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Billo_Really (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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Political Leaning
What is the next move,what shall we do, US and the UK,shall we go
or shall we stay Billy boy. i say lets go home.

love just the same

salt of the earth

Re: Billo_Really talk to me please my good friend, i think u r the only one
that talks sence i am sure u can be the next President of UNITED STATES,


regards mikeey
I wouldn't make a very good President. You see how people love to ignore me on this board. Imagine that going on around Capitol Hill. But I do know one thing:

I would be the most open President ever. The total opposite of whats-his-name. I'd probably get drunk at the Inaugural Ball. Only it would probably be an Inaugural Brawl. Kinda like Jackson's. I'd have all the troops home in less than a week. I'd have Bush, Chaney and Rumsfeld arrested for Crimes against Humanity and sent to the International Court or the World Tribunal on Iraq for trial. I would apologize to the world. But end it with, "Don't f___ with us!" I'd veto any bill that even had a scent of religion in it. I would not use tax payer dollars to discuss non-issues like the Ten Commandments or the "one nation under God" bullshit that people waste time on. Who and where and when kids and people want to use those terms is their business and not the governments.

I would submit a bill that made political contributions anonymous. I would introduce a bill that would ban electronic voting, the electoral college and Florida.

I would start a commission on why we are so hated by terrorists, muslims, ME people, or any other group that has issues on a international level. I would review the findings and recommendations with the intent of taking the wind out of any terrorist sails by removing the reasons for their hate. However, implementing any recommendations must be done with respect to National Security.

I would reduce the obscene defense budget to realistic levels. I would sign Kyoto accords. I would do press conferences with a Magnum 40 by my side.

I would make teacher secretary of state. And I would deport cnredd back to the planet he's from. That was silly. I don't know what planet he's from. I'd force Gunny and Navy Pride to be handcuffed to Rosie O'Donnell for a month straight being filmed while watching it every night with some brews and bros.

I make ban the electoral college vice-president and let him run the country while I took all the credit. And lastly, I'd have a Presidential stable of bitches following the motorcade wherever it went.

Oh yeah, I'd make it illegal to be SKILMATIC without a license.

Thank you for asking anyway.
Billo_Really said:
I wouldn't make a very good President. You see how people love to ignore me on this board. Imagine that going on around Capitol Hill. But I do know one thing:

I would be the most open President ever. The total opposite of whats-his-name. I'd probably get drunk at the Inaugural Ball. Only it would probably be an Inaugural Brawl. Kinda like Jackson's. I'd have all the troops home in less than a week. I'd have Bush, Chaney and Rumsfeld arrested for Crimes against Humanity and sent to the International Court or the World Tribunal on Iraq for trial. I would apologize to the world. But end it with, "Don't f___ with us!" I'd veto any bill that even had a scent of religion in it. I would not use tax payer dollars to discuss non-issues like the Ten Commandments or the "one nation under God" bullshit that people waste time on. Who and where and when kids and people want to use those terms is their business and not the governments.

I would submit a bill that made political contributions anonymous. I would introduce a bill that would ban electronic voting, the electoral college and Florida.

I would start a commission on why we are so hated by terrorists, muslims, ME people, or any other group that has issues on a international level. I would review the findings and recommendations with the intent of taking the wind out of any terrorist sails by removing the reasons for their hate. However, implementing any recommendations must be done with respect to National Security.

I would reduce the obscene defense budget to realistic levels. I would sign Kyoto accords. I would do press conferences with a Magnum 40 by my side.

I would make teacher secretary of state. And I would deport cnredd back to the planet he's from. That was silly. I don't know what planet he's from. I'd force Gunny and Navy Pride to be handcuffed to Rosie O'Donnell for a month straight being filmed while watching it every night with some brews and bros.

I make ban the electoral college vice-president and let him run the country while I took all the credit. And lastly, I'd have a Presidential stable of bitches following the motorcade wherever it went.

Oh yeah, I'd make it illegal to be SKILMATIC without a license.

Thank you for asking anyway.

