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Bill O'Reilly an Anti-Semite and more? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 16, 2005
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Bill O'Reilly is the popular originator of the great "War on Christmas" debacle. Obviously Christmas came and went without a hitch and a non-Christian (though some Christian groups claim that it is) movie, "The Chronicals of Narnia", was number one at the box office for several weeks.

So what was his true agenda? He doesn't really seem to be so stupid as to believe that there actually is a war on Christmas and therefore Christianity. Perhaps he just trying to keep our minds off of whom the true war is against?

I mean for the Jewish peoples of our world it is not really 2006 it is more like 5768 (forgive me, I am not Jewish and do not know the exact year this is in the Jewish calander). Yet these people have to go by the year 2006 at their jobs, in dating correspondence, while filling out a personal check or filing their taxes.

It is the same for the Muslims for whom the year is somewhere between 1398 and 1404 (again, forgive me I am not a Muslim and I do not know their calender either). Yet they have to live under the same rules of time that the Christians have forced upon all of us.

This month we celebrated the new year and called it 2006 which is really not the year that it is for humanity just the number of years that have passed since Christ, as the messiah, allegedly died on the cross. The only exception I can think of now is the Chinese that have their own new year coming up (and I am not Chinese either so I don't really know what year it is for them but I think that it is still somewhere in the 5,000's).

There is no war on Christmas and no war on Christians either. All there is is what the Christians are doing to our Jewish, Muslim, Chinese, Athiest and Agnostic freinds.

I think Bill O'Reilly, and everyone who agrees with him, might just be full of hate.

BTW, in case you are curious, time does not really mean a lot to me as it is totally based on the revolution of this planet around the sun. Even to date the universe we do it under the conditions of the terms of our existance, as if we are so benevolent.
Interesting post. I never thought of that but it's true. Christians act like no one is tolerant of them but they are intolerant of lots of things.
Saboteur said:
Bill O'Reilly is the popular originator of the great "War on Christmas" debacle. Obviously Christmas came and went without a hitch and a non-Christian (though some Christian groups claim that it is) movie, "The Chronicals of Narnia", was number one at the box office for several weeks.

So what was his true agenda? He doesn't really seem to be so stupid as to believe that there actually is a war on Christmas and therefore Christianity. Perhaps he just trying to keep our minds off of whom the true war is against?

I mean for the Jewish peoples of our world it is not really 2006 it is more like 5768 (forgive me, I am not Jewish and do not know the exact year this is in the Jewish calander). Yet these people have to go by the year 2006 at their jobs, in dating correspondence, while filling out a personal check or filing their taxes.

It is the same for the Muslims for whom the year is somewhere between 1398 and 1404 (again, forgive me I am not a Muslim and I do not know their calender either). Yet they have to live under the same rules of time that the Christians have forced upon all of us.

This month we celebrated the new year and called it 2006 which is really not the year that it is for humanity just the number of years that have passed since Christ, as the messiah, allegedly died on the cross. The only exception I can think of now is the Chinese that have their own new year coming up (and I am not Chinese either so I don't really know what year it is for them but I think that it is still somewhere in the 5,000's).

There is no war on Christmas and no war on Christians either. All there is is what the Christians are doing to our Jewish, Muslim, Chinese, Athiest and Agnostic freinds.

I think Bill O'Reilly, and everyone who agrees with him, might just be full of hate.

BTW, in case you are curious, time does not really mean a lot to me as it is totally based on the revolution of this planet around the sun. Even to date the universe we do it under the conditions of the terms of our existance, as if we are so benevolent.

This is, and always will be, a Judeo-Christian nation, if you can't handle that fact, get the hell out!

There is nothing wrong with that fact, it is what it is, and people need to come to terms with that, or like I said, find somewhere else to live. The war on Christmas was real, but these huge corporations heard the people, and acted accordingly. This was really my biggest problem, the fact that some of these huge chains wanted to force their employees in to not mentioning Christmas, as if there was something wrong with it. Yet, they were just fine with stuffing their greedy pockets for all that the holiday brings them! You probably wouldn't notice what was happening, had you never really cared to understand the season, and the holiday, with all it's tradition, and meaning. This is clear from those here that want desperately to believe there was no culture war, you're just ignorant, or on the other side of the debate, and refuse to acknowledge it.:roll:
Bill O'Reilly is no anti-semite,that is just ridiculous. The war on christmas was real .Those that defednded Christmas were not trying to get other holidays excluded. Fox and the Oreilly show not only wished their viewers a Merry Christmas,but. A happy Hanukah as well which most TV networks did not. Though there were a few like CBS that woldn't say Merry Christmas,but.Did say happy Hanukah.
Deegan said:
This is, and always will be, a Judeo-Christian nation, if you can't handle that fact, get the hell out!

