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Bills to ease Cannabis research advance in Congress (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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For years our paranoid leaders have imposed very severe restrictions on anyone permitted to work with pot. Like requiring that it be locked in a safe under 24/7 surveillance. Now things are starting to relax a bit.

For years our paranoid leaders have imposed very severe restrictions on anyone permitted to work with pot. Like requiring that it be locked in a safe under 24/7 surveillance. Now things are starting to relax a bit.
Slowly but surely. You can even get a prescription for THC in Texas now under the Compassionate Care Act. Baby steps.
Slowly but surely. You can even get a prescription for THC in Texas now under the Compassionate Care Act. Baby steps

I use it several times during the day for exactly what it was prescribed for.
I don't like taking it while I'm working, but otherwise, yeah.
Not a good idea. I'm retired so it makes no diff. But not to play with.

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