No position for me? That's fine I was planning on enacting a military coup de'ta anyways with the aid of teachers monkey army of course.
Billo_Really said:
I wouldn't make a very good President. You see how people love to ignore me on this board. Imagine that going on around Capitol Hill. But I do know one thing:

I would be the most open President ever. The total opposite of whats-his-name. I'd probably get drunk at the Inaugural Ball. Only it would probably be an Inaugural Brawl. Kinda like Jackson's. I'd have all the troops home in less than a week. I'd have Bush, Chaney and Rumsfeld arrested for Crimes against Humanity and sent to the International Court or the World Tribunal on Iraq for trial. I would apologize to the world. But end it with, "Don't f___ with us!" I'd veto any bill that even had a scent of religion in it. I would not use tax payer dollars to discuss non-issues like the Ten Commandments or the "one nation under God" bullshit that people waste time on. Who and where and when kids and people want to use those terms is their business and not the governments.

I would submit a bill that made political contributions anonymous. I would introduce a bill that would ban electronic voting, the electoral college and Florida.

I would start a commission on why we are so hated by terrorists, muslims, ME people, or any other group that has issues on a international level. I would review the findings and recommendations with the intent of taking the wind out of any terrorist sails by removing the reasons for their hate. However, implementing any recommendations must be done with respect to National Security.

I would reduce the obscene defense budget to realistic levels. I would sign Kyoto accords. I would do press conferences with a Magnum 40 by my side.

I would make teacher secretary of state. And I would deport cnredd back to the planet he's from. That was silly. I don't know what planet he's from. I'd force Gunny and Navy Pride to be handcuffed to Rosie O'Donnell for a month straight being filmed while watching it every night with some brews and bros.

I make ban the electoral college vice-president and let him run the country while I took all the credit. And lastly, I'd have a Presidential stable of bitches following the motorcade wherever it went.

Oh yeah, I'd make it illegal to be SKILMATIC without a license.

Thank you for asking anyway.

I think banning the electoral college is a bad idea myself. You don't want to have mob rule.
Originally Posted by Trajan Octavian Titus:
No position for me? That's fine I was planning on enacting a military coup de'ta anyways with the aid of teachers monkey army of course.
You stay away from the "monkey men". Or "delta chimp". I'll make you Secretary of the Interior just to stop your bitching. If that didn't work, I'd give you half of teachers' 700 virgins.
But hey Bill, if it makes you feel any better, for what it's worth, I like reading your posts :). Anyways, can't say I agree with all of your views, but alot of them.
Originally Posted by TimmyBoy:
I think banning the electoral college is a bad idea myself. You don't want to have mob rule.
I thought "mob rule" was a metal band with Tommy Lee, TimmyBoy!
Originally posted by TimmyBoy:
But hey Bill, if it makes you feel any better, for what it's worth, I like reading your posts :). Anyways, can't say I agree with all of your views, but alot of them.
I'll take a lot. As long as its next to the ocean.
Billo_Really said:
I'll take a lot. As long as its next to the ocean.

In California next to the Pacific. Yeah right heh heh.
Billo_Really said:
You stay away from the "monkey men". Or "delta chimp". I'll make you Secretary of the Interior just to stop your bitching. If that didn't work, I'd give you half of teachers' 700 virgins.

Nah you can just make me head of FEMA and we'll call it even, I may not have run a horse show but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night.
Originally Posted by Trajan Octavian Titus:
Nah you can just make me head of FEMA and we'll call it even, I may not have run a horse show but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night.
That's perfect! Your hired. If you ever get into a pinch with the press after tragedy's, and they demand some good news, just tell them you saved a bunch of money on your car insurance...
Billo O Boy thank u sir,but u no what makes me so sad, is the people who
voted Bush and blair in,there sons or family should go and fight the war
for bush and blair, not the good people who voted the other way,and when
they come home from Araq with there coffin lids hammered down with rusty nails as the go to the ****ing tip, "Bush and Blair" would not


and nor should we.

god bless u m8.

Originally posted by mikeey:
Billo O Boy thank u sir,but u no what makes me so sad, is the people who
voted Bush and blair in,there sons or family should go and fight the war
for bush and blair, not the good people who voted the other way,and when
they come home from Araq with there coffin lids hammered down with rusty nails as the go to the ****ing tip, "Bush and Blair" would not


and nor should we.

god bless u m8.

Has Blair gone to any funerals? The Bushie Boy hasn't gone to one. Not one funeral!

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