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BREAKING: Germany to help arm Ukraine. Germany says it will supply Ukraine with 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 Stinger surface-to-air missiles to use (1 Viewer)

Finally, Germany has such an industry that they could supply Ukraine with modern equipment for another 60 years. Rheinmetall alone could probably completely resupply Ukraine.
Germany says it will supply Ukraine with 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 Stinger surface-to-air missiles to use against Russia.
If Germany actually does that, it is very good news, indeed.

Hear tell that this nation sent a few surface-to-air missiles under President Trump.

Ukraine needs thousands of them.

If the Russians could be forced to leave Ukraine with their tail between their legs (as they did in Afghanistan), that might cause the downfall of that deranged Russian.


Do not wish to be paranoid, but why hasn't our nation already sent more such weapons to Ukraine? Could it be that there are pro-Russian supporters in the Dem administration? Nah!
Good to see Germany start to climb off the fence they usually inhabit. If Europe in general can divorce themselves from Russian energy they can send Russia into an economic tailspin that will eventually see Putin outed, and the people demanding a more western friendly leadership who can bring them a more prosperous lifestyle. On the pathway however could be Putins wars of desperation, so the west needs to stay strongly together.
If Germany actually does that, it is very good news, indeed.

Hear tell that this nation sent a few surface-to-air missiles under President Trump.

Ukraine needs thousands of them.

If the Russians could be forced to leave Ukraine with their tail between their legs (as they did in Afghanistan), that might cause the downfall of that deranged Russian.


Do not wish to be paranoid, but why hasn't our nation already sent more such weapons to Ukraine? Could it be that there are pro-Russian supporters in the Dem administration? Nah!
Cute post. This guy already forgot about Trump holding back aid because Ukraine would not dig up dirt on Hunter Biden. Now he’s painting Trump as some kind of heroic do-gooder and friend to Ukraine. Your act is not fooling anyone. We all remember how you referred to The Honorable Donald Trump for the better part of a year.

P.S. nice conspiracy theory about the pro-Russia Democrat secret society. Yes, you are being paranoid.
Do not wish to be paranoid, but why hasn't our nation already sent more such weapons to Ukraine? Could it be that there are pro-Russian supporters in the Dem administration? Nah!
Paranoid isn't the adjective I'd use to describe that.

If Germany actually does that, it is very good news, indeed.

Hear tell that this nation sent a few surface-to-air missiles under President Trump.
?? WHAT ?? Please cite a credible reference for that. As I recall, quite vividly, Trump actually withheld military aid from Ukraine - in fact aid that had already been approved by Congress.

Do not wish to be paranoid, but why hasn't our nation already sent more such weapons to Ukraine? Could it be that there are pro-Russian supporters in the Dem administration?
No. The Dems support Ukraine - the Republicans support Putin. Paranoid is not the word I'd use to describe what you're being. The word tool comes to mind as more accurate.

Get it straight.
If Germany actually does that, it is very good news, indeed.

Hear tell that this nation sent a few surface-to-air missiles under President Trump.

Ukraine needs thousands of them.

If the Russians could be forced to leave Ukraine with their tail between their legs (as they did in Afghanistan), that might cause the downfall of that deranged Russian.


Do not wish to be paranoid, but why hasn't our nation already sent more such weapons to Ukraine? Could it be that there are pro-Russian supporters in the Dem administration? Nah!

i agree with your thinking. If US, Canada, Spain, Italy, UK, Germany, France, Turkey, Australia all sent a huge supply of anti tank and anti aircraft weapons. More automatic weapons, ammo, and assorted other weapons they could repel the Russians. bad things may happen to Putin if he has to justify the death of thousands of soldiers to his people.
they are already marching in protest in Moscow.
If Germany actually does that, it is very good news, indeed.

Hear tell that this nation sent a few surface-to-air missiles under President Trump.

Ukraine needs thousands of them.

If the Russians could be forced to leave Ukraine with their tail between their legs (as they did in Afghanistan), that might cause the downfall of that deranged Russian.


Do not wish to be paranoid, but why hasn't our nation already sent more such weapons to Ukraine? Could it be that there are pro-Russian supporters in the Dem administration? Nah!

Good to see Germany start to climb off the fence they usually inhabit. If Europe in general can divorce themselves from Russian energy they can send Russia into an economic tailspin that will eventually see Putin outed, and the people demanding a more western friendly leadership who can bring them a more prosperous lifestyle. On the pathway however could be Putins wars of desperation, so the west needs to stay strongly together.

Cute post. This guy already forgot about Trump holding back aid because Ukraine would not dig up dirt on Hunter Biden. Now he’s painting Trump as some kind of heroic do-gooder and friend to Ukraine. Your act is not fooling anyone. We all remember how you referred to The Honorable Donald Trump for the better part of a year.

P.S. nice conspiracy theory about the pro-Russia Democrat secret society. Yes, you are being paranoid.

Paranoid isn't the adjective I'd use to describe that.

our stingers in action ))):cool:

Finally, Germany has such an industry that they could supply Ukraine with modern equipment for another 60 years. Rheinmetall alone could probably completely resupply Ukraine.

It is good but it better get there quickly. Russian tanks are closing in. Did they give a timeline?
It is good but it better get there quickly. Russian tanks are closing in. Did they give a timeline?
no, they are not. its done, Moscow lost the war .... In 3 days Muscovites had sustained the equivalent of 25% of the casualties that the US sustained in 18 years in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Cute post. This guy already forgot about Trump holding back aid because Ukraine would not dig up dirt on Hunter Biden. Now he’s painting Trump as some kind of heroic do-gooder and friend to Ukraine.

Obama and his VP stooge did shit for Ukraine, even after Russia invaded Crimea. At least Trump sent lethal aid to the country. While Ukrainians die and their cities burn Biden's still debating his navel to see how whatever he does affects his poll numbers.
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our technologies vs. ussr tank )))

If Germany actually does that, it is very good news, indeed.

Hear tell that this nation sent a few surface-to-air missiles under President Trump.

Ukraine needs thousands of them.

If the Russians could be forced to leave Ukraine with their tail between their legs (as they did in Afghanistan), that might cause the downfall of that deranged Russian.


Do not wish to be paranoid, but why hasn't our nation already sent more such weapons to Ukraine? Could it be that there are pro-Russian supporters in the Dem administration? Nah!

Good to see Germany start to climb off the fence they usually inhabit. If Europe in general can divorce themselves from Russian energy they can send Russia into an economic tailspin that will eventually see Putin outed, and the people demanding a more western friendly leadership who can bring them a more prosperous lifestyle. On the pathway however could be Putins wars of desperation, so the west needs to stay strongly together.

Cute post. This guy already forgot about Trump holding back aid because Ukraine would not dig up dirt on Hunter Biden. Now he’s painting Trump as some kind of heroic do-gooder and friend to Ukraine. Your act is not fooling anyone. We all remember how you referred to The Honorable Donald Trump for the better part of a year.

P.S. nice conspiracy theory about the pro-Russia Democrat secret society. Yes, you are being paranoid.

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