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Bombings in Iraq kill 160, Wound 570 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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BAGHDAD, Iraq - A spasm of retaliatory violence, claimed by al-Qaida in the name of Sunni insurgents, ripped through Baghdad on Wednesday. At least 160 people were killed and 570 wounded in more than a dozen highly coordinated bombings — the capital's bloodiest day since the end of major combat.

The massive bombing campaign terrorized the capital for more than nine hours. The first attack, at 6:30 a.m., was the deadliest: a suicide car bombing which tore through assembled day laborers in the predominantly Shiite Muslim neighborhood of Kazimiyah.

In what was believed to be a new tactic, the bomber set off the explosive after calling the laborers to his small van and enticing them with promises of work, a witness said. At least 112 people were killed and more than 200 were wounded, Iraqi Health Ministry officials said.

Al-Qaida's leader in
Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, purportedly declared "all-out war" on Shiites, Iraqi troops and the government in an audiotape posted Wednesday on an Internet site known for carrying extremist Islamic content.
Bin Laden just made a serious error. Unless he is trying to, for some strange reason, to make them look bad this will only cause more justification for the fact that the insurgents in Iraq are in fact all terrorists. Just keep in mind that Al Qaeda (I think they spelled it wrong) had nothing to do with Iraq before the war. Look whats going on now.
Them damm US soldiers are killing anything that mo......oooo hold on.. it's not the soldiers doing any kiling it's the same terrorist as always targeting there own people. ****.. At this rate there isn't going to be anybody left alive in that country but soldiers and terrorist. Guess that would make it easier to go after them....

Not sure.. Can someone tell me if there is a huge negative campaign against these guys? Is the muslim community tired of this crap, or is it going to be life as normal (as normal as it can be when your the target of a group of insane murdering scumbags posing as your countrymen).
FinnMacCool said:
Bin Laden just made a serious error. Unless he is trying to, for some strange reason, to make them look bad this will only cause more justification for the fact that the insurgents in Iraq are in fact all terrorists. Just keep in mind that Al Qaeda (I think they spelled it wrong) had nothing to do with Iraq before the war. Look whats going on now.

Al Quaida(sic?) has been aggressively attacking us since the 90's, so who cares if we are killing off an organization that has been attacking us for awhile now in a country where ties with Sadam were tenuous at best?
As Bush always reminds us, 'we've turned the corner in Iraq.'

The problem is, Bush didn't tell us it was a U-turn.
Hoot said:
As Bush always reminds us, 'we've turned the corner in Iraq.'

The problem is, Bush didn't tell us it was a U-turn.

U-turns don't have corners. I know you were trying to be witty there but I figured I would just point that out
Calm2Chaos said:
U-turns don't have corners. I know you were trying to be witty there but I figured I would just point that out

When you turn a corner, is it a precise 90 degree angle, or a smooth, partial arc? (much like a U-turn) Doh....sheesh, eyeryone's a critic.

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