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Black Lives Matters protesters planned a march. The police threw them a cookout (1 Viewer)


King of Videos
DP Veteran
Jan 11, 2008
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Activist A.J. Bohannon had organized more than 1,000 Black Lives Matters protesters to march the streets of Wichita on Sunday. But then, days before, he received a call from the new police chief with a different idea.Instead of having an event that drew a hard line between protester and police, why not bring them all together for an evening of summer revelry and open dialogue?
So instead of marching, they gathered in a wooded park where the police department cooked and served up burgers. The officers played basketball with kids. They took group selfies. One officer did the “whip and the nae nae” and the “Cha Cha Slide” in a crowd of dancing girls — a video that instantly became a viral sensation.
Note how politicians aren't getting behind this.

No votes in it.
Yeo, it was awesome!!!!!

. I already posted this in the thread where people were falsely claiming BLM is a racist terrorist group and a hate group . .
First I asked who does BLM hate . . .nobody could answer
then I posted this and the thread ended lol

are there nutters in BLM or using it for cover? of course. Is the group itself a racist terrorist group or a hate group? by definition factually no.
Yeo, it was awesome!!!!!

. I already posted this in the thread where people were falsely claiming BLM is a racist terrorist group and a hate group . .
First I asked who does BLM hate . . .nobody could answer
then I posted this and the thread ended lol

are there nutters in BLM or using it for cover? of course. Is the group itself a racist terrorist group or a hate group? by definition factually no.

BLM hates white America. Jeff Hood proves that when he said, a couple of hours before the BLM terrorist attack in Dallas, "goddamn white America". If that isn't hate, then what is?
Entertain the terrorists? Kiss their asses? No, that isn't how it's done.

And that's why you're afraid.

Oh, you'll claim you're not afraid...but you are. You and every other one here who allows your fear to keep you from even considering the possibility that maybe, just maybe everything's not as black-and-white, not nearly as one-sided as you seem to think.

I don't celebrate Christmas, but back during WWI, during the first winter of the war, on Christmas morning, there were several instances of the men in the trenches singing, and then reaching out to the other side, swapping cigarettes and treats, and both sides realizing that the other were just regular men like themselves. The cops and the BLM people in the OP would understand to a measure just how those men must have felt, opposite sides reaching out and discovering that hey, the other side's people are okay, too. Some must have wondered the very same question that was asked in the 1960's - what if they gave a war and nobody came? Was the death of what would literally be millions on every side really worth it?

But then the general staff on both sides found out and issued orders that such would never be allowed to happen again, that never would their men be allowed to fraternize with the other side. And for the three remaining Christmases of that war, men continued to die. I suppose those generals would have approved of your opinion.
It's worth a try.

Odds are stacked against it, but we have to try.
BLM hates white America. Jeff Hood proves that when he said, a couple of hours before the BLM terrorist attack in Dallas, "goddamn white America". If that isn't hate, then what is?

BLM has white members, along with asian and lation members try again facts prove you wrong.
Jeff Hood is a PERSON, he is not BLM. that would like saying all righties hate gays and all lefties hate guns. I would never say that because that would be retarded.
Fact remains, BLM =/= racists, terroist or hate group
It's a wonderful idea, and hopefully it catches on. I would donate money to support any future police/BLM bbqs. Or similar outreach programs that encourages dialogue.
It's a wonderful idea, and hopefully it catches on. I would donate money to support any future police/BLM bbqs. Or similar outreach programs that encourages dialogue.

Get this.... A new Pokemon Go "Catch Their Hearts" police movement. Every time any cop passes by and patrols a local park in their city they stop. Look around from their stopped car to see the park. Get their phone out. *anounce on their PA*, "Heres a lure kids, behave". Pop a pokemon park lure for all the kids. Then drive on.
BLM has white members, along with asian and lation members try again facts prove you wrong.
Jeff Hood is a PERSON, he is not BLM. that would like saying all righties hate gays and all lefties hate guns. I would never say that because that would be retarded.
Fact remains, BLM =/= racists, terroist or hate group

Jeff Hood led the Dallas protest.
Jeff Hood led the Dallas protest.

and how does that impact the fact BLM is not a hate, terrorist or racist "Group"?
oh thats right it doesn't LMAO
and how does that impact the fact BLM is not a hate, terrorist or racist "Group"?
oh thats right it doesn't LMAO

It proves that BLM is a racist terrorist group.
Entertain the terrorists? Kiss their asses? No, that isn't how it's done.

Not to worry. As of January 2017, there will be no more crime or violence in America. Donald told us so.
Not to worry. As of January 2017, there will be no more crime or violence in America. Donald told us so.

Better than the WH being turned into a mosque. j/s
It proves that BLM is a racist terrorist group.

Not on this planet it doesn't LMAO


I let grandma know shes a racist terrorist who hates white people

facts prove your lie 100% wrong again :laughat:

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