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Biden says silence is complicency (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 28, 2014
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I guess that means joe supports all the rioting currently taking place across the country.

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I guess that means joe supports all the rioting currently taking place across the country.

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He found it in his fortune cookie at lunch.
I guess that means joe supports all the rioting currently taking place across the country.

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Biden hasn't come out and condemned the riots nor talked about what he will do to end it if he becomes president!
I guess that means joe supports all the rioting currently taking place across the country.

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Maybe Biden should just say how there are "good people on many sides, on many sides"?
Maybe Biden should just say how there are "good people on many sides, on many sides"?
Im sure progressives would defend it if he did. It would be mansplained to us so we can understand why when he says that its fine but when trump says that it means something bad.

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Im sure progressives would defend it if he did. It would be mansplained to us so we can understand why when he says that its fine but when trump says that it means something bad.

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Wow! You Trump Supporters are extremely desperate. Biden already spoke out against it. He's not the President right now. This is still the "Oh Fake Pumpkin's" responsibility. Wait! He's only interested in Goodyear not letting it's employees wear those idiotic MAGA hats.
Wow! You Trump Supporters are extremely desperate. Biden already spoke out against it. He's not the President right now. This is still the "Oh Fake Pumpkin's" responsibility. Wait! He's only interested in Goodyear not letting it's employees wear those idiotic MAGA hats.
How is trump responsible for the riots?

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Biden's entire campaign is: I'm not Trump, I wear a mask, I chose a kinda black woman for veep. That's all the DNC has told Joe so far.

I'm sure whenever they reveal something new to him, he'll tell us on the TV from that gymnasium in Delaware.
Biden's entire campaign is: I'm not Trump, I wear a mask, I chose a kinda black woman for veep. That's all the DNC has told Joe so far.

I'm sure whenever they reveal something new to him, he'll tell us on the TV from that gymnasium in Delaware.

If he isn't comatose by that time maybe.
Biden's entire campaign is: I'm not Trump, I wear a mask, I chose a kinda black woman for veep. That's all the DNC has told Joe so far.

I'm sure whenever they reveal something new to him, he'll tell us on the TV from that gymnasium in Delaware.
Its dangerous to underestimate him

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Biden's entire campaign is: I'm not Trump, I wear a mask, I chose a kinda black woman for veep. That's all the DNC has told Joe so far.

I'm sure whenever they reveal something new to him, he'll tell us on the TV from that gymnasium in Delaware.

Meanwhile, Trump's platform:


You people make this too easy.
How is trump responsible for the riots?

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same way freed slaves were responsible for lynchings and cross burnings.
If he has a plan it must be a secret one.

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Someone else is writing it for him and loading it onto a teleprompter as we speak. But he definitely won't answer any questions about it.
Im sure progressives would defend it if he did. It would be mansplained to us so we can understand why when he says that its fine but when trump says that it means something bad.
Um, but in REALITY you guys ALREADY splained it was fine for Orangey to say that about NAZI's......so essentially, yer trying to argue is that we are just like you.

How is trump responsible for the riots?

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It's the result of winning the last Presidential election. Vote Biden/Harris and it will end. Re-elect Trump and it will continue.
Of course the Mexicans are responsible for the lynchings and cross burnings.

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Hyperbole disguised as sarcasm. It's neither 1860, nor 1960...America is integrated and equal. It's baked into annual training in every major corporation and across all gov't platforms. The rest is your side race baiting for political points in an election year.

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