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Breast-feeding in Public (1 Viewer)

Should breast-feeding be allowed in public?

  • Yes. It is a woman's right to feed her baby the natural way.

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Yes, but woman who are nursing ought to consider the feelings of others.

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • No, but women who do so should not be fined.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, it does not belong in civil society and we should fine women who nurse babies in public.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
A number of states and municipalities have passed laws or ordinances giving nursing women the right to breast feed their babies in public. Also, there are always stories in the news about a woman getting in trouble with a store for feeding the baby.

I live in Chicago, so I get it that if a woman stuck on a subway, she may not have an option, but isn't this somewhat akin to sanctioned public urination?

EDIT: sorry about the usage error in the poll.
Last edited:
Russell Hammond said:
A number of states and municipalities have passed laws or ordinances giving nursing women the right to breast feed their babies in public. Also, there are always stories in the news about a woman getting in trouble with a store for feeding the baby.

I live in Chicago, so I get it that if a woman stuck on a subway, she may not have an option, but isn't this somewhat akin to sanctioned public urination?

EDIT: sorry about the usage error in the poll.

I condone all breast feeding by MILF's. If you are ugly there should be laws against it. Besides there are times I like to breast feed too. :lol:
I condone all breast feeding by MILF's. If you are ugly there should be laws against it. Besides there are times I like to breast feed too. :lol:

I was just about to chime in "only if shes hot"
I think it boils down to necessity, as was mentioned earlier. I do think that "hey, babies need to eat too." and breast is best(I know I sure like 'em) but I am of the opinion that a little discression and common courtesy should be excercised, same as any other opinionated subject. Perfect example, I do smoke(unfortunately) and sometimes I crave one really badly, but I do prefer to ask people if it will bother them before I light up, I think that same principle is in place for breast feeding.
I condone all breast feeding by MILF's. If you are ugly there should be laws against it. Besides there are times I like to breast feed too. :lol:

absolutely! :drink
RightatNYU said:
I was just about to chime in "only if shes hot"

Yeah thats why I specified the MILF's. :lol:

I dont want to see no rolly polly momma rolling het titty out to feed her mini rolly polly. :lol:
Upper female nudity is actually a rather useless taboo. It really shouldn't be made law because some people find it improper. But it is an extremely strong taboo as demonstrated by this thread.

Oh and equating breast feeding with public urination is by no means accurate. One is a health hazard and well I guess litering is as good a word as any. The other is eating in public.
dogger807 said:
Upper female nudity is actually a rather useless taboo. It really shouldn't be made law because some people find it improper. But it is an extremely strong taboo as demonstrated by this thread.

Oh and equating breast feeding with public urination is by no means accurate. One is a health hazard and well I guess litering is as good a word as any. The other is eating in public.

I'm don't know too much about the specifics, or where else this applies, but I know that in NYC, women being topless is totally legal.
RightatNYU said:
I'm don't know too much about the specifics, or where else this applies, but I know that in NYC, women being topless is totally legal.

Really? Well you had better make room rightnyu cause I am movin over there. :lol:
I condone all breast feeding by MILF's. If you are ugly there should be laws against it. Besides there are times I like to breast feed too. :lol:

RightatNYU said:
I was just about to chime in "only if shes hot"

So you guys find breast feeding erotic?? :shock: okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
GarzaUK said:
So you guys find breast feeding erotic?? :shock: okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

It not that its erotic but the **** we get to see on MILF's are. Plus I tend to svck on **** myself. :lol:
Yeah, I heartily agree that breast feeding is ok in public; especially if she has a female friend who got a little taste too.
LMAO! The commentary in this thread is hilarious! We have male posters finding a MILF breatfeeding in public to be somewhat exciting, and someone raises the girl-girl stuff. Hilarious!

I am a woman, and my mom breastfed me and my 3 siblings. BUT, she never breastfed in public. I have not had children yet, and if I do, I will breastfeed; however, I am a very modest person and know that I would not do it in public.

I think it's fine for a woman to breastfeed, but come on, cover yourself up! I don't need to see your boobs, including your nipple. I think women who have no modesty lack class. I know some will blast me for saying that, but that is what I think.
I don't know? My mother always taught me that it's not polite to eat in front of others if they have none? Perhaps sharing would be in order?
aps said:
LMAO! The commentary in this thread is hilarious! We have male posters finding a MILF breatfeeding in public to be somewhat exciting, and someone raises the girl-girl stuff. Hilarious!

I am a woman, and my mom breastfed me and my 3 siblings. BUT, she never breastfed in public. I have not had children yet, and if I do, I will breastfeed; however, I am a very modest person and know that I would not do it in public.

I think it's fine for a woman to breastfeed, but come on, cover yourself up! I don't need to see your boobs, including your nipple. I think women who have no modesty lack class. I know some will blast me for saying that, but that is what I think.

I actually agree. but I'm gonna take it one step further. Women who have modesty, spend more time worrying if they're covered up, than they do the actual bonding with their babies. After all, behind nutrition, breastfeeding is the most natural way for a mother and child to bond. Perhaps (and I'm probably going to get blasted for this) they can have a place (and yes I know the costs, but it IS an idea for entrepreneur's who have their own establishments, and wish to accomodate) of their own where they're not worried about whether their nipple is hanging out, and can spend the 10-20 minutes actually paying attention to the baby.
debate_junkie said:
I actually agree. but I'm gonna take it one step further. Women who have modesty, spend more time worrying if they're covered up, than they do the actual bonding with their babies. After all, behind nutrition, breastfeeding is the most natural way for a mother and child to bond. Perhaps (and I'm probably going to get blasted for this) they can have a place (and yes I know the costs, but it IS an idea for entrepreneur's who have their own establishments, and wish to accomodate) of their own where they're not worried about whether their nipple is hanging out, and can spend the 10-20 minutes actually paying attention to the baby.

Ha ha ha. debate junkie, I totally agree. I think there should be a place where they can go. However, instead of worrying about whether the modest woman isn't bonding with her child, think of how frequently a mother breastfeeds. It's not once a day--it's multiple times a day. So even if one of those feedings (during the day) is in a situation where the mom cannot stare at her child while having her boob exposed, I do not believe that it will affect their bonding at all.
Who cares whether a woman breastfeeds in public or not? Does anyone really care?

To infer a woman is not modest because she breastfeeds in public is as about as backwards a statement as I have ever heard. She is feeding her child as nature intended, not showing off. Try having a little respect instead of being so irrationally puritan. :roll:
If she want's to bust out her titty, clamp on a tap, and sell her milk as a street vendor, so be it.

If she want's to feed her baby, so be it. babies need food, and letting a baby go hungry because someone (OBVIOUSLY SOMEONE ****ED IN THE HEAD) thinks titties are bad, is just stupid.

babies have been sucking on titties since before we figured out how to make clothes. Ignoring or forgetting what makes us human is a sure fire way to lose out Humanity.

near 5,000,000,000 developed tities in the world, and people still are shocked by one.

Unleash them puppies. :beer:
libertarian_knight said:
If she want's to bust out her titty, clamp on a tap, and sell her milk as a street vendor, so be it.

If she want's to feed her baby, so be it. babies need food, and letting a baby go hungry because someone (OBVIOUSLY SOMEONE ****ED IN THE HEAD) thinks titties are bad, is just stupid.

babies have been sucking on titties since before we figured out how to make clothes. Ignoring or forgetting what makes us human is a sure fire way to lose out Humanity.

near 5,000,000,000 developed tities in the world, and people still are shocked by one.

Unleash them puppies. :beer:

:rofl Yeah! That's what I meant. :rofl

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