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Biden's tribute to Mondale (1 Viewer)


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Nov 9, 2020
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How anyone can listen to his tribute to Mondale, or for that matter the press dinner, and seriously say this man has dementia is absurd. Dementia doesn't have on-off switches. His tribute to Mondale was heart felt and so well delivered. I actually know how they can say he has dementia.....they don't actually listen to his speeches but rather rely on the RW media crib notes.
How anyone can listen to his tribute to Mondale, or for that matter the press dinner, and seriously say this man has dementia is absurd. Dementia doesn't have on-off switches. His tribute to Mondale was heart felt and so well delivered. I actually know how they can say he has dementia.....they don't actually listen to his speeches but rather rely on the RW media crib notes.
He is obviously in full control of his faculties.
Yes, obviously. Absolutely. He must be. Yes, I can tell. Completely in control. Nothing to worry about. Did you hear him? Completely lucid. Had to be ...
How anyone can listen to his tribute to Mondale, or for that matter the press dinner, and seriously say this man has dementia is absurd. Dementia doesn't have on-off switches. His tribute to Mondale was heart felt and so well delivered. I actually know how they can say he has dementia.....they don't actually listen to his speeches but rather rely on the RW media crib notes.
All they've seen is the edited videos from the Russian troll farms.
Yes, obviously. Absolutely. He must be. Yes, I can tell. Completely in control. Nothing to worry about. Did you hear him? Completely lucid. Had to be ...
Be truthful....did you listen to his tribute?
We should listen to that tribute to learn more about Mondale, not Biden. He was a fine decent and valued public servant, who by the way, mastered the complexities of policy about as well as anyone. Nobody gave him nearly enough credit.
We should listen to that tribute to learn more about Mondale, not Biden. He was a fine decent and valued public servant, who by the way, mastered the complexities of policy about as well as anyone. Nobody gave him nearly enough credit.
I think he's thought of as a generic government figure the public didn't much want; but he would have been a far better president than Reagan. Honest, good values and policies, knowledgeable, hell he's probably the best nominee since.
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Be truthful....did you listen to his tribute?
No, but has that been ol’ Joe’s only public appearance?

The evidence is piling up. Like many his age, the President has his “off” days and, I think, is showing some early signs of senility.
No, but has that been ol’ Joe’s only public appearance?

The evidence is piling up. Like many his age, the President has his “off” days and, I think, is showing some early signs of senility.
He made a public appearance the night before....at the event Trump boycotted for four years.

His public schedule: https://factba.se/biden/calendar

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