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Biden town hall - proof he's senile? (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Nov 8, 2018
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Political Leaning
So at Biden's Scranton, PA town hall, the conservative pundits accused him of memorising the questions. The same ones who called him senile the day before. Which is it?

1. He's a doddering curmudgeon who can't remember what he had for breakfast.
2. He rehearsed and memorized 90 minutes of detailed answers to 25 specific questions he'd been given by CNN.
3. He anticipated and rehearsed 90 minutes of detailed answers to at least those 25 questions.
4. He gave 90 minutes of detailed answers to those 25 questions specific questions on the fly because he was unprepared, but knows his platform.

*sorry, couldn't see a poll feature
Oddest thing was that he repeated the same falsehood that crashed his earlier presidential campaign in 1987. The one where he claimed to be the first in his family to have gone to college.
Oddest thing was that he repeated the same falsehood that crashed his earlier presidential campaign in 1987. The one where he claimed to be the first in his family to have gone to college.

Found the proper poll function Jack, do you mind moving your response over to that one? I'll ask to delete this thread. Cheers.
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