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black abortion=genoside (1 Viewer)

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It's disturbing that ANY child is aborted - these numbers for black Americans are shocking!

His words ring well about abortion within all communities not just black Americans.

How does it help Black Americans to adopt postmodern definitions of sexuality, family and gender? White intellectuals such as Princeton's Pete Singer do not think a human life is any more valuable than the life of an animal. Black people have intimate experience with that sort of reasoning and should be repulsed by it. Mr. Singer's views on human sexuality include sexual relations, consensual of course, with non-humans. How will it serve the political, economic and social interests of Black Americans to follow the white culture into moral and ethical debasement?

This guy just lost ALOT of respect within his well written essay. He is comparing ONE mans disgusting views with an entire race - indirectly calling the white man animal f*ckers?

I realize this is coming from a black biased website. It's unfortunate that this type of radical thinking is keeping "racial tension" and preventing Dr King's dream from evolving.


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"It's unfortunate that this type of radical thinking is keeping "racial tension" and preventing Dr King's dream from evolving."

I agree. I only hope that one day we can get finally past race.
jcueckert13 said:
i found this information interesting reading. another article i was reading stated that there are 1400 abortions a day by black women and that equals 58.3 abortions per hour. according to this article blacks only make up 12.9% of the population but black abortions equal 34%.

So then I am guessing that white abortions are genoside, so are spanish abortions, asian abortions, and so on...
Pro-choice Jews are self-inflicted Nazis?

Dammit. I knew there was a reason I liked leather boots and long coats.
jcueckert13 said:
i found this information interesting reading. another article i was reading stated that there are 1400 abortions a day by black women and that equals 58.3 abortions per hour. according to this article blacks only make up 12.9% of the population but black abortions equal 34%.

I don't think abortion is a race thing, and I think those that exploit it as a race issue, are just looking to fight. Abortion is simply about the death of unborn children in many cases for nothing more then they were an inconvenience.
Check out this fact I found:

100% of abortions are done by women!!!

Let's get pissed at them even though the issue isn't who they are but rather what they are doing!
black abortions may be "genoside" but they certainly arent genocide if thats what you were trying to say. If abortion is murder than masturbation is massacre
Oh no! I'm killing potential life every time I have my period!
jcueckert13, what figures to do you have that pertain to white women, who have abortions?

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