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Bombs hit Bali - again (1 Viewer)

Okay, what the Hell? A terrorist attack targeted at Australian and other tourists has killed over 26 people so far, and no one on here has a thing to say? What, you don't care if it's not Americans getting killed?
I think it's very disturbing!

They have video from a guy who was at the restaurant filming his family when the first bomb went off, I just can't put into words what I thought when I saw that footage. I don't understand how anyone can just kill random civilians like that, I don't care how mad you are or what you're mad about that is just sic and it only shows what disgusting human beings these terrorist are.
vergiss said:
Okay, what the Hell? A terrorist attack targeted at Australian and other tourists has killed over 26 people so far, and no one on here has a thing to say? What, you don't care if it's not Americans getting killed?

I did not miss it.

Every day that happens, and people react to who is being killed, but then the worst of the “liberal” scum turn right around and somewhere else justify how they are being killed, or they condemn the killing of the criminals.


“Dear Sheikh Yassin,
We are writing to you regarding continued attacks against civilians for which the Islamic Resistance Movement (harakat al-muqawama al-islamiyya, Hamas) has claimed responsibility. We are aware of remarks by you and by other leading Hamas figures, including Dr. Abd al-Aziz al-Rantissi and Dr. Mahmoud Zahar, endorsing such attacks.”

Be sure to check out their newest report on Iraq.

“Strongly condemns the continuing grave violations of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in particular the tragic assassination of Sheikh Ahmad Yassin on 22 March 2004, in contravention of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949;”

“The Secretary-General strongly condemns Israel’s assassination of Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, which resulted in the deaths of eight others. He is concerned that such an action would lead to further bloodshed and death and acts of revenge and retaliation. He reiterates that extrajudicial killings are against international law and calls on the Government of Israel to immediately end this practice. The only way to halt an escalation in the violence is for the parties to work towards a viable negotiating process aimed at a just, lasting and comprehensive settlement.”

I am getting really sick of it.
The Bali 2002 bombing was government sponsored terrorism. The clearest indicator of this was the huge size of the explosion and the resulting crater. A car bomb as the official story (in the media) runs is obviously wrong as no known explosive packed in a car would produce the resulting damage and flash burns. Much more likely to be responsible for the damage seen at the scene is a military weapon placed under the road.

In the latest bombing the mobile phone network was shut down after the first 3 bombs. 3 more bombs were then found unexploded across Bali indicating that the bombs were set off by mobile phones and not suicide bombers as stated by the press. The tactic of the NWO in the 7/7 and now Bali bombs 2005 is for smaller more believable attacks as they are harder to recognize as government sponsored terrorism. The Australia media warned about upcoming attacks last week and Australia is now in the process of passing new terror laws, this is no co-incidence.

The use of government sponsored terrorism will continue until the population wakes up to this problem-reaction-solution method. The next large attack will probably be of a nuclear nature, in the US and organized by Dick Cheney. This attack will come before Bush loses the next election and will allow the bombing of Iran to proceed.

Yes, we all care that these attacks are occurring and wish them to stop.
Didga said:
The Bali 2002 bombing was government sponsored terrorism. The clearest indicator of this was the huge size of the explosion and the resulting crater. A car bomb as the official story (in the media) runs is obviously wrong as no known explosive packed in a car would produce the resulting damage and flash burns. Much more likely to be responsible for the damage seen at the scene is a military weapon placed under the road.

In the latest bombing the mobile phone network was shut down after the first 3 bombs. 3 more bombs were then found unexploded across Bali indicating that the bombs were set off by mobile phones and not suicide bombers as stated by the press. The tactic of the NWO in the 7/7 and now Bali bombs 2005 is for smaller more believable attacks as they are harder to recognize as government sponsored terrorism. The Australia media warned about upcoming attacks last week and Australia is now in the process of passing new terror laws, this is no co-incidence.

The use of government sponsored terrorism will continue until the population wakes up to this problem-reaction-solution method. The next large attack will probably be of a nuclear nature, in the US and organized by Dick Cheney. This attack will come before Bush loses the next election and will allow the bombing of Iran to proceed.

Yes, we all care that these attacks are occurring and wish them to stop.

Sleep well...


  • tinfoil.jpg
    8.2 KB · Views: 4
THE coming war will be wide and large
The autralian people will be sucked in this way
and I suspect after America strikes IRAN so will china and russia join in
just too many dang people in this world
its time for war and pestilence once more
the road to prosperity lies beyond the onslaught
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Canuck said:
THE coming war will be wide and large
The autralian people will be sucked in this way
and I suspect after America strikes IRAN so will china and russia join in
just too many dang people in this world
its time for war and pestilence once more
the road to prosperity lies beyond the onslaught

Aww. You're so cute and angsty. Can I poke you?

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