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Boogaloo Boi Gets More Than Four Years in Prison After ‘Blindly’ Shooting 13 Rounds into Minneapolis Police Building During George Floyd Protest (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
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Political Leaning
This is very good news.

There were many reports of far right wing extremists causing and starting violence at the protests in 2020.

I'm glad to see those who did cause violence are now facing the consequences for their crimes.

Shooting blindly into anywhere is very irresponsible and shows the person doesn't care about life. This person shot into a police station.

I wonder why that person wanted to harm or kill innocent police?

But people protesting the police killing blacks are causing this by angering white folks.

Let's not anger the Rep/con/whites by defending democracy and prosecuting the assault on democracy and black people or they might do worse upon democracy and black people. Be sensible like the Dems are being.
52 months seems way to short for firing a gun at police. People have been charged with a lot more for less.

He didn't just fire into the police station.

He set the police station on fire then gleefully watched it burn.

He then bragged about it on Facebook.
What the hell did the guy expect to happen after firing at a police station?
Anyone doing that deserves to go to prison for quite a long time.

Total insanity.
He didn't just fire into the police station.

He set the police station on fire then gleefully watched it burn.

He then bragged about it on Facebook.

Who did he think would defend him for doing that?
I've stated my opposition to how some police work in the US but firing at a station and setting it on fire is bloody stupid.
Change should come through the peaceful use of the vote.
This is very good news.

There were many reports of far right wing extremists causing and starting violence at the protests in 2020.

I'm glad to see those who did cause violence are now facing the consequences for their crimes.

Shooting blindly into anywhere is very irresponsible and shows the person doesn't care about life. This person shot into a police station.

I wonder why that person wanted to harm or kill innocent police?

Not good news. He should have gotten a 20 year sentence.
He bragged about his crimes on FB?? Lol

Because their boss Trump can get away with shooting someone on 5th Avenue Trumpsters seem to believe they can get away any crime, and brag about it... Lol

They're not rich and powerful, and they are ignorant.. So they can't grasp that there is different rules for their god, and themselves..
He should get 4 years just for using a dumb ass word like Boogaloo. Traitor

Was the founder a 5 years old?
He didn't just fire into the police station.

He set the police station on fire then gleefully watched it burn.

He then bragged about it on Facebook.
Posters on this forum have said that BLM and/or Antifa did that. I wonder if they'll stop saying that now.
This is very good news.

There were many reports of far right wing extremists causing and starting violence at the protests in 2020.

I'm glad to see those who did cause violence are now facing the consequences for their crimes.

Shooting blindly into anywhere is very irresponsible and shows the person doesn't care about life. This person shot into a police station.

I wonder why that person wanted to harm or kill innocent police?

White supremacist scum. That's our Republican party these days, cozying up to these satan worshippers.
This is very good news.

There were many reports of far right wing extremists causing and starting violence at the protests in 2020.

I'm glad to see those who did cause violence are now facing the consequences for their crimes.

Shooting blindly into anywhere is very irresponsible and shows the person doesn't care about life. This person shot into a police station.

I wonder why that person wanted to harm or kill innocent police?

Good no allying with the ****ing boogs, no matter how much they try to fool even lefties, they are not your friend nor are they actually for anything but starting another civil war. He is the enemy.
This is very good news.

There were many reports of far right wing extremists causing and starting violence at the protests in 2020.

I'm glad to see those who did cause violence are now facing the consequences for their crimes.

Shooting blindly into anywhere is very irresponsible and shows the person doesn't care about life. This person shot into a police station.

I wonder why that person wanted to harm or kill innocent police?

With that said that particular precinct has been a nightmare for many living there.
Who did he think would defend him for doing that?
I've stated my opposition to how some police work in the US but firing at a station and setting it on fire is bloody stupid.
Change should come through the peaceful use of the vote.
Not even the new black panthers are buying into this fake play to allying with left radical groups.
Hey everyone. Remember how Trumpists constantly try to blame awful things Trumpists do on ANTIFA? Remember how their accusations are barely-disguised confessions?
This is very good news.

There were many reports of far right wing extremists causing and starting violence at the protests in 2020.

I'm glad to see those who did cause violence are now facing the consequences for their crimes.

Shooting blindly into anywhere is very irresponsible and shows the person doesn't care about life. This person shot into a police station.

I wonder why that person wanted to harm or kill innocent police?

If he was black he'd likely have been drawn and quartered by now.
The fact of the RW being the perpetrators of violence in these protests is drowned-out by the vociferous control of narrative by the RW that it's the LW causing the violence. Dems remain quiet crickets. Not a F'g word.
This is very good news.

There were many reports of far right wing extremists causing and starting violence at the protests in 2020.

I'm glad to see those who did cause violence are now facing the consequences for their crimes.

Shooting blindly into anywhere is very irresponsible and shows the person doesn't care about life. This person shot into a police station.

I wonder why that person wanted to harm or kill innocent police?

Have you considered the possibility that what he really wanted to do was to get the police to fire blindly back at the mostly "Black" demonstrators and thus start a "race riot" (which, of course, would be blamed on the "Blacks")?
Have you considered the possibility that what he really wanted to do was to get the police to fire blindly back at the mostly "Black" demonstrators and thus start a "race riot" (which, of course, would be blamed on the "Blacks")?

That was the whole idea of imbedding these misanthropes amongst non-violent demonstrators who they hate.
He didn't just fire into the police station.

He set the police station on fire then gleefully watched it burn.

He then bragged about it on Facebook.
Nope, that was a BLM, Antifa, communist black dude that did that...

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