There is nothing wrong with that fact, it is what it is, and people need to come to terms with that, or like I said, find somewhere else to live. The war on Christmas was real, but these huge corporations heard the people, and acted accordingly. This was really my biggest problem, the fact that some of these huge chains wanted to force their employees in to not mentioning Christmas, as if there was something wrong with it. Yet, they were just fine with stuffing their greedy pockets for all that the holiday brings them! You probably wouldn't notice what was happening, had you never really cared to understand the season, and the holiday, with all it's tradition, and meaning. This is clear from those here that want desperately to believe there was no culture war, you're just ignorant, or on the other side of the debate, and refuse to acknowledge it.:roll:

:confused: If you knew your history, you would know that the United States was founded on the principles of the Enlightenment - as expounded by Hobbes, Locke, et al. Many of the founding fathers were deists, and they stuck in the Establishment Clause in the 1st Amendment specifically to prevent the United States from having an official religion.
Engimo said:
:confused: If you knew your history, you would know that the United States was founded on the principles of the Enlightenment - as expounded by Hobbes, Locke, et al. Many of the founding fathers were deists, and they stuck in the Establishment Clause in the 1st Amendment specifically to prevent the United States from having an official religion.

Where did I say that we should have an official religion?:confused:

I simply mentioned that we were founded on these principles, and the large majority believe these things, and they have made us a great nation. It is freedom of religion, and not freedom from, get it right. You folks that believe separation of church and state was in our document, commonly make this mistake, and it is not so. One only has to look to the federal holiday of Christmas, and see that this does not make us a theocracy, or threatens this country of becoming one. This constant argument is so ridiculous, if we have not done so by now, what makes you moonbats on the left think it would ever happen now?:confused:

Truth is, you know damn well it's not the case, and never will be. It is an obvious culture war, and the lines have been drawn, I know what side I am on, the proven winners side.
Deegan said:
Where did I say that we should have an official religion?:confused:

I simply mentioned that we were founded on these principles, and the large majority believe these things, and they have made us a great nation. It is freedom of religion, and not freedom from, get it right. You folks that believe separation of church and state was in our document, commonly make this mistake, and it is not so. One only has to look to the federal holiday of Christmas, and see that this does not make us a theocracy, or threatens this country of becoming one. This constant argument is so ridiculous, if we have not done so by now, what makes you moonbats on the left think it would ever happen now?:confused:

Truth is, you know damn well it's not the case, and never will be. It is an obvious culture war, and the lines have been drawn, I know what side I am on, the proven winners side.

Like I said, the United States was not founded on Judeo-Christian principles. If you can point to some examples, I'd like that very much. The fact that some of the founding fathers were Christians does not mean that they imbued it with those principles. Like I said, give us some examples.

The "Culture War" is nonexistent, and a red herring to distract us from genuine issues.
Engimo said:
Like I said, the United States was not founded on Judeo-Christian principles. If you can point to some examples, I'd like that very much. The fact that some of the founding fathers were Christians does not mean that they imbued it with those principles. Like I said, give us some examples.

The "Culture War" is nonexistent, and a red herring to distract us from genuine issues.

How about the prayer before sessions, how about the clergy in the senate, how about the wording in our laws passed since inception? How about the mention of every politician of God in his speeches for the last 200 years, how about churches in every new town that sprung up, how about the fact that 95% of Americans believe in God? The document is not where we put these principles, it was in our actions everyday, where it should be. I never thought it should be included in our document, that would exclude others, and I, and they obviously never wanted that.

The culture war is what we are engaged in now sir, wake up and wipe the blood from your nose.;)
Deegan said:
How about the prayer before sessions, how about the clergy in the senate, how about the wording in our laws passed since inception? How about the mention of every politician of God in his speeches for the last 200 years, how about churches in every new town that sprung up, how about the fact that 95% of Americans believe in God? The document is not where we put these principles, it was in our actions everyday, where it should be. I never thought it should be included in our document, that would exclude others, and I, and they obviously never wanted that.

The culture war is what we are engaged in now sir, wake up and wipe the blood from your nose.;)

No, that simply shows that the government was comprised of religious people. How does that mean that the Constitution was a Judeo-Christian based document? You seem to think that just because many of the founding fathers were Christian it means that they necessarily put Christian values into the Constitution - which is patently untrue.

Also, only about 87% of America believes in God.

Engimo said:
No, that simply shows that the government was comprised of religious people. How does that mean that the Constitution was a Judeo-Christian based document? You seem to think that just because many of the founding fathers were Christian it means that they necessarily put Christian values into the Constitution - which is patently untrue.

