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Biden signed a decree on the imposition of sanctions against the DPR and LPR (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 8, 2020
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Political Leaning
Are these the terrible sanctions of the West?
Did Donbass trade a lot with the United States?

In general, according to the rhetoric of this article, it seems that the United States no longer denies the fact of the sovereignty of the republics of Donbass, and the invasion of Russia into Ukraine is understood as the entry of Russian troops outside these regions further into Ukraine.
I have already written and I repeat, it seems that Putin and Biden agreed behind the scenes about the division of Ukraine and now we are watching an exclusively theatrical production.
The Russian troll farms are getting even more brazen and ridiculous. This poor new propaganda worker doesn't even know how to spoof his IP yet to make it look like he's not coming from Russia.
The Russian troll farms are getting even more brazen and ridiculous. This poor new propaganda worker doesn't even know how to spoof his IP yet to make it look like he's not coming from Russia.
What are you talking about?
If about me, I have never hidden that I am from Russia and in general the forum displays my location.
Don't get personal
The Russian troll farms are getting even more brazen and ridiculous. This poor new propaganda worker doesn't even know how to spoof his IP yet to make it look like he's not coming from Russia.
testing testing, one two IP...

edit: I'm going to write from a new country literally every post from now on, this is dope.

additional edit: looks like my IP eventually updates to previous posts, what a shame.
Last edited:
Too little and way too late, it seems Russia is willing to take the economic hit from the US in order to ensure more influence on all things bordering Russia.
Too little and way too late, it seems Russia is willing to take the economic hit from the US in order to ensure more influence on all things bordering Russia.
I get the feeling that Russia is losing a lot in the long run by doing this. East Ukraine isn't exactly an economic powerhouse, and Russia can't pay for its military without selling gas. I think they might be banking on increased trade with Germany after the dust settles.
I have already written and I repeat, it seems that Putin and Biden agreed behind the scenes about the division of Ukraine and now we are watching an exclusively theatrical production.
I do not think so. I think both the US but also the majority of the rest of the world will continue to oppose Russia’s actions in Ukraine until Russian troops leave the region. This will not end up like Crimea. Russia has really overplayed their hand in my opinion. Even China is hesitant to support these actions.
The Russian troll farms are getting even more brazen and ridiculous. This poor new propaganda worker doesn't even know how to spoof his IP yet to make it look like he's not coming from Russia.
kinda xenophobic dude, idk about that post

a little sussy baka of you
I get the feeling that Russia is losing a lot in the long run by doing this. East Ukraine isn't exactly an economic powerhouse, and Russia can't pay for its military without selling gas. I think they might be banking on increased trade with Germany after the dust settles.

It is not about what Ukraine is in terms of economic benefit, it is what Putin thinks of NATO being close to him.

And as far as what we can guess Putin is banking on is increased dealings with China and Germany doing little to nothing about all this.
It is not about what Ukraine is in terms of economic benefit, it is what Putin thinks of NATO being close to him.

And as far as what we can guess Putin is banking on is increased dealings with China and Germany doing little to nothing about all this.
I'm just saying I don't think the risk-benefit analysis was correct, and this was the more costly choice for Russia. Putin seems to agree with me, he looks exhausted and miserable in his big speech about how Ukraine doesn't deserve to exist.
I do not think so. I think both the US but also the majority of the rest of the world will continue to oppose Russia’s actions in Ukraine until Russian troops leave the region. This will not end up like Crimea. Russia has really overplayed their hand in my opinion. Even China is hesitant to support these actions.
This has already ended since Crimea, Biden already perceives the republics of Donbass as state entities.
In fact, the only question is whether Putin will go further than Donbass.
US and EU economic war no longer matter in today’s world. The only voice that matters is China’s. They can easily offset any EU imposed curbs. So far China is not giving signals that they’ll put sanctions in place or blockade Russia.
-------I repeat, it seems that Putin and Biden agreed behind the scenes about the division of Ukraine and now we are watching an exclusively theatrical production.
Agree 100% .

Extra .
There might separately be areas in Ukraine where Russia and the US are involved in 100% co-operation and over matters possibly affecting the whole planet long term .
Attention is now concentrated in the east of Ukraine but this might be deflection from what is hinted to be happening not far from Kyiv and in one particular mountain area .

Have you heard any rumours OP ?
And the last person that will be representing the US in any such joint activities is the Dementia Kid .
kinda xenophobic dude, idk about that post

a little sussy baka of you
Xenophobic would be scared of all foreigners, which I'm not. I just think Russia and Russians are deceptive pieces of shit. It's Nigeria with snow. The GDP of Italy but with twice Italy's population. A gas station with a military.
The Russian troll farms are getting even more brazen and ridiculous. This poor new propaganda worker doesn't even know how to spoof his IP yet to make it look like he's not coming from Russia.
Well, the US hasn't had any big interactions with those regions anyhow so, that is as saying no restrictions so far from the US...

BUT The Russian-German gas pipeline Nordstream 2 will be stopped for the time being, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announces according to German media

So a little better. Let's see what is to come.

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