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Biden reverses Trump move to open up more oil drilling in Arctic (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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Remember this dumb ass Biden and see his aviator sunglasses face in your mind every time you fill up and as you watch the stock market crash and our economy slip into recession.

  • The Biden administration on Monday reversed a Trump administration plan that would have allowed the government to lease more than two-thirds of the country's largest swath of public land to oil and gas drilling.
  • The Bureau of Land Management's decision will shrink the amount of land available for lease in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, a roughly 23 million acre region that's home to wildlife like caribou and polar bears.
  • The reserve generated more than $56 million in oil and gas lease revenue in 2019, according to the Bureau of Land Management.

Do you believe in global warming? If so, you should applaud the move;

"Kristen Monsell, oceans legal director of the Center for Biological Diversity, said the Biden administration’s reversal isn’t enough to address the climate crisis and end new fossil fuel extraction."

It's the fate of the human race that is at stake.
Do you believe in global warming? If so, you should applaud the move;

"Kristen Monsell, oceans legal director of the Center for Biological Diversity, said the Biden administration’s reversal isn’t enough to address the climate crisis and end new fossil fuel extraction."

It's the fate of the human race that is at stake.
No, he doesn't.
Remember this dumb ass Biden and see his aviator sunglasses face in your mind every time you fill up and as you watch the stock market crash and our economy slip into recession.

  • The Biden administration on Monday reversed a Trump administration plan that would have allowed the government to lease more than two-thirds of the country's largest swath of public land to oil and gas drilling.
  • The Bureau of Land Management's decision will shrink the amount of land available for lease in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, a roughly 23 million acre region that's home to wildlife like caribou and polar bears.
  • The reserve generated more than $56 million in oil and gas lease revenue in 2019, according to the Bureau of Land Management.

This is unfortunate indeed. The vast majority of ANWR would remain untouched. And don't forget the beautiful weather up there!


Do you believe in global warming? If so, you should applaud the move;
Yes the planet warms....and cools. Regardless of human activity since time immemorial.
"Kristen Monsell, oceans legal director of the Center for Biological Diversity, said the Biden administration’s reversal isn’t enough to address the climate crisis and end new fossil fuel extraction."

It's the fate of the human race that is at stake.
Hyperbole much? This is why the moniker "climate alarmist" applies so well.
Yes the planet warms....and cools. Regardless of human activity since time immemorial.

Hyperbole much? This is why the moniker "climate alarmist" applies so well.

Still clinging to the old oil industry junk science.

”Climate alarmist” is a term you’ll only hear of right wing talk radio, or on the no nothing chat rooms where all the knuckle draggers make stuff up and applaud each other for doing it.

I do not understand the right wing obsession with drilling holes and digging for waseful non renewable resources.

Especially when cheaper, cleaner, and fare more efficient means are increasingly available.

But clinging to the past, both imaginary and otherwise is a right wing thing.
Do you believe in global warming? If so, you should applaud the move;

"Kristen Monsell, oceans legal director of the Center for Biological Diversity, said the Biden administration’s reversal isn’t enough to address the climate crisis and end new fossil fuel extraction."

It's the fate of the human race that is at stake.

These right-wing simpletons couldn't see the forest for the tress if their stupid lives depended on it, J...
We don't have enough places to drill.

Still clinging to the old oil industry junk science.

”Climate alarmist” is a term you’ll only hear of right wing talk radio, or on the no nothing chat rooms where all the knuckle draggers make stuff up and applaud each other for doing it.
No, it applies when someone fallaciously claims "the fate of the human race is at stake", sorry.
I do not understand the right wing obsession with drilling holes and digging for waseful non renewable resources.
The "obsession" is affordable energy.
Especially when cheaper, cleaner, and fare more efficient means are increasingly available.
Except they aren't.
But clinging to the past, both imaginary and otherwise is a right wing thing.
Yeah if we looked at the past predictions of the climate alarmists, they are batting nearly 0%.

Impressive, not.
These right-wing simpletons couldn't see the forest for the tress if their stupid lives depended on it, J...
When you have no argument, ad hominems are what the climate alarmists ("the fate of human race is at stake" crowd) resort to, always.
Do you believe in global warming? If so, you should applaud the move;

"Kristen Monsell, oceans legal director of the Center for Biological Diversity, said the Biden administration’s reversal isn’t enough to address the climate crisis and end new fossil fuel extraction."

