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Biden up by 8 points on Rasmussen in Wisconsin (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 3, 2013
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Political Leaning
President Trump trails Democratic nominee Joe Biden by eight points in the key battleground state of Wisconsin.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone and online survey of Likely Voters in Wisconsin shows Biden with 51% support to Trump’s 43%. Three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and two percent (2%) remain undecided.(To see survey question wording, click here.)

Among the 84% of Wisconsin voters who are already certain how they will vote, Biden leads 54% to 46%

Biden carries 93% of Wisconsin Democrats and leads among voters not affiliated with either party by a commanding 17 points. Trump wins 90% of the state’s Republicans.

Wisconsin: Biden 51%, Trump 43% - Rasmussen Reports(R)

Republicans were banking on these "riots" helping Trump by blaming them on a private citizen like Biden, and yet according to Trump's favorite poll...it isn't working.

The truth is, nobody who isn't already a drooling Trump supporter was going to vote for Trump over Biden because of riots occurring under Trump's watch. Just in like 1992 when California went to the Democrats to this very day, despite "riots", Republicans banking on rioting somehow winning them elections won't work. It's also a sad state of affairs with Trump and the GOP, that they feel the only way they can win is by blaming Biden and the Democrats for all the chaos going on under their own leaders watch. They have no vision, accomplishments, nothing positive to run on, so this is what they will roll with. What a joke.
Wisconsin: Biden 51%, Trump 43% - Rasmussen Reports(R)

Republicans were banking on these "riots" helping Trump by blaming them on a private citizen like Biden, and yet according to Trump's favorite poll...it isn't working.

The truth is, nobody who isn't already a drooling Trump supporter was going to vote for Trump over Biden because of riots occurring under Trump's watch. Just in like 1992 when California went to the Democrats to this very day, despite "riots", Republicans banking on rioting somehow winning them elections won't work. It's also a sad state of affairs with Trump and the GOP, that they feel the only way they can win is by blaming Biden and the Democrats for all the chaos going on under their own leaders watch. They have no vision, accomplishments, nothing positive to run on, so this is what they will roll with. What a joke.
There's some pretty good news inside, too:

Among the 84% of Wisconsin voters who are already certain how they will vote, Biden leads 54% to 46%
That's a 12% differential!

Biden carries 93% of Wisconsin Democrats and leads among voters not affiliated with either party by a commanding 17 points. Trump wins 90% of the state’s Republicans.
+17 Indies!

Most voters say the upcoming presidential election is about Trump and rate Biden’s agenda of secondary importance.
Hah! How about that?
There's some pretty good news inside, too:

That's a 12% differential!

+17 Indies!

Hah! How about that?

Rasmussen also claims Trump is at 51% approval. Rasmussen always does this. Every time they have a bad national or state poll for Trump, suddenly his overall approval rating increases. It's like clockwork. They have to keep dear leader happy, or lose whatever credibility they have with Trump and his low information base.
Rasmussen also claims Trump is at 51% approval. Rasmussen always does this. Every time they have a bad national or state poll for Trump, suddenly his overall approval rating increases. It's like clockwork. They have to keep dear leader happy, or lose whatever credibility they have with Trump and his low information base.
They can approve Trump all they want, as long as Biden wins the vote! :2razz:
They can approve Trump all they want, as long as Biden wins the vote! :2razz:

Yeah but what's crap is Dems have to win the vote by five milion or more votes to win, where the GOP only has to lose by around 4 million or less votes to "win". Time for that constitutional convention....
Yeah but what's crap is Dems have to win the vote by five million or more votes to win, where the GOP only has to lose by around 4 million or less votes to "win". Time for that constitutional convention....

Yup, sad state of affairs.
For a lot of people, Trump was a way to punish congress.

It was funny to elect an idiot to the White House.

Like a novelty car horn, the funniness wears off. Now Trump is just annoying.
Wisconsin: Biden 51%, Trump 43% - Rasmussen Reports(R)

Republicans were banking on these "riots" helping Trump by blaming them on a private citizen like Biden, and yet according to Trump's favorite poll...it isn't working.

The truth is, nobody who isn't already a drooling Trump supporter was going to vote for Trump over Biden because of riots occurring under Trump's watch. Just in like 1992 when California went to the Democrats to this very day, despite "riots", Republicans banking on rioting somehow winning them elections won't work. It's also a sad state of affairs with Trump and the GOP, that they feel the only way they can win is by blaming Biden and the Democrats for all the chaos going on under their own leaders watch. They have no vision, accomplishments, nothing positive to run on, so this is what they will roll with. What a joke.

Patience grasshopper. It is obvious the left don't care about rioting and their cities burning down. If that's what they want then they should vote for Biden.
Donald Trump should literally get "0" votes NATIONALLY.

What in the holy hell is wrong with people??
I've seen a bunch of Trump 2020 signs in yards.

I've seen one Biden/Harris sign.
Do you really want those two people in the WH?

A bought out, half senile, creepy ass old man and a super ambitious, anything for power chameleon of a woman. And Nancy and Chuck running the Congress. It's ****ing terrifying.

I'll stick with America First.

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