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BREAKING: Israeli Coalition Government Has Collapsed (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
The Labor Party in Isreal has pulled out of Sharon's coalition, leaving Sharon with no majority in government, and assuring new Israeli elections in March.

Article is here.
It just got better. Sharon is quitting the Likud Party, and plans to start a movement of moderates. Maybe there is hope after all of a Middle East Peace. Of course, the wall doesnt hurt either. :)

Article is here.
danarhea said:
It just got better. Sharon is quitting the Likud Party, and plans to start a movement of moderates. Maybe there is hope after all of a Middle East Peace. Of course, the wall doesnt hurt either. :)

Article is here.

What the hell Sharon is a moderate?? Where did this come from? He must be getting flak for the Gaza Strip. I don't know if the new Likud leader, whoever he might be gets into power he could more hardcore than Sharon.
danarhea said:
It just got better. Sharon is quitting the Likud Party, and plans to start a movement of moderates. Maybe there is hope after all of a Middle East Peace. Of course, the wall doesnt hurt either. :)

Article is here.

What the hell Sharon is a moderate?? Where did this come from? He must be getting flak for the Gaza Strip. I don't know if the new Likud leader, whoever he might be gets into power he could be more hardcore than Sharon.
I agree with GarzaUK. Things are not looking good when Ariel Sharon is considered to be a moderate...
GarzaUK said:
What the hell Sharon is a moderate?? Where did this come from? He must be getting flak for the Gaza Strip. I don't know if the new Likud leader, whoever he might be gets into power he could be more hardcore than Sharon.

The new Likud leader wont be the leader of Israel. Out of 120 plus a few seats in the Knesset, the Likuds only control 40. Sharon is taking 18 of them out of the Likud party, so they will only have 22 seats. There is no way that, when elections are held next March, that the Likud party is going to have much of a say in government. That is a good thing. The Likuds are to Israel what the Neocons are to the US.
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Israel may be many things.... but dull is not one of them ;)

Old and wise said:
Good, very good. And who really gives a **** anyways?

Who cares about what goes on in Israel??? Are you serious?? You're FAR from "old and wise"
The Real McCoy said:
Who cares about what goes on in Israel??? Are you serious?? You're FAR from "old and wise"

I couldn't care less about what goes on in Isreal. You don't see any of them fighting alongside our troops in Iraq.

The only thing they are interested in is sucking 10 biilion a year in foreign aid and as many weapons as they can from this country. They are nothing but leeches.
Old and wise said:
I couldn't care less about what goes on in Isreal. You don't see any of them fighting alongside our troops in Iraq.

The only thing they are interested in is sucking 10 biilion a year in foreign aid and as many weapons as they can from this country. They are nothing but leeches.

lol If Israeli troops were fighting in Iraq... lol, things would be 10 times worse in Iraq than they already are. Jihadists would flood in from everywhere. Israel and Palestine are the key to peace in the middle east.
Old and wise said:
I couldn't care less about what goes on in Isreal. You don't see any of them fighting alongside our troops in Iraq.
The US military will of course deny this (don't blame them), but Israeli Sayeret forces assisted US D-boys in capturing three western Iraqi airfields in the opening hours of the war. 'Old and wise' seems to be an ironic misnomer.


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