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Biden's SOTU (State of The Ukraine) Address (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Instead of first focusing on the State of the Union, Biden first chose to address the State of The Ukraine

Do you have any thoughts or observations on what you've posted, sanman, or do you just let media pundits do all of the thinking and observing for you?
What an absurd question.

You need a MAGA, bad.

Here, have a hat.
Instead of first focusing on the State of the Union, Biden first chose to address the State of The Ukraine

I refuse to watch the Fox 'News' channel, period, though I rue missing Tucker on times such as this. Frankly, the channel is far too liberal for my taste.

I much prefer OANN and, on occasion, Newsmax, but RT is also advancing up the list though, again, I have to change the channel whenever Tucker speaks which is surprisingly often of late.
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What can I say besides based? No, seriously, that was a real question. Please help, based is slowly replacing all the adjectives I know.
Beats the hell out of me. I think you did well enough, but then I noticed you are a communist, and since I rent properties for profit, what does that make me?
Definitely cringe. Have you considered getting a real job?
See, I can tell you aren't a real communist since you didn't immediately answer, "a parasite on society," but only one of the dozen or two I ever met online did, and he knew his shit.

He was a formidable opponent and surprisingly, even eerily, polite.
See, I can tell you aren't a real communist since you didn't immediately answer, "a parasite on society," but only one of the dozen or two I ever met online did, and he knew is shit.

He was a formidable opponent and surprisingly, even eerily, polite.
I apologize for using a meme answer. To clarify, your position in society objectively doesn't produce anything. I can only assume that you neither build the houses you rent out nor maintain them yourself, instead acting as a hefty tax on access to handymen for your renters. You're a holdover from feudalism, and part of the reason that homelessness among full time workers has become an actual thing in the godforsaken state of California. Even under the logic of capitalism, you're a net negative for the economy; you collect profit without producing anything new for the economy to consume, and you constrict the consumption of the people who rent from you. I can't fault you for wanting a less taxing life than you would otherwise have to live, but landlordism is pretty indefensible.
I apologize for using a meme answer. To clarify, your position in society objectively doesn't produce anything. I can only assume that you neither build the houses you rent out nor maintain them yourself, instead acting as a hefty tax on access to handymen for your renters. You're a holdover from feudalism, and part of the reason that homelessness among full time workers has become an actual thing in the godforsaken state of California. Even under the logic of capitalism, you're a net negative for the economy; you collect profit without producing anything new for the economy to consume, and you constrict the consumption of the people who rent from you. I can't fault you for wanting a less taxing life than you would otherwise have to live, but landlordism is pretty indefensible.
I just paid $7,051 to mitigate and repair termite damage, and I still have to pay for a place for the tenants to live, a considerable family of eight that is on Section 8, so I consider a termite much as I do a communist, part of a collective whose aim is to eat my profit.
I just paid $7,051 to mitigate and repair termite damage, and I still have to pay for a place for the tenants to live, a considerable family of eight that is on Section 8, so I consider a termite much as I do a communist, part of a collective whose aim is to eat my profit.
I mean, you're not wrong. We're at incompatible odds on economic issues, and have just as much reason to oppose each other as a pimp and a puritan. You will collect as large a share as you can off of other people's labor to feed yourself, and I will organize with my fellow tenants to pay as little in rent as possible for as much service as we can wring out of our landlord(s). It is what it is.
I mean, you're not wrong. We're at incompatible odds on economic issues, and have just as much reason to oppose each other as a pimp and a puritan. You will collect as large a share as you can off of other people's labor to feed yourself, and I will organize with my fellow tenants to pay as little in rent as possible for as much service as we can wring out of our landlord(s). It is what it is.
Good luck with that, and making me the pimp is rather effective I am forced to admit. Definitely fair turnabout since I compared you to a termite. That said, I doubt many, if any, of my tenants will be swayed, but there are other tenants about.
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Good luck with that, and making me the pimp is rather effective I am forced to admit and fair turnabout since I compared you to a termite. That said, I doubt many, if any, of my tenants will be swayed, but there are other tenants about.
Rent can only go up faster than wages for so long, and there are no cities in the country where you can reasonably expect rent to only be a 3rd of your paycheck. As it gets harder and harder to make ends meet, it'll only be inevitable that the workers of this country turn to collective organization to address their collective problems; we've seen a steady increase in left wing sympathies and activity over the last decade and a half since the '08 recession, and every time it's been beaten down, it came back more organized the next time. I hope you're good to your tenants, and if so, that might explain your confidence.

It's been fun chatting, but it's getting might late on the east coast. I'm gonna have to call it here. 'Night, bro.
Instead of first focusing on the State of the Union, Biden first chose to address the State of The Ukraine

What's the point of creating a thread with the title you chose, then populating the body of your post with a large thumbnail of Tucker Carlson's constipated face? I mean, I get that if his constipation face excites you, you'd want to share it widely, but I do not think that is the purpose of this forum?
What's the point of creating a thread with the title you chose, then populating the body of your post with a large thumbnail of Tucker Carlson's constipated face? I mean, I get that if his constipation face excites you, you'd want to share it widely, but I do not think that is the purpose of this forum?
Well, Tucks is pro-Putin like sanman, so that is the point.
See, I can tell you aren't a real communist since you didn't immediately answer, "a parasite on society," but only one of the dozen or two I ever met online did, and he knew his shit.

He was a formidable opponent and surprisingly, even eerily, polite.
I don't think you're a parasite; however, I do believe your approach is dated considering how you're still trying to make america great again while the real conservative braintrust of our proud nation has shifted its attention to Making Ukraine Russian Again. So, not a parasite by any means, but rather something obsolete like...a pay phone... or a compassionate conservative... or a "family values" Republican per-chance?
I don't think you're a parasite; however, I do believe your approach is dated considering how you're still trying to make america great again while the real conservative braintrust of our proud nation has shifted its attention to Making Ukraine Russian Again. So, not a parasite by any means, but rather something obsolete like...a pay phone... or a compassionate conservative... or a "family values" Republican per-chance?
Call a spade a spade. A large part of the New Right simply form up a new form of fascism, American Fascism based on whiteness domestically and in sympathy with other White Fascist sentiments internationally....like Vladimir Putin. The whole bunch of them are creepy beyond belief, criminal to the core and sadistic too boot.

So much for MAGA. Flying these dumbassed Lets go Brandon flags, upside down American Flags, MAGA flags is about to look awfully awfully stupid. You can thank Tucker and Donnie and MTG and Cawthorn and Hawley and Johnson and Paul and Bannon and Floyd and Powell and the entire Willard Hotel War Room crowd for that. Finally you can thank Vladimir Putin for that because he has made it impossible to hide for American Russia-cons. Vladimir Putin is where the whole MAGA movement ends up. Anybody wanting to argue for that at this point is really pretty comatose.
One criticism that I have of the state of the Union is that Biden really should have hammered the GOP regarding all of their new voter suppression laws, and he should have tied the new voter suppression laws to Jan 6.

Biden is not doing nearly enough to protect this country from the impending doom of GOP rule starting in Jan 2023.

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