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Bipartisan bumper sticker (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Okay, someone sent this to me, and it cracked me up.

At last.... A bumper sticker for both parties. FINALLY, someone has come out with a 100% bipartisan political bumper sticker.

The hottest selling bumper sticker comes from New York state:


Democrats put it on the rear bumper.

Republicans put it on the front bumper.

:lol: :lol:
pretty funny

one of my favorite non-partisan stickers is :

Someone Else For President

Always timely, always appropriate.
aps said:
Okay, someone sent this to me, and it cracked me up.

At last.... A bumper sticker for both parties. FINALLY, someone has come out with a 100% bipartisan political bumper sticker.

The hottest selling bumper sticker comes from New York state:


Democrats put it on the rear bumper.

Republicans put it on the front bumper.

:lol: :lol:

Hahaha, I got the same e-mail, do we know eachother?:shock: :lol:
Deegan said:
Hahaha, I got the same e-mail, do we know eachother?:shock: :lol:

LMAO! I didn't recognize your picture when you posted it. But maybe we do. :lol:

I really cannot stand Hillary. I wouldn't mind seeing her lose her seat in the Senate, although I doubt that will happen.
I like the one that was on Gary Harts bumper,

"Yeah I f_cked her! Vote for me!"
Billo_Really said:
I like the one that was on Gary Harts bumper,

"Yeah I f_cked her! Vote for me!"
What's the image in your sig link?
Originally posted by steen
What's the image in your sig link?
Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell.

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