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Breaking News: UN Big 5 agree that Iran Must Quit it's Nuclear Programs (1 Viewer)

I just heard something that "befuddles" me...

The UN has called for an emergency meeting...

...to be held in two weeks...:confused:
cnredd said:
I just heard something that "befuddles" me...

The UN has called for an emergency meeting...

...to be held in two weeks...:confused:

Maybe they want to see how the problem unfolds in the next 2 weeks. Go back to their respective nations and brainstorm about the problem. lol :smile:
GarzaUK said:
Maybe they want to see how the problem unfolds in the next 2 weeks. Go back to their respective nations and brainstorm about the problem. lol :smile:

IE - "How will this politically benefit me?"...:roll:

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