Also, only about 87% of America believes in God.


Yeah, they totally forgot, and disregarded all their values when writing this document, it never crossed their minds, lol.:rofl
Deegan said:
Yeah, they totally forgot, and disregarded all their values when writing this document, it never crossed their minds, lol.:rofl

That doesn't prove anything. Christians are not required to insert their Christianity into everything they write. The founding fathers knew that a secular United States was in the best interests of all religions, and they strove to write a document that promotes a religiously-neutral government.

Please, show me some exclusively Judeo-Christian principles that are evident in the Constitution.
What a trite little thread we have here...

I guess the the non-Arabic in the world should get their own numeric system?

British shouldn't touch irish potatoes?

Jews shouldn't own German shepards?

The truth of the matter is, there is no culture war directed at Christmas or Christianity. There may be a couple of minor scuffles between the ACLU and some random school or organization from time to time, but the ACLU represents both sides. There is, however, a blatant spin placed on a non issue by a sensational media and a few small fringe groups on either side. The bottom line is simple...everyone is free to practice his or her religion at the appropriate times and in the appropriate places. There is no state sponsorship or endorsement of ANY religion. Our society is inclusive and accepting of all faiths without bias or prejudice or scorn. There simply is no war on Christianity.

And to the starter of this thread...I dont like O'Reilly one bit...but the anti semite assertion was completely tasteless.
Engimo said:
That doesn't prove anything. Christians are not required to insert their Christianity into everything they write. The founding fathers knew that a secular United States was in the best interests of all religions, and they strove to write a document that promotes a religiously-neutral government.

Please, show me some exclusively Judeo-Christian principles that are evident in the Constitution.

How about the part in our Declaration where it reads "All men are created equal" did they get that from some progressive know it all, or was that their faith talking? The constitution was a legal document, meant to not include such beliefs, and for good reason. If you choose only to look there, you will be forever lost in the dark, and will never discover the true America, sad really.

I'm done talking with a brick wall, you just can't be reasonable, this is obvious to me, good day sir.:2wave:
Deegan said:
How about the prayer before sessions, how about the clergy in the senate, how about the wording in our laws passed since inception? How about the mention of every politician of God in his speeches for the last 200 years, how about churches in every new town that sprung up, how about the fact that 95% of Americans believe in God? The document is not where we put these principles, it was in our actions everyday, where it should be. I never thought it should be included in our document, that would exclude others, and I, and they obviously never wanted that.

The culture war is what we are engaged in now sir, wake up and wipe the blood from your nose.;)

Howbout the fact that Christmas wasn't even a national holiday until 1870. What's that, more than one hundred years after the US's creation? You'd think that if this was supposed to be a christian nation it would have been a national holiday at the beginning. But then, you'd be wrong.
Deegan said:
How about the part in our Declaration where it reads "All men are created equal" did they get that from some progressive know it all, or was that their faith talking? The constitution was a legal document, meant to not include such beliefs, and for good reason. If you choose only to look there, you will be forever lost in the dark, and will never discover the true America, sad really.

I'm done talking with a brick wall, you just can't be reasonable, this is obvious to me, good day sir.:2wave:

The Declaration is not a legal document, and has no bearing on the Constitution. The reason that the Constitution does not show the beliefs of the founders is that they did not want to include them in the government, is that so hard to believe?

Like I said, the personal beliefs of the founding fathers being Christian (even though they often were not) does not necessarily translate into a foundation of the US on those principles. I am being more than reasonable.
The both of you are constantly trying to insist that I am trying to say that we should be a Christian nation by law, I am not, that was tried, and failed miserably. I am merely talking about the fine Christian principles that made us such a great nation, and it was those principles that were the catalyst for this fine document. You non-believers feel left out in all of this, I understand that, but we still accept you, and there is plenty of time left to get right with God.;)
Deegan said:
The both of you are constantly trying to insist that I am trying to say that we should be a Christian nation by law, I am not, that was tried, and failed miserably. I am merely talking about the fine Christian principles that made us such a great nation, and it was those principles that were the catalyst for this fine document. You non-believers feel left out in all of this, I understand that, but we still accept you, and there is plenty of time left to get right with God.;)

Perhaps this arrogant condescension toward our nonbelieving peers is what causes such a steep divide between us on the issue. The Christian principle of humility seems to be lost on us these days and this fact is not missed by our detractors.
Deegan said:
The both of you are constantly trying to insist that I am trying to say that we should be a Christian nation by law, I am not, that was tried, and failed miserably. I am merely talking about the fine Christian principles that made us such a great nation, and it was those principles that were the catalyst for this fine document. You non-believers feel left out in all of this, I understand that, but we still accept you, and there is plenty of time left to get right with God.;)

So what's your point then?
Deegan said:
This is, and always will be, a Judeo-Christian nation, if you can't handle that fact, get the hell out!

