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Bravo (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2005
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Political Leaning
I just wanted to express my new found respect for the Senator Robert Byrd. He just now scolded the senate for the "outrageous" and "partisan" way in which they handled the recent SCOTUS confirmation hearing. He received many letters from his constituents, and all expressed their disgust for the way these hearings were handled, and executed. I could not agree more, and just thought he should be praised for speaking up against his party, and doing his best to return the respect this process once held.

Oh, and he voted for Alito:2wave:
Deegan said:
I just wanted to express my new found respect for the Senator Robert Byrd. He just now scolded the senate for the "outrageous" and "partisan" way in which they handled the recent SCOTUS confirmation hearing. He received many letters from his constituents, and all expressed their disgust for the way these hearings were handled, and executed. I could not agree more, and just thought he should be praised for speaking up against his party, and doing his best to return the respect this process once held.

Oh, and he voted for Alito:2wave:

I love it when members of Congress just tell it like it is. Those who go across party lines every now and then get my profound respect (well, maybe except Lieberman ;)). I loved the dems who supported Roberts because he deserved it. And Alito does too. They need to get over the fact that they are not the majority party and remind themselves how compliant the repubs were when Clinton nominated two die-hard liberals to the bench.
I'm not a Byrd fan, but gotta' admit, that was a classy thing to do. Of course, those constituent letters may have prodded the ol' guy a bit!
aps said:
I love it when members of Congress just tell it like it is. Those who go across party lines every now and then get my profound respect (well, maybe except Lieberman ;)). I loved the dems who supported Roberts because he deserved it. And Alito does too. They need to get over the fact that they are not the majority party and remind themselves how compliant the repubs were when Clinton nominated two die-hard liberals to the bench.

And also how very wrong we have all been about how these men and women would act, once there!;)
I didn't follow the Roberts hearings at all, but I did watch a good portion of the Alito hearings....and even as a liberal, I didn't really see or hear anything that would indicate he would be a bad judge, or even really a partisan judge (since, you know, they're not supposed to be :lol: ). So good on the Dems that do support him....the rest need to stop dragging their feet, because it's pretty obvious he'll be confirmed regardless.
Stace said:
I didn't follow the Roberts hearings at all, but I did watch a good portion of the Alito hearings....and even as a liberal, I didn't really see or hear anything that would indicate he would be a bad judge, or even really a partisan judge (since, you know, they're not supposed to be :lol: ). So good on the Dems that do support him....the rest need to stop dragging their feet, because it's pretty obvious he'll be confirmed regardless.
Interesting, since your old pal, John Kerry, is now threatening to filibuster.
KCConservative said:
Interesting, since your old pal, John Kerry, is now threatening to filibuster.

Do you EVER have anything good to say to someone that's not a conservative, or do you just have some sort of problem with me? Because if it's me, I'd rather you just put me on ignore or something. This comment was not at all necessary; who ever said that John Kerry was "my old pal"? A simple "Hey, nice to see a liberal that's not afraid to cross the partisan line now and again", or no response at all, would have been more welcome than this.
Stace said:
Do you EVER have anything good to say to someone that's not a conservative, or do you just have some sort of problem with me? Because if it's me, I'd rather you just put me on ignore or something. This comment was not at all necessary; who ever said that John Kerry was "my old pal"? A simple "Hey, nice to see a liberal that's not afraid to cross the partisan line now and again", or no response at all, would have been more welcome than this.

Stace, KC can be a very sweet person, but since he has been back from being banned, he has demonstrated contempt for all of us liberals, even the sexy ones like you and me. ;) I think he secretly wants you and me and lashes out at us to hide his utter attraction towards us. It sucks to be sexy, doesn't it? ;)
aps said:
It sucks to be sexy, doesn't it? ;)
Oh, the trials and tribulations I go through...:cool:
aps said:
Stace, KC can be a very sweet person, but since he has been back from being banned, he has demonstrated contempt for all of us liberals,
yeah, that''s it. :roll:
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Stace said:
Do you EVER have anything good to say to someone that's not a conservative, or do you just have some sort of problem with me? Because if it's me, I'd rather you just put me on ignore or something. This comment was not at all necessary; who ever said that John Kerry was "my old pal"? A simple "Hey, nice to see a liberal that's not afraid to cross the partisan line now and again", or no response at all, would have been more welcome than this.
I don't think I said anything about you. I said Kerry was threatening to filibuster. I'm sorry, stace. I thought you liked Kerry. My fault.
aps said:
Stace, KC can be a very sweet person, but since he has been back from being banned, he has demonstrated contempt for all of us liberals, even the sexy ones like you and me. ;) I think he secretly wants you and me and lashes out at us to hide his utter attraction towards us. It sucks to be sexy, doesn't it? ;)

Oh yes.....I mean, perhaps I'm overreacting due to hormone surges and all, but I don't think KC has ever had a nice comment for me. And I'm not even talking about disagreeing with me, I mean, that's the whole purpose of debate and all.....but I just detect an undercurrent of.....well, like you said, contempt, and I find it very disrespectful and not at all conducive to the actual debate.....
KCConservative said:
I'm sorry, stace. I thought you liked Kerry. My fault.

