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Bread & Circuses: War Coverage is the New Coliseum (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Political Leaning
War coverage is getting more and more lurid - and that's by design - because it's being deliberately used to distract people from noticing their problems at home.

I was grocery shopping again today, and noting how much the prices of so many items have gone up. Just like the price of gas, and so many other things.

Biden has no answers to the problems that ordinary common people are experiencing.

But the media will help show us where to look: Ukraine.

We could be ominously moving toward nuclear confrontation.

But who cares? We can enjoy that as a televised event too. War is becoming just more mindless entertainment -- it's like gladiatorial combat from ancient Roman times, but with digital convenience.

The media shills are now scrambling to serve it up to us. Welcome to the new bread & circuses.

War coverage is getting more and more lurid - and that's by design - because it's being deliberately used to distract people from noticing their problems at home.

I was grocery shopping again today, and noting how much the prices of so many items have gone up. Just like the price of gas, and so many other things.

Biden has no answers to the problems that ordinary common people are experiencing.

But the media will help show us where to look: Ukraine.

We could be ominously moving toward nuclear confrontation.

But who cares? We can enjoy that as a televised event too. War is becoming just more mindless entertainment -- it's like gladiatorial combat from ancient Roman times, but with digital convenience.

The media shills are now scrambling to serve it up to us. Welcome to the new bread & circuses.

So, you want the media to report on the prices at the grocery store? That you already know?

I'm not getting your rant.

None of this is new. Indeed, media coverage of Vietnam was responsible for turning the public against the war.

The Ukraine war is big news. It's not covering anything up. We already know about inflation.
Biden has no answers to the problems that ordinary common people are experiencing.

You look to President Biden & Big Gummint to solve your problems?

LOL.:LOL: I would suggest you find your bootstraps and use them to pull yourself up. Save your pennies and maybe start yourself an oil company? Thats the American way, not relying on Gummint.

The media shills are now scrambling to serve it up to us. Welcome to the new bread & circuses.

Ya know: you can always turn the TV off?😮
So, you want the media to report on the prices at the grocery store? That you already know?

I'm not getting your rant.

Inflation is a follow-on consequence of other failings that we need to discuss -- that the media need to discuss and give coverage to.

The lockdown bullshit was done too cavalierly, with lefty politicians running to issue govt cheques for any possible reason. The media should have understood this would be inflationary, and should have given more dicussion and coverage to this problem, rather than too many people -- especially ignorant left-wing voters -- belatedly finding this out the hard way later on.

None of this is new. Indeed, media coverage of Vietnam was responsible for turning the public against the war.

The Ukraine war is big news. It's not covering anything up. We already know about inflation.

We need to talk about the shortcomings in govt policy which are causing this inflation. We need to know how we got here, in order to understand how to get out.

What we can't do is just tune out our real world kitchen table issues over here, just to engage in escapism to Eastern Europe.
Anybody remember this famous scene from 30 years ago?

I remember it - especially the laughter from the press - because that part was very chilling to me.

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