There is nothing wrong with that fact, it is what it is, and people need to come to terms with that, or like I said, find somewhere else to live. The war on Christmas was real, but these huge corporations heard the people, and acted accordingly. This was really my biggest problem, the fact that some of these huge chains wanted to force their employees in to not mentioning Christmas, as if there was something wrong with it. Yet, they were just fine with stuffing their greedy pockets for all that the holiday brings them! You probably wouldn't notice what was happening, had you never really cared to understand the season, and the holiday, with all it's tradition, and meaning. This is clear from those here that want desperately to believe there was no culture war, you're just ignorant, or on the other side of the debate, and refuse to acknowledge it.:roll:

This is exactly what I expected to hear from Christians. You and your persecution are the true enemy of the world. You act like you are on the defence. Defence of what? If this country is such a powerful Judeo-Christian nation why are you so threatend? You must not have very strong faith.
jallman said:
Perhaps this arrogant condescension toward our nonbelieving peers is what causes such a steep divide between us on the issue. The Christian principle of humility seems to be lost on us these days and this fact is not missed by our detractors.

It's a common misconception, it's not arrogance, but concern, but we still accept all people of faith, and all of no faith, I do anyway. Still, I am aware that some feel left out when discussing religion with the founding of our country, I can't help that, the truth is that faith played a large role, I won't apologize for that. Those without faith, who attack those who do believe, these are the folks I am displeased with, and will fight at every turn. I am concerned, and enraged, when I hear college professors saying that religious people are nuts, and are the enemy, this is happening, and must be addressed.
JOHNYJ said:
Bill O'Reilly is no anti-semite,that is just ridiculous. The war on christmas was real .Those that defednded Christmas were not trying to get other holidays excluded. Fox and the Oreilly show not only wished their viewers a Merry Christmas,but. A happy Hanukah as well which most TV networks did not. Though there were a few like CBS that woldn't say Merry Christmas,but.Did say happy Hanukah.

So it wasn't a hateful threat when he said that he would strike fear into the hearts of those who wished him happy holiday instead of specifically wish him a Merry Christmas?

And what about the new year?

It is not the year 2006 it has just been 2006 years since some dude got nailed to a plank of wood.
Deegan said:
The both of you are constantly trying to insist that I am trying to say that we should be a Christian nation by law, I am not, that was tried, and failed miserably. I am merely talking about the fine Christian principles that made us such a great nation, and it was those principles that were the catalyst for this fine document. You non-believers feel left out in all of this, I understand that, but we still accept you, and there is plenty of time left to get right with God.;)

That's nice, but the principles you're talking about aren't there. The Revolution was spawned out of the Enlightenment, bottom line.
Deegan said:
It's a common misconception, it's not arrogance, but concern, but we still accept all people of faith, and all of no faith, I do anyway. Still, I am aware that some feel left out when discussing religion with the founding of our country, I can't help that, the truth is that faith played a large role, I won't apologize for that. Those without faith, who attack those who do believe, these are the folks I am displeased with, and will fight at every turn. I am concerned, and enraged, when I hear college professors saying that religious people are nuts, and are the enemy, this is happening, and must be addressed.

Okay, well indulge me for just a moment then. What do you expect them to think when they see Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell and a new pope who was practically a Nazi AND all this coming right on the coat tails of the eighties and nineties televangelist scandals AND further swept up in the middle of the catholic sex abuse scandals? It is with a heavy concern that I confess that the face of Christianity is not so pleasant these days but it is in our power to turn the tide. We will only do so through understanding and limitless kindness and tolerance. True Christians are in no place to adopt the tactics of the moral majority...it is in our best interest to distance ourselves from such nonsense in both word and deed.
cnredd said:
What a trite little thread we have here...

I guess the the non-Arabic in the world should get their own numeric system?

British shouldn't touch irish potatoes?

Jews shouldn't own German shepards?


Trite and pathetic how? Because you don't have any respect or care for other cultures that differ from those that are Christian?

It seems that you haven't grasped the full meanig of this thread. I am not calling for a segregation of faiths. I am trying to figure out why the most popular religion on the planet and its followers are so threatend by something that someone made up. Given the fact that the majority of the world is currently of the belief that it really is 2006 and not 5768 or the year 217,745,856,975,231. And 2006 is directly related to the Christian faith.

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