I did vote for him, and I do like some of his policies, more so than those of Bush, anyway.....but I don't know the man personally, so I don't know if I'd actually like him or not :mrgreen:

See, that wasn't so hard, was it? :lol:
I don't think Byrd should be praised. He used to belong to the KKK.

Enough said.
Stace said:
I did vote for him, and I do like some of his policies, more so than those of Bush, anyway.....but I don't know the man personally, so I don't know if I'd actually like him or not :mrgreen:

See, that wasn't so hard, was it? :lol:

Not at all. It was easy.
Would you tell me what just happened here? You thought I was insulting you when I called Kerry "your old pal"? How did that insult you? I didn;t say anything about you. Nothing.
cnredd said:
Oh, the trials and tribulations I go through...:cool:

LOL--great answer. :mrgreen:
KCConservative said:
yeah, that''s it. :roll:

Admission is the first step to recovery. :cool:
aps said:
Admission is the first step to recovery. :cool:
I think you ladies have something askew. I never intended for Stace to be offended when I called John Kerry her friend. I wasn't aware democrats were sensitive about that. In fact, I thought they would be proud of their admiration for him. If you'll notice above, I apologized to Stace. Now what exactly am I admitting to, aps, because I'm starting to get bored with this.
KCConservative said:
I think you ladies have something askew. I never intended for Stace to be offended when I called John Kerry her friend. I wasn't aware democrats were sensitive about that. In fact, I thought they would be proud of their admiration for him. If you'll notice above, I apologized to Stace. Now what exactly am I admitting to, aps, because I'm starting to get bored with this.

Stace perceived that you would make obnoxious statements to her and questioned whether you didn't like her personally or was it all liberals. While the John Kerry statement you made was probably not a good example of your obnoxious/sarcastic behavior, the fact remains that you exude this contempt for liberals. I'm merely stating my own perception (which Stace agrees with). When I joke with you, you're no longer remotely responsive. You don't need to admit anything to me. I was bored a long time ago with your attitude.
aps said:
Stace perceived that you would make obnoxious statements to her and questioned whether you didn't like her personally or was it all liberals. While the John Kerry statement you made was probably not a good example of your obnoxious/sarcastic behavior, the fact remains that you exude this contempt for liberals. I'm merely stating my own perception (which Stace agrees with). When I joke with you, you're no longer remotely responsive. You don't need to admit anything to me. I was bored a long time ago with your attitude.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up, KC. It just seems that here lately, you haven't had very much to add to the debates, other than bashing us liberals and our views, and I've just been snapping a lot this week.....there's been plenty of attitudes that I have tried to overlook since I've been here, because I figured maybe it was something they did to new people, but I'm not so new anymore, and it's not just me, so it's pretty obvious that there are just some sour grapes around here and my hormone addled brain just can't take it anymore!
Stace said:
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up, KC. It just seems that here lately, you haven't had very much to add to the debates, other than bashing us liberals and our views, and I've just been snapping a lot this week.....there's been plenty of attitudes that I have tried to overlook since I've been here, because I figured maybe it was something they did to new people, but I'm not so new anymore, and it's not just me, so it's pretty obvious that there are just some sour grapes around here and my hormone addled brain just can't take it anymore!
Then to you and aps, I take it back. You're no friend of John Kerry. I bash liberal thinking. I bash liberal philosophy. I bash the liberal platform...if they even have one. But I try never to bash an individual. I may not always succeed, but I try. And I don't think I even came close to bashing you in this instance.
KCConservative said:
Then to you and aps, I take it back. You're no friend of John Kerry. I bash liberal thinking. I bash liberal philosophy. I bash the liberal platform...if they even have one. But I try never to bash an individual. I may not always succeed, but I try. And I don't think I even came close to bashing you in this instance.

Does this mean...............we're back together? :cheers:
KCConservative said:
Then to you and aps, I take it back. You're no friend of John Kerry. I bash liberal thinking. I bash liberal philosophy. I bash the liberal platform...if they even have one. But I try never to bash an individual. I may not always succeed, but I try. And I don't think I even came close to bashing you in this instance.

No, not in this particular instance.....this was just the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.

I guess we'd just appreciate it if you'd listen to our opinions, views, and arguments, before you judge them and dismiss them as "typical liberal thinking" or something. Not all of us share the exact same views as the next liberal, nor do all of us follow blindly along the path of the Democratic platform. What we have to say is just as important as what any conservative has to say.
aps said:
Does this mean...............we're back together? :cheers:
Sure, but tell me something. How did I get in this mess? How did calling Kerry her "old friend" ignite such a misunderstanding? Why was that seen as contempt? Is John Kerry someone liberals are proud of or not?
Stace said:
What we have to say is just as important as what any conservative has to say.
Of course it is, and feel free to express it. But the same should go for me, right? Why place a restriction on my views?

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