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May 20, 2005
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Brandon, Florida
Is Islam the ultimate threat to American security? If not, then who or what is.

Who hates us more? Who does more to kill Americans and our allies? Will they ever stop?

I'm talking about insane religious fanatics who have been a problem for a thousand years.

I think Islam needs to come into the 21st century. Islamic extremists absurd reaction to the Newsweek article should alarm even people of Islamic faith.

I'm concerned for my children's future with these people acting the way they do. We have to stop them or they are going to start World War III.
How do you propose we stop them? A Jihad perhaps?

I have to agree with you, we need to drag those people into the 21st century even if they are kicking and screaming. I don't understand how civilized societies in the world could have allowed this to continue for so long.​
Drag them kicking and screaming? That's quite a theory. Could you elaborate?
Drag them kicking and screaming? That's quite a theory. Could you elaborate?
Didn't you ever wonder why a group of people were allowed to be so isolated from modern civilization that they didn't progress for thousands of years? The leaders became rich and educated, so it isn't really a cultural or biblical preference to remain stagnant. There should have been more of an international effort to modernize, and educate all the third world countries.
They are not the only ones who need to be stopped.
I agree, we should put a muzzle on the NY Times for sure. They are obsessed with making our country look like the bad guys in the world. :doh
When they kill it's terrorism, when we do it it's media liberal bias? :confused:
Squawker said:
I agree, we should put a muzzle on the NY Times for sure. They are obsessed with making our country look like the bad guys in the world. :doh

Is the US immune from being wrong, is the US immune from being the bad guys? Last time I checked the US was populated with humans, subjectable to all the weaknesses mankind is cursed with. Greed, jealously, hate.
There are a few times in history where the US were or helped the bad guys.

The US nor any other country is immune from this. To say that the US is better or more infallible than any other country is just ignorance on your part my friend.

Oh yeah and if you have problem with free press, move to Burma.
Oh yeah and if you have problem with free press, move to Burma.
Is that suppose to have some relevance? I am still free to squawk about the what the free press writes. I never liked propaganda and don't appreciate a major newspaper harping on every little thing they find to humiliate, and degrade or country and our military. Journalistic integrity has been an oxymoron for years now. :roll:
I never liked propaganda and don't appreciate a major newspaper harping on every little thing they find to humiliate, and degrade or country and our military.

Isn't exposing what was wrong and what went wrong the only way to put a stop to it? Should they just close their eyes and pretend nothing happened?
Obviously the situation was bad enough to make some of the people in military complain and report to their superiors. As long as there are people like these who had the courage to keep their eyes open and complain, the country and the military will never be degraded or humiliated.

Don't you think that the country and military would have been humiliated and degraded a lot more if everyone kept quiet? Just because you don't hear about it it doesn't mean it is not happening.
Is Islam the ultimate threat to American security? If not, then who or what is.

Who hates us more? Who does more to kill Americans and our allies? Will they ever stop?

I'm talking about insane religious fanatics who have been a problem for a thousand years.

I think Islam needs to come into the 21st century. Islamic extremists absurd reaction to the Newsweek article should alarm even people of Islamic faith.

I'm concerned for my children's future with these people acting the way they do. We have to stop them or they are going to start World War III.

Islam is a threat to many societies, try Solmolia for example.
Whats funny is watching "liberals" defend oppressive and conservative religious rule in the form of Islamic Fundamentalism and Iran's theocratic regime and advocate against:

- the further spread of secular rule in the region, expansion of human rights, religious freedom, and the spread of democracy for women.

After they advocate against the US spreading those values and overthrowing oppressive religious and dictatorial regimes, the Liberals proceed to bash religious conservative in the form of Christians, while praising conservatives in the form of Islamic Fundamentalists.

hypocrisy much?

Liberals are afraid the US will overthrow Iran's Theocratic regime (i didnt say invade, u tools) and help install a secular democracy that embraces religious freedom and human rights.

Gamago25 said:
Whats funny is watching "liberals" defend oppressive and conservative religious rule in the form of Islamic Fundamentalism and Iran's theocratic regime and advocate against:

- the further spread of secular rule in the region, expansion of human rights, religious freedom, and the spread of democracy for women.

After they advocate against the US spreading those values and overthrowing oppressive religious and dictatorial regimes, the Liberals proceed to bash religious conservative in the form of Christians, while praising conservatives in the form of Islamic Fundamentalists.

hypocrisy much?

Liberals are afraid the US will overthrow Iran's Theocratic regime (i didnt say invade, u tools) and help install a secular democracy that embraces religious freedom and human rights.

Overthrow Iran without an invasion? Excellent idea. I have no problem with this at all and I am a liberal. If you want to see a humanitarian movement that peacefully removes the cruel dictatorship of a country, I think that is awesome. How do you plan on achieving such a thing? As a fellow pascifist, I am fascinated by conversations like these? What do you suggest?
You would have to get UN approval first. :roll: Seeing as they are corrupt, and probably have "business deals" with the leadership, it would be a cold day in hell before they gave the ok.
Squawker said:
You would have to get UN approval first. :roll: Seeing as they are corrupt, and probably have "business deals" with the leadership, it would be a cold day in hell before they gave the ok.

I agree. People will scream awhile as their sweet money deals are cut off. i.e France and Russia but they will get over it eventually. You will however have to put up with the whiny liberals pestering you during the transition as usual.
It is not Politically Correct to just shoot them as Saddam would have done and did to his dissenters.

"[T]hey stripped me of my clothes and a security officer said “the person you saw has confessed
against you”. He said to me “You followers of [Ayatollah] al-Sadr have carried out acts harmful
to the security of the country and have been distributing anti-government statements coming from
abroad. He asked if I have any contact with an Iraqi religious scholar based in Iran who has
been signing these statements. I said “I do not have any contacts with him” . . . I was then left
suspended [naked and handcuffed, with a board between my elbows and knees on two high
chairs]...My face was looking upward. They attached an electric wire on my penis and the other
end of the wire is attached to an electric motor. One security man was hitting my feet with a
cable. Electric shocks were applied every few minutes and were increased. I must have been
suspended for more than an hour. I lost consciousness. . . . They repeated this method [of
torture] a few times.”
Al-Shaikh Yahya was regularly subjected to electric shocks and beating on his feet. For two
months of his detention, he slept on the floor with his hands tied behind his back and his face on
the floor. According to his testimony, this was more unbearable than the electric shocks. He was
also suspended from a window non-stop for three days once, and at one point during this
suspension, had a heavy weight attached to his genitals.
Five months later, al-Shaikh Yahya and 21 other detainees were transferred to a separate
detention center also in Baghdad. He was detained without charge or trial for another four
months, until April 14, 2000, when he was released.
[Account taken from Amnesty International, IRAQ Systematic torture of political prisoners, August 15, 2001]
--al-Shaikh Yahya Theology Student

Sometimes it seems if the liberals had their way Saddam would still own Iraq.

Iraq: A Population Silenced

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