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Biden's job approval falls to lowest level of his presidency amid war and inflation fears. (1 Viewer)

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Jan 20, 2020
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The erosion in Biden’s approval rating has been across the board among key demographic groups, including Black respondents (from 64 percent approve in January to 62 percent now), women (from 51 percent approve to 44 percent), Latinos (from 48 percent to 39 percent) and independents (36 percent to 32 percent).

Yikes. Interesting trend, I guess.

The erosion in Biden’s approval rating has been across the board among key demographic groups, including Black respondents (from 64 percent approve in January to 62 percent now), women (from 51 percent approve to 44 percent), Latinos (from 48 percent to 39 percent) and independents (36 percent to 32 percent).

Yikes. Interesting trend, I guess.
From a political perspective, "yikes" indeed. This is going to hang over Democrats with the mid-terms coming up later this year, and the challenge is being able to speak to issues that can't be immediately resolved because their interdependencies aren't just in this country. Whether the Fed raising the interest rate does anything to inflation remains to be seen, and that won't change overnight either.
American voters are not that smart it seems: they blame Biden for price increases that someone else (dictator Putin) caused with a stupid war.

Meanwhile, Biden is fixing your economy and labour market at home, which another wannabe-dictator (Trump) destroyed in 2020. Or who let it get destroyed by China or Bezos, or whoever created Covid to get rid of Trump in the 2020 election.
American voters are not that smart it seems: they blame Biden for price increases that someone else (dictator Putin) caused with a stupid war.

Meanwhile, Biden is fixing your economy and labour market at home, which another wannabe-dictator (Trump) destroyed in 2020. Or who let it get destroyed by China or Bezos, or whoever created Covid to get rid of Trump in the 2020 election.
Thinking voters are dumb is a really good way to get thrown out of office.
Thinking voters are dumb is a really good way to get thrown out of office.

From a campaign perspective yes, of course.

But Biden or any candidate are not calling 50% of voters stupid, I do.

And yes, I think that voters are sometimes very stupid because they get collected by campaigns based on cheap slogans, without actually reading into the matter and issues that count.

And then they elect such fools like Trump, or Hitler, or Bolsonaro …
From a campaign perspective yes, of course.

But Biden or any candidate are not calling 50% of voters stupid, I do.

And yes, I think that voters are sometimes very stupid because they get collected by campaigns based on cheap slogans, without actually reading into the matter and issues that count.

And then they elect such fools like Trump, or Hitler, or Bolsonaro …
Like trying to blame the current war in Ukraine when inflation began well before that? That sort of cheap slogan?
Like trying to blame the current war in Ukraine when inflation began well before that? That sort of cheap slogan?

The rising inflation was a result of Covid, which most likely got created by China or Bezos to get rid of Trump in the 2020 election. Biden did neither create Covid nor rising inflation.

The Ukraine War right now, created by Putin (not Biden), just adds more fuel to inflation.
From a campaign perspective yes, of course.

But Biden or any candidate are not calling 50% of voters stupid, I do.

And yes, I think that voters are sometimes very stupid because they get collected by campaigns based on cheap slogans, without actually reading into the matter and issues that count.

And then they elect such fools like Trump, or Hitler, or Bolsonaro …
Maybe that's why everyone is so unhappy with Biden; they were caught up in his cheap slogans, and now see his performance doesn't match. That's not a stupid way to feel.

The erosion in Biden’s approval rating has been across the board among key demographic groups, including Black respondents (from 64 percent approve in January to 62 percent now), women (from 51 percent approve to 44 percent), Latinos (from 48 percent to 39 percent) and independents (36 percent to 32 percent).

Yikes. Interesting trend, I guess.
Don't worry...the Dems have a plan.

Pocketbook issues are going to destroy the democrats in November. Then throw in all the other mismanagement issues from the Biden administration. Never have seen such a clueless/feckless group. Nine months till the democrats are removed from power.
Maybe that's why everyone is so unhappy with Biden; they were caught up in his cheap slogans, and now see his performance doesn't match. That's not a stupid way to feel.

Lol, no.

Biden had cheap slogans ? His only slogan was „Defeat Trump“ and then build on everything else.

Which he did. Improved the economy, wages are slightly rising, more people are employed.

And Americans are just thinking: „My costs to fill up my car are up by 10$. Let’s blame Biden, for something Trump & Putin are to blame.“
From a campaign perspective yes, of course.

But Biden or any candidate are not calling 50% of voters stupid, I do.

And yes, I think that voters are sometimes very stupid because they get collected by campaigns based on cheap slogans, without actually reading into the matter and issues that count.