It's the fate of the human race that is at stake.
Operative words are “ believe in”. Global warming is a cult and you just proved it.
Does buying oil from Saudi @warm the planet” less than drilling for our own?

Can you prove that US oil would be used only in the US?

Hint: you can't. Oil is sold on a word market. So why do you want to give China and other countries more oil?
Remember this dumb ass Biden and see his aviator sunglasses face in your mind every time you fill up and as you watch the stock market crash and our economy slip into recession.

  • The Biden administration on Monday reversed a Trump administration plan that would have allowed the government to lease more than two-thirds of the country's largest swath of public land to oil and gas drilling.
  • The Bureau of Land Management's decision will shrink the amount of land available for lease in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, a roughly 23 million acre region that's home to wildlife like caribou and polar bears.
  • The reserve generated more than $56 million in oil and gas lease revenue in 2019, according to the Bureau of Land Management.

Drilling in the Arctic is like widening the interstate and expecting that to fix traffic problems. It is a short-term solution that fundamentally does not fix the problem, it kicks the can down the road to create a bigger problem. In the case of the Interstate, it encourages people to live farther from the city and results in a bigger problem in the future; in the case of the Arctic, it feeds of fossil fuel addiction at the expense of the environment.

God commanded man to be stewards of the earth, not exploiters of it.
Can you prove that US oil would be used only in the US?

Hint: you can't. Oil is sold on a word market. So why do you want to give China and other countries more oil?
Supply and demand and world market seems to be a concept the left can’t grasp
Operative words are “ believe in”. Global warming is a cult and you just proved it.

Yeah, a cult of the highly-educated...

As opposed to the cult of the stupid ---> right-wing media and modern-day republican party...
Supply and demand and world market seems to be a concept the left can’t grasp

Based on your answer then you want the US to supply oil to other countries. By doing so may not help the shortage in the US

Yes, you seem to have missed the concept about supply and demand.

Here are 3 reasons why Big Oil can't just drill more to ease the pain at the gas pump​

Remember this dumb ass Biden and see his aviator sunglasses face in your mind every time you fill up and as you watch the stock market crash and our economy slip into recession.

  • The Biden administration on Monday reversed a Trump administration plan that would have allowed the government to lease more than two-thirds of the country's largest swath of public land to oil and gas drilling.
  • The Bureau of Land Management's decision will shrink the amount of land available for lease in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, a roughly 23 million acre region that's home to wildlife like caribou and polar bears.
  • The reserve generated more than $56 million in oil and gas lease revenue in 2019, according to the Bureau of Land Management.

And your grandkids will remember him every time they look back to what their life may have looked like if President Biden hadn't started making choices about the future, not pandering to a short term political issue.
No, it applies when someone fallaciously claims "the fate of the human race is at stake", sorry.

The "obsession" is affordable energy.

Except they aren't.

Yeah if we looked at the past predictions of the climate alarmists, they are batting nearly 0%.

Impressive, not.

I don’t know about the human race being at stake. It is now fairly obvious that a global economy that remains dependent on fossil fuels will be less healthy and less habitable than the one we had even a few years ago.

Oil and coal are no longer “cheap“ energy. If you’re still clinging to the idea that they are, you need to do some research. The kind you don’t do on Parlar or Telegram, or by watching Fox Noise.

And as long as your energy poliicy consists of drilling wells and digging coal, you can count on continuing to be hostage to Arab prices, Russian oligarchs, and big oil. Think about that next time you’re at the gas pump. Your idea of an energy policy is one of the reasons you’e standing there.

Solar and wind are both cheaper now than burning coal or nuclear power. There isn’t a single nuclear power plant operating in the US today that is making a profit.

And investors are fleeing from companies taht remain heavily dependent on inefficient high cost central power plants. There hasn’t been a new coal plant permitted in the US in nearly twenty years, and there aren’t going to be. Nuclear is going to suffer a similar fate. Again, no new orders in decades.

Oh, and predictions regarding climate change are about spot on, contrary to your false claim.

You’re living in the past.
Do you believe in global warming? If so, you should applaud the move;

"Kristen Monsell, oceans legal director of the Center for Biological Diversity, said the Biden administration’s reversal isn’t enough to address the climate crisis and end new fossil fuel extraction."

It's the fate of the human race that is at stake.
You need to get yourself a bell and a sign.


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