quarter-century was the rapid advance of globalization, the unleashing of trade and commerce among countries rich and poor - a McDonald’s in every European capital, “Made in China” labels throughout Toys R Us. The Brexit vote on Thursday ends that story, at least in its current volume. Voters will soon tell us what sort of sequel they’d prefer.

Brexit is a bad omen for world commerce

It is odd that we aren't happy. Competition is good and doing less well only means one must find a more competitive business plan.

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