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Bizarre Moment of the Day (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2018
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Political Leaning

Roger Stone posted a video on Instagram of his dog 'speaking' "Roger Stone did nothing wrong".

Today, the Grand Jury heard testimony from the stepson of one of Roger Stone's associates. This isn't that unusual but the timing is unusual because the last time the Mueller Grand Jury was convened to hear testimony on a Thursday was last summer the day before Mueller brought down indictments on 12 Russians.

Roger Stone posted a video on Instagram of his dog 'speaking' "Roger Stone did nothing wrong".

Today, the Grand Jury heard testimony from the stepson of one of Roger Stone's associates. This isn't that unusual but the timing is unusual because the last time the Mueller Grand Jury was convened to hear testimony on a Thursday was last summer the day before Mueller brought down indictments on 12 Russians.

I just saw that. It was weird, to say the least.

Roger Stone posted a video on Instagram of his dog 'speaking' "Roger Stone did nothing wrong".

Today, the Grand Jury heard testimony from the stepson of one of Roger Stone's associates. This isn't that unusual but the timing is unusual because the last time the Mueller Grand Jury was convened to hear testimony on a Thursday was last summer the day before Mueller brought down indictments on 12 Russians.

We can only hope that tomorrow finally gives us the indictment of Stone.
I just saw that. It was weird, to say the least.

Stone is maybe trying to prepare for an insanity defense. Maybe he suffered irreversible brain damage from diseases acquired from all that kinky promiscuous group sex he engaged in for decades.

Al Capone went slowly insane - maybe Roger is on that same road.
Why would the dog lie?
I was sure this was going to be about Trump saying he agreed with Pelosi on the SOTU! :lol:

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