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Bikers refused permit in DC but Muslims get one. What hypocrisy. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 7, 2013
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Washington DC Denied Permit For "2 Million Biker Ride In DC" but gave "Million Muslim March" 1
Washington DC has DENIED our permit for a no-stop ride through Washington DC. We find this regretful for the residents and businesses of that great city, and humbly offer our apologies. What could have been a one or two hour ride through will now likely be an all day event. We will be obeying all laws. We will be stopping at all stoplights, stop signs, and yielding to all pedestrians.
RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES OF WASHINGTON DC: On behalf of the National “2 Million Bikers to DC” Team, please accept our sincere apologies. We did the right thing and went through the proper channels to secure a no-stop permit to ride through your great city. We wanted to ride an established route, which would have taken us past the Viet Nam Memorial to the Lincoln Memorial, across the bridge into Virginia, and that’s it! We would have been completely out of Washington DC, and your city would have been back to normal.

DC bias shows through, muzzy lovers in the White House. I hope every biker shows up and crams up their roads in a show of solidarity.

DC bias shows through, muzzy lovers in the White House. I hope every biker shows up and crams up their roads in a show of solidarity.

I would like to know the cities reasoning for denying the permit.
I would like to know the cities reasoning for denying the permit.

It's not particularly difficult to believe that the Muslim permit request went in earlier than the bikers'. First-come may have come into the refusal as the TOTAL number, between the two groups, would have been 3 million.

However, the fact that the permit was denied and they will be riding anyway (although obeying all traffic signals) is probably a larger disruption to the city than if they'd allowed the permit. *shrug*

DC bias shows through, muzzy lovers in the White House. I hope every biker shows up and crams up their roads in a show of solidarity.

The problem was that they wanted a "NO-STOP permit" which means they could have run stop lights and everything else. They were denied the no-stop permit, they weren't denied to ride.

Permit denied for no-stop '2 Million Bikers to DC' ride - Washington DC Conservative | Examiner.com

Was the Muslim march on a weekday or weekend?
You don't need a permit to ride otherwise. Bikers don't need a special permit to ride through a city.

I never claimed they did need one to ride. Only that they wanted a no-stop permit.
Couple questions on this I can't find answers to:

Why can't I find out more about this besides conservative websites and blogs?

Is the Muslim march requesting the same permit type, to go through city stopping traffic lights and blocking streets?

Can anyone find anything with more information that gives more information on the reasons why one was permitted as the other one not?
Couple questions on this I can't find answers to:

Why can't I find out more about this besides conservative websites and blogs?

Is the Muslim march requesting the same permit type, to go through city stopping traffic lights and blocking streets?

Can anyone find anything with more information that gives more information on the reasons why one was permitted as the other one not?
Evidence of the liberal conspiracy covering up things they don't want you to know about.
How much would it have cost the tax payers for the police to sit at every cross street to stop traffic. What about all the citizens that would be late for work or school while these bikers rode thru. Looks like someone was thinking.
I never claimed they did need one to ride. Only that they wanted a no-stop permit.

Seems like a no-stop permit would cause less disruption and that was their goal. IMO it would show respect for the people they are trying to honor to and the steady sound Harley's thundering through the city would just be cool.
Seems like a no-stop permit would cause less disruption and that was their goal. IMO it would show respect for the people they are trying to honor to and the steady sound Harley's thundering through the city would just be cool.

I want a 9/11 Monster truck rally through town. I would decorate the trucks with flags. It would honor the occasion and the loud pipes woul be cool. All trucks would be street legal to drive.

So can I get a permit too?
Seems like a no-stop permit would cause less disruption and that was their goal. IMO it would show respect for the people they are trying to honor to and the steady sound Harley's thundering through the city would just be cool.
Many people are tired of the thundering Harleys.
Daytona has banned straight pipes, and harrass bikers more and more every year.
Bikers are not going to sue, they are just going to come.
Muslims would have sued if they were denied. They would have won, and it would have cost the city millions.
I just hope its straight pipes and burnouts at every stop light.
Many people are tired of the thundering Harleys.
Daytona has banned straight pipes, and harrass bikers more and more every year.
Bikers are not going to sue, they are just going to come.
Muslims would have sued if they were denied. They would have won, and it would have cost the city millions.
I just hope its straight pipes and burnouts at every stop light.

I love the sound when a group of bikers pass me going down the highway. I like the burnout idea too.
Seems like a no-stop permit would cause less disruption and that was their goal. IMO it would show respect for the people they are trying to honor to and the steady sound Harley's thundering through the city would just be cool.

At face value I would agree with you, but without the specifics as to why they were denied we can only speculate. I tend to think there is another explanation out there and there isn't much information out there besides the viewpoint of one side. I would like to see the other side of the story.
TBH refusing the no stop permit made much better economic sense to the city. Yeah, traffic is going to suck, but a buttload of bikers will be stopping for food and drinks. We used to do a bike tour in Iowa the last full week of July. Bicycles, not motorcycles. It was a week long 500 mile ride across the state form west to east. The route changes every year and towns work hard to have it come thru their town, particularly for the lunch crowd or the overnights. After we were all gone some of these towns looked like they had been cleaned out by locusts, but when 500,000 people come thru a town of a few thousand for lunch the economic boost is huge. The Muslim march was going to stay a while, the bikers were going to buzz thru and be gone. I think denying the no stop permit was a good move. Why put up with the traffic without the income?
Seems like a no-stop permit would cause less disruption and that was their goal. IMO it would show respect for the people they are trying to honor to and the steady sound Harley's thundering through the city would just be cool.

No, it would be really freaking annoying. And get in the way of the rest of us going about our business. If this were happening earlier in the year when I still lived there, I would have been pretty upset about two million bikers clogging up the city and making an awful racket. Keeping me from getting where I need to go, smogging up the air, and making tons of obnoxious noise isn't showing respect to anyone.

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