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Border Patrol Chief Under Obama Supports Trump’s Border Wall (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 8, 2017
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
So much for the OPEN BORDERS Illegal-o-crats' claims that they are "listening to the experts".

The most RELEVENT EXPERTS AVAILABLE, Border Patrol leaders, and ICE agents, are uniformly in support of the President's call for a wall as a part of border security.

Border Patrol Chief Under Obama Supports Trump’s Border Wall

Mark Morgan, the Border Patrol Chief under former President Barack Obama, ardently supports President Donald Trump’s desire to build a wall along the southern border.

Everywhere where a wall was built — in conjunction with a multi-layer approach of infrastructure, technology, and personnel — it works,” he said. “Illegal immigration where the wall was has been reduced 90 percent.”

Morgan pointed to those stats to explain why he believes that Democrats, like Speaker Pelosi, who call the wall “immoral” are wrong


Don't confuse the issue with facts and opinions from someone who was in charge. :lamo

Physical barriers along with other methods does work.

AZ has a Congressman who does not support the wall. Rep. Grijalva seems to have never met an illegal who he didn't like. :mrgreen:
Don't confuse the issue with facts and opinions from someone who was in charge. :lamo

Physical barriers along with other methods does work.

AZ has a Congressman who does not support the wall. Rep. Grijalva seems to have never met an illegal who he didn't like. :mrgreen:

dem border security.jpg
We don't have open borders, you lie and exaggerate because you can't argue the issues.

Open borders means there is no security at the border and freedom of movement is legally allowed by the government. It doesn't mean the past 230 years you haven't had the wall you just started wanting was "open borders".
We don't have open borders, you lie and exaggerate because you can't argue the issues.

Open borders means there is no security at the border and freedom of movement is legally allowed by the government. It doesn't mean the past 230 years you haven't had the wall you just started wanting was "open borders".

We have far to many places that ARE OPEN, which IS THE ISSUE, and Obama's OWN BP CHIEF has no trouble pointing out the DEMIDIOCY in regards to it.

Sorry about your FAILED "TALKING POINT".
We have far to many places that ARE OPEN, which IS THE ISSUE, and Obama's OWN BP CHIEF has no trouble pointing out the DEMIDIOCY in regards to it.

Sorry about your FAILED "TALKING POINT".

Oh my! A career border agent thinks that border agents should be showered with funding!? Who could've ever seen this! Next I bet you'll ask an abortion doctor if he thinks the government should subsidize more abortions.
Oh my! A career border agent thinks that border agents should be showered with funding!? Who could've ever seen this! Next I bet you'll ask an abortion doctor if he thinks the government should subsidize more abortions.


Originally Posted by RabidAlpaca

"... you lie and exaggerate because you can't argue the issues.

Next you'll pretend that the Illegal-o-crats are actually concerned with securing the border.

Keep DANCING...it's fun to watch!!

Next you'll pretend that the Illegal-o-crats are actually concerned with securing the border.

Keep DANCING...it's fun to watch!!

Oh he doesn't need to be showered with billions for a wall? Great! He can start filling sandbags himself then and Trump can stop looking for the money.
Oh he doesn't need to be showered with billions for a wall? Great! He can start filling sandbags himself then and Trump can stop looking for the money.

Tell it to OBAMA'S BORDER PATRIL CHIEF, since, you seem to think you know more about it than he does.

$5.7 billion is FAR FROM " being showered with billions".

The money is already available in the DHS and other areas under the Executive Branch purview , and there is not ONE ****ING THING the Illegal-o-crats can do about the POTUS choosing to use it for border security.
Mr. Morgan did not say a wall alone was effective, he said a multi-layered approach was effective where it exists.
He did not say it was the most cost effective solution. Cost was not a consideration in his presentation.
He did not say that those who did not cross a wall did not cross somewhere else.
He did not say it was not detrimental to the environment.
He did not say it did not impinge on the rights of US citizens living along the border.
He did not address the incentives US law creates to sneak across the border rather than cross legally.

A wall wastes resources that should be used more effectively. it would take years of construction, and once constructed it would require continuous maintenance.

Comprehensive immigration law reform should be the first step, not the last.
Mr. Morgan did not say a wall alone was effective, he said a multi-layered approach was effective where it exists.
He did not say it was the most cost effective solution. Cost was not a consideration in his presentation.
He did not say that those who did not cross a wall did not cross somewhere else.
He did not say it was not detrimental to the environment.
He did not say it did not impinge on the rights of US citizens living along the border.
He did not address the incentives US law creates to sneak across the border rather than cross legally.

