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Brazilian politician’s sexist remarks about women fleeing Ukraine spark outrage (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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A right-wing Brazilian politician disgustingly described fleeing Ukrainian women as “easy” and “total goddesses” during a recent trip to the war-ravaged nation.

São Paulo Congressman Arthur do Val, 35, made the vile comments while he was supposed to be on a diplomatic mission last week to witness the devastation of the war first-hand and raise awareness of the plight of Ukrainians.

But Do Val sparked outrage after Brazilian media leaked secret recordings of him discussing the trip in such crude terms that he had to suspend his campaign to be São Paulo’s governor.
An awful lot of very young kids. Ukrainian young women are good at making babies.
Ukrainian women are very good at making Molotov cocktails, using their weapons and defending their country.(y)
A right-wing Brazilian politician disgustingly described fleeing Ukrainian women as “easy” and “total goddesses” during a recent trip to the war-ravaged nation.

São Paulo Congressman Arthur do Val, 35, made the vile comments while he was supposed to be on a diplomatic mission last week to witness the devastation of the war first-hand and raise awareness of the plight of Ukrainians.

But Do Val sparked outrage after Brazilian media leaked secret recordings of him discussing the trip in such crude terms that he had to suspend his campaign to be São Paulo’s governor.
An awful lot of very young kids. Ukrainian young women are good at making babies.
Maybe he got ideas from Chinese social media.

Ukraine: Sexist comments on Chinese social media trigger backlash

The sexism there got so crude that the CPC felt forced to clamp down on it.

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