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BREAKING: Moscow´s terror attacks in Moldova. anybody from Romania is here ? Will Romania stand against Moscow barbarism this time? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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BREAKING: Moscow´s terror attacks in Moldova. anybody from Romania is here ? Will Romania stand against Moscow barbarism this time?

FSB suspected false flag (in my opinion):

1. Authorities in Transnistria on Tuesday accused a "terrorist attack" of a military unit near Tiraspol, the capital of a region controlled by pro-Russian separatists in Moldova, Reuters reports.

2. Russia's Interior Ministry on Tuesday accused "unidentified individuals" of blowing up a Transnistrian radio station broadcasting Russian programs, according to TASS , one of Moscow's news agencies.

3. The leader of the separatists in Donetsk says that Russia should move to the next stage of the military campaign , after the explosions in Transnistria

and you are overexaggerating again. Romania even changed its law for Ukraine, yet the Ukrainian Secret Service still put ideas in people's heads that the West is not doing enough. If it was up to the Ukrainian Secret Service and Zelensky we would have no West and no NATO.

FSB suspected false flag (in my opinion):

1. Authorities in Transnistria on Tuesday accused a "terrorist attack" of a military unit near Tiraspol, the capital of a region controlled by pro-Russian separatists in Moldova, Reuters reports.

2. Russia's Interior Ministry on Tuesday accused "unidentified individuals" of blowing up a Transnistrian radio station broadcasting Russian programs, according to TASS , one of Moscow's news agencies.

3. The leader of the separatists in Donetsk says that Russia should move to the next stage of the military campaign , after the explosions in Transnistria

and you are overexaggerating again. Romania even changed its law for Ukraine, yet the Ukrainian Secret Service still put ideas in people's heads that the West is not doing enough. If it was up to the Ukrainian Secret Service and Zelensky we would have no West and no NATO.

If the Russian fascist invaders try to launch an offensive against Ukraine from occupied Moldova (so-called "Transnistria") they won't be able to support their troops, either on the ground from occupied Kherson oblast or from the air. Ukraine will defeat such an offensive.

FSB suspected false flag (in my opinion):

1. Authorities in Transnistria on Tuesday accused a "terrorist attack" of a military unit near Tiraspol, the capital of a region controlled by pro-Russian separatists in Moldova, Reuters reports.

2. Russia's Interior Ministry on Tuesday accused "unidentified individuals" of blowing up a Transnistrian radio station broadcasting Russian programs, according to TASS , one of Moscow's news agencies.

3. The leader of the separatists in Donetsk says that Russia should move to the next stage of the military campaign , after the explosions in Transnistria

and you are overexaggerating again. Romania even changed its law for Ukraine, yet the Ukrainian Secret Service still put ideas in people's heads that the West is not doing enough. If it was up to the Ukrainian Secret Service and Zelensky we would have no West and no NATO.

an update from a user:

They are US Stryker IFV and they are returning to Mihail Kogalniceanu AB from Babadag training area. Here is the location X, Y


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