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Breitbart Editor paid by Trump Campaign, and (woops, gosh darn it) failed to disclose (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 20, 2009
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There have been leaks before by Breitbart employees basically alleging that stuff like this was going on.

The conservative news site Breitbart might have an even harder go at convincing people they’re not blatantly in the tank for Donald Trump. A new report today contained filings showing that one of the site’s editors was paid for services he provided to the mogul’s presidential campaign.

Sebastian Gorka is a professor at Marine Corps University, and even though he hasn’t written for Breitbart since December, he is still appears on their radio show and is identified as their national security editor....

I've heard this guy speak, and spent some time reading through some of the material his organization puts out. This is... not terribly astonishing.
Re: Breitbart Editor paid by Trump Campaign, and (woops, gosh darn it) failed to disc

There have been leaks before by Breitbart employees basically alleging that stuff like this was going on. This is... not terribly astonishing.

That is terribly astonishing is anyone thought Breitbart was even in the same zipcode of even the lowest journalistic standards... a true whore of a 'news' outlet that often ran propaganda. Funny it is just now being discovered... :peace
Re: Breitbart Editor paid by Trump Campaign, and (woops, gosh darn it) failed to disc

There have been leaks before by Breitbart employees basically alleging that stuff like this was going on.

I've heard this guy speak, and spent some time reading through some of the material his organization puts out. This is... not terribly astonishing.

The TDS is getting even more hilarious.

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