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Black Lives Matter protesters riot in Manhattan, cause $100,000 damage (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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Black Lives Matter protesters riot in Manhattan, cause $100,000 damage

Eight people were arrested Friday night when a group of 150 Black Lives Matter protesters smashed windows and graffitied the storefronts of Lower Manhattan chain stores and banks, police sources said.
At least two Starbucks, five banks and a Duane Reade had their windows busted, causing an estimated $100,000 in damage.
Police recovered two stun guns, smoke grenades, and burglary and graffiti tools.

“Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground,” the group was recorded chanting at one point.

Another day, another BLM riot, followed by vandalism and looting. This isnt Trump's America, this is Blue State Lefty America- because it only happens there.
tRUMPs new America.
Black Lives Matter protesters riot in Manhattan, cause $100,000 damage

Another day, another BLM riot, followed by vandalism and looting. This isnt Trump's America, this is Blue State Lefty America- because it only happens there.

He and the Post were lying, of course:

The protest had been advertised on Twitter by groups calling themselves the “New Afrikan Black Panther Party” and the “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement.

They call themselves something other that BLM and a handful of them riot, so Post/PoS changes the name from "“New Afrikan Black Panther Party” and the “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement." to "BLM" and call it a day. Anything to smear someone they think is a political enemy.
Black Lives Matter protesters riot in Manhattan, cause $100,000 damage

Another day, another BLM riot, followed by vandalism and looting. This isnt Trump's America, this is Blue State Lefty America- because it only happens there.

And there is nothing Trump can do about it, right?

So Trump was not able to make America great again. He failed. If it is "Lefty Blue" America that is making American not great, than maybe a "Lefty Blue" president (whom Lefty Blue states presumably will listen to more than a "Righty Red" president) will be able to change the course of the country where the current Righty Red president couldn't?
He and the Post were lying, of course:

The protest had been advertised on Twitter by groups calling themselves the “New Afrikan Black Panther Party” and the “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement.

They call themselves something other that BLM and a handful of them riot, so Post/PoS changes the name from "“New Afrikan Black Panther Party” and the “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement." to "BLM" and call it a day. Anything to smear someone they think is a political enemy.

I wonder if this group was not a bunch of right wing rioters posing as BLM?

Probably was. Trump's America.
Trump's America is really falling apart.
Black Lives Matter protesters riot in Manhattan, cause $100,000 damage

Another day, another BLM riot, followed by vandalism and looting. This isnt Trump's America, this is Blue State Lefty America- because it only happens there.

Here's an eye-opener...This comes from the organizer of the BLM loot-fest in Chicago a few weeks ago. Wonder if the organizers of the Manhattan riot share the same philosophy?
BLM organizer who called looting ‘reparations’ dismisses peaceful protesting

The Chicago Black Lives Matter organizer who justified looting as “reparation” has doubled down — insisting this week that even calling someone a criminal is “based on racism.”
Ariel Atkins told WBEZ that her group “100 percent” supports the violent looters who trashed chunks of the Windy City on Monday, again repeating her claim that it is “reparations.”
“The whole idea of criminality is based on racism anyway,” she told the NPR station.
“Because criminality is punishing people for things that they have needed to do to survive or just the way that society has affected them with white supremacist BS,” she said.
At least 13 cops were injured and 100 people arrested in violent clashes that led a mostly black community in the troubled South Side to kick out a BLM march the next day.
Atkins attacked Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot — who is black — for calling the looting “straight-up felony, criminal conduct.”
“It’s like her deciding what is criminal and what isn’t,” Atkins said, suggesting that calling the thieves criminals was itself a form of racism.
Nice city you got there. It'd be a shame if something happened to it.

BLM = Terrorists.
And now authorities are starting to expect the outside agitators including White Surpremacist outside agitators and are tracking them down. $100k in Manhattan!!! Thats a couple doors and a few windows AT MOST.

8 windows in total
What an absolutely moronic claim. Ted Bundy was peaceful most of the time too.

Jon Wayne Gacy......mostly peaceful. abusive parents.......mostly peaceful. We could go all day.
He and the Post were lying, of course:

The protest had been advertised on Twitter by groups calling themselves the “New Afrikan Black Panther Party” and the “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement.

They call themselves something other that BLM and a handful of them riot, so Post/PoS changes the name from "“New Afrikan Black Panther Party” and the “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement." to "BLM" and call it a day. Anything to smear someone they think is a political enemy.

LOL so now the NY Post is lying because of something you read on twitter? LMAO your defense of terrorism is getting more and more pathetic each minute. :lol:

And there is nothing Trump can do about it, right?

So Trump was not able to make America great again. He failed. If it is "Lefty Blue" America that is making American not great, than maybe a "Lefty Blue" president (whom Lefty Blue states presumably will listen to more than a "Righty Red" president) will be able to change the course of the country where the current Righty Red president couldn't?

Trump can do something about it, but if he sends troops in you'll all just call him a fascist while your houses burn down to the ground. That's librul logic for you.

Trump's America is really falling apart.

Et tu, Ikari? I thought you were better than this.

And now authorities are starting to expect the outside agitators including White Surpremacist outside agitators and are tracking them down. $100k in Manhattan!!! Thats a couple doors and a few windows AT MOST.

So vandalism and looting of $100K is perfectly alright with you. Noted.
They need to shoot on site all vandals/looters involved in these type actions.

Trump is causing the most social unrest we have had since the 60's, he has to go,

Trump's America is not a pretty thing.


Next you'll b telling us trump is the one paying these professional ansrchists

Jon Wayne Gacy......mostly peaceful. abusive parents.......mostly peaceful. We could go all day.

We could, but the left truly wants everyone to ignore the obvious as they continue to support violence through their proxies. It's an old ploy - goes all rhe way back through human history- denounce such things publically, while quietly funding the very thing denounced.

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