A wall wastes resources that should be used more effectively. it would take years of construction, and once constructed it would require continuous maintenance.

Comprehensive immigration law reform should be the first step, not the last.

Straw man much?

I never said he said a "WALL ALONE"....

HE DID SAY THIS...which renders the rest of your BULL**** MOOT:

“ Everywhere where a wall was built — in conjunction with a multi-layer approach of infrastructure, technology, and personnel — it works,” he said. “Illegal immigration where the wall was has been reduced 90 percent.”
Tell it to OBAMA'S BORDER PATRIL CHIEF, since, you seem to think you know more about it than he does.

$5.7 billion is FAR FROM " being showered with billions".

The money is already available in the DHS and other areas under the Executive Branch purview , and there is not ONE ****ING THING the Illegal-o-crats can do about the POTUS choosing to use it for border security.

If we asked abortion doctors if they think they could use 5.6 billion dollars for something, do you think they'd say yes? Would that convince you of anything? You don't think you know more than doctors do you?
If we asked abortion doctors if they think they could use 5.6 billion dollars for something, do you think they'd say yes? Would that convince you of anything? You don't think you know more than doctors do you?

Your desperation to try to CHANGE THE EMBARRASSING (for you and yours) TOPIC from OBAMA's BORDER PATROOL CHIEF agreeing with Trump is duly noted.

Abortionists would use it to KILL MORE BABIES...which is what they do.

The Border Patrol will use the wall to STOP MORE ILLEGALS...which is what they do.


missing the point in rocket.jpg
Straw man much?

I never said he said a "WALL ALONE"....

HE DID SAY THIS...which renders the rest of your BULL**** MOOT:

“ Everywhere where a wall was built — in conjunction with a multi-layer approach of infrastructure, technology, and personnel — it works,” he said. “Illegal immigration where the wall was has been reduced 90 percent.”

Are you arguing for a wall as the best solution to improve border security or for Mr. Morgan's statement? If you're arguing for a wall as the best solution for border security then all of my statements are pertinent. What Mr. Morgan said makes no point I made moot, it makes my point. He made a very specific claim, but did not address multiple other aspects of a complex problem.
Are you arguing for a wall as the best solution to improve border security or for Mr. Morgan's statement? If you're arguing for a wall as the best solution for border security then all of my statements are pertinent. What Mr. Morgan said makes no point I made moot, it makes my point. He made a very specific claim, but did not address multiple other aspects of a complex problem.

I am making the point that EVEN OBAMA'S BORDER PATROL CHIEF SIDES WITH PRES.TRUMP, on the NECESSITY of a WALL/BARRIER for border security.

NO WHERE did I or he, say ONLY A WALL, which was your attempted STRAWMAN, but the EFECTIVENESS of a WALL, which the Illegaocrats KEEP LYING ABOUT, was clearly attested to .


Everywhere where a wall was built — in conjunction with a multi-layer approach of infrastructure, technology, and personnel — it works,” he said. “Illegal immigration where the wall was has been reduced 90 percent.”

He didn't say "everywhere drones were deployed", or everywhere electronic surveillance was used"...etc...DID HE?
I am making the point that EVEN OBAMA'S BORDER PATROL CHIEF SIDES WITH PRES.TRUMP, on the NECESSITY of a WALL/BARRIER for border security.

NO WHERE did I or he, say ONLY A WALL, which was your attempted STRAWMAN, but the EFECTIVENESS of a WALL, which the Illegaocrats KEEP LYING ABOUT, was clearly attested to .


Everywhere where a wall was built — in conjunction with a multi-layer approach of infrastructure, technology, and personnel — it works,” he said. “Illegal immigration where the wall was has been reduced 90 percent.”

He didn't say "everywhere drones were deployed", or everywhere electronic surveillance was used"...etc...DID HE?

I'm pretty sure he did not say it was necessary, only that it was effective where it exists. Repetition does not improve your point. I watched the video.
I'm pretty sure he did not say it was necessary, only that it was effective where it exists. Repetition does not improve your point. I watched the video.
What an INANE attempted point. That's really you current "DENIAL"?

He said it is over 90% effective.

He said a "WALL IS "KEY" for border security. Better listen again.

Word Dance much?

Ignoring the FACTS do not improve your "points" either.
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Are you arguing for a wall as the best solution to improve border security or for Mr. Morgan's statement? If you're arguing for a wall as the best solution for border security then all of my statements are pertinent. What Mr. Morgan said makes no point I made moot, it makes my point. He made a very specific claim, but did not address multiple other aspects of a complex problem.

I am arguing that a WALL STOPS ALMOST ALL PEOPLE...as does Obama's Border Patrol chief.


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