And then they elect such fools like Trump, or Hitler, or Bolsonaro …
Trump hate from a guy outside the United States..... Comparing President Trump to Hilter or Bolsonaro. Just plain stupid!
Lol, no.

Biden had cheap slogans ? His only slogan was „Defeat Trump“ and then build on everything else.

Which he did. Improved the economy, wages are slightly rising, more people are employed.

And Americans are just thinking: „My costs to fill up my car are up by 10$. Let’s blame Biden, for something Trump & Putin are to blame.“
A very disjointed response. Really don't understand what is going on in America?

Blame Trump..... Hysterical stuff!
A very disjointed response. Really don't understand what is going on in America?

Blame Trump..... Hysterical stuff!

I know fairly well what’s going on in America: conspiracy theories, people are drowned by guns and drugs and violence and crime. And blame Biden for it, who has nothing to do with it, but who wants to solve the problems at hand. The problems were created by Trump and Republican policies before.
He was not great prior, but it would be hard to come off as great given the political and social climate for anyone. I think pre judgement on his presidency, while fun for some, is not going to be relevant at the end of his term. You can't tell how good a president is until their term has ended. So far he has accomplished quite a bit, but he still has several years to go.
From a campaign perspective yes, of course.

But Biden or any candidate are not calling 50% of voters stupid, I do.

And yes, I think that voters are sometimes very stupid because they get collected by campaigns based on cheap slogans, without actually reading into the matter and issues that count.

And then they elect such fools like Trump, or Hitler, or Bolsonaro …

Biden makes stupid remarks like blaming everyone but himself for his failed policies, both domestic and foreign. He deserves every one of his low approval ratings.
Pocketbook issues are going to destroy the democrats in November. Then throw in all the other mismanagement issues from the Biden administration. Never have seen such a clueless/feckless group. Nine months till the democrats are removed from power.

The icing on the cake is when Biden told us we're gonna' get food shortages atop higher prices for everything.... President Biden said Thursday that a food shortage is "gonna be real".
American voters are not that smart it seems: they blame Biden for price increases that someone else (dictator Putin) caused with a stupid war.

Meanwhile, Biden is fixing your economy and labour market at home, which another wannabe-dictator (Trump) destroyed in 2020. Or who let it get destroyed by China or Bezos, or whoever created Covid to get rid of Trump in the 2020 election.
I would claim the opposite. Biden inherited a rising economy after the pandemic and injected severe inflation with his spending and oil policies.
Besides, Trump can't do anything now, only biden can. It just doesn't look like much to most people.
American voters are not that smart it seems: they blame Biden for price increases that someone else (dictator Putin) caused with a stupid war.

Meanwhile, Biden is fixing your economy and labour market at home, which another wannabe-dictator (Trump) destroyed in 2020. Or who let it get destroyed by China or Bezos, or whoever created Covid to get rid of Trump in the 2020 election.
It's not "American voters". It's the psychology of people in general. What happened to Churchill after WW2? He was the hero of that war and yet....

"The end of World War II in 1945 turned Winston Churchill into the world’s most eminent statesman. He was feted and celebrated everywhere he went and had an approval rating of 83%. Yet three months later, he suffered a humiliating election defeat."
Pocketbook issues are going to destroy the democrats in November. Then throw in all the other mismanagement issues from the Biden administration. Never have seen such a clueless/feckless group. Nine months till the democrats are removed from power.
The thing is the GOP isn't offering much either other than criticism and culture war issues. Their general stance on inflation is increasing oil production, but that doesn't guarantee lower prices since the US isn't the only supplier. What will be more telling is the margin by which Democrats lose seats and control, because the shift of power during the midterms has been pretty consistent.
The icing on the cake is when Biden told us we're gonna' get food shortages atop higher prices for everything.... President Biden said Thursday that a food shortage is "gonna be real".

Which will trigger hoarding and toilet paper shortages.
The thing is the GOP isn't offering much either other than criticism and culture war issues. Their general stance on inflation is increasing oil production, but that doesn't guarantee lower prices since the US isn't the only supplier. What will be more telling is the margin by which Democrats lose seats and control, because the shift of power during the midterms has been pretty consistent.

Neither party is offering much of anything besides squabble and accusations.
I was just watching Meet the Press this morning and Chuck Todd discussed this new NBC poll at the beginning of his show. The 7 in 10 not having confidence in Biden's handling of the war in Ukraine is a very bad number for Biden to face right now!
I thought this interesting from the OP link. Not terribly surprising though, in that the economy (and especially right now, the super high inflation) are felt, daily, by citizens.

"Asked which one issue — reducing inflation and improving the economy, or working to end the war in Ukraine — should be Biden’s top priority, 68 percent picked inflation/economy, versus 29 percent who picked the war in Ukraine."

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