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Bill Clinton Covered Up a Tax Fraud Case (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
While we are currently bashing the Republicans for breaking the law, and hoping the long arm of the law reels in many of them, dont forget that, under the Clinton administration, there was also lawbreaking. Just something to think about.

When we go after government officials, present or former, we need to go after ALL of them.

To the Democrats - Dont be partisan in your fight to bring ethics back into government, and make our leaders abide by the rule of law. Your party is also at fault.

Article is here.
What good is going back in history now? Just to say that the Bush admonistration is not the only one that has broken laws? Well then you can go back to reagan, Nixon, LBJ, Kennedy etc etc....Most politicians feel that they are above the law...until they get caught.
What good is going back in history now?
I guess because "former President X did it too" (with or without proof) is becomming the standard rebuttal lately, in other posts. Whatever Bush is accused of, some other President is guilty of the same thing so that somehow makes it ok. I guess Ted Bundy's entire defense should have been "Jeffery Dahmer did it too!"

The point I got from this is, political corruption is not a partisan problem, it's everyone's problem.
Binary_Digit said:
I guess because "former President X did it too" (with or without proof) is becomming the standard rebuttal lately, in other posts. Whatever Bush is accused of, some other President is guilty of the same thing so that somehow makes it ok. I guess Ted Bundy's entire defense should have been "Jeffery Dahmer did it too!"

The point I got from this is, political corruption is not a partisan problem, it's everyone's problem.

I couldn't agree more. It couldn't be any clearer than you state. Excellent post.
Thanks! : )
Inuyasha said:
I couldn't agree more. It couldn't be any clearer than you state. Excellent post.

IOW "our guy got away with it leave him alone".

The Clinton's ( and don't think Hillary was not on top of this) have been the masters of obstruction which this is an example of. And previous reporting indicates that this also involves the use of the IRS against political enemies. Do we want to put Hillary back in the WH knowing what happened during her husbands tenure where the slogan was "vote for one and you get two". These are very serious issues and high crimes may have been committed. But you want to sweep it under the rug.
Stinger said:
IOW "our guy got away with it leave him alone".
These are very serious issues and high crimes may have been committed. But you want to sweep it under the rug.
Your first statement is overblown. The second could apply to the Bush administration as well. I don't see anyone going after either Bush or Clinton in any serious manner. It's just blatant partisanship all over again. proof that both Democrats and Republican hard liners care more about their respective parties than they do about the nation .
Inuyasha said:
Your first statement is overblown. The second could apply to the Bush administration as well. I don't see anyone going after either Bush or Clinton in any serious manner. It's just blatant partisanship all over again. proof that both Democrats and Republican hard liners care more about their respective parties than they do about the nation .
Bingo. You hit it on the head. Nobody can accuse me in any way of being a Bush apoligist, as I am one of his harshest critics. However, the Bush administration is only a symptom of a larger problem - Abuse of power by the Executive branch. This didnt start with Bush. It has been going on a long time, and needs to be stomped on hard. If Democrats did it in the past, that is damn well NOT OK. The way I see it, the Democrats are no different than the Republicans. They will come to the aid of their party no matter what laws their own party leaders broke. Such is the sickness that the 2 party system has become. The cure is to stomp every damn one of their leaders, both Republican and DEMOCRAT, out of the poltiical system. It doesnt matter who did it. Corruption is corruption, and our system has become rotten to the core.

America is the greatest nation in the world, but right now, it could sure be a hell of a lot greater. We can do it, but We the People must have the will.
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Inuyasha said:
Your first statement is overblown.

Not at all, that is preciesly the defense being offered.

The second could apply to the Bush administration as well.

No it couldn't, they haven't been an administration that covers up or obstructs justice at least no where near the scale of the Clinton administration. Read all the OIC councils reports were over and over they detail the obstruction and delay tactics they used.

I don't see anyone going after either Bush or Clinton in any serious manner. It's just blatant partisanship all over again. proof that both Democrats and Republican hard liners care more about their respective parties than they do about the nation .

This is VERY serious, recall one of the articles of impeachment against Nixon was that he THOUGHT about using the IRS, Clinton apparently did from what this report says.

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