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Biden leads Trump by 12 points nationally among likely voters: Reuters/Ipsos (1 Viewer)


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Biden leads Trump by 12 points nationally among likely voters: Reuters/Ipsos - Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by 12 percentage points nationally among likely U.S. voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll that also showed the number of persuadable voters had shrunk compared with four years ago.
I think this poll hay have been before the Woodward revelations about Trump's misleading the country about the coronavirus' impact.
my worry is that it will tighten down to almost a statistical tie right before the election. that seems to be the trend.
I've seen this movie before. The lady who had it locked up on election night was left at the alter and the CNN reporters were speechless.
my worry is that it will tighten down to almost a statistical tie right before the election. that seems to be the trend.


But with less than two months? What is it Trump can do that will massively turn around public perception of him? Especially in light of today’s development?

Let’s be wary but not fatalistic. We’re winning. Bigly.
Biden leads Trump by 12 points nationally among likely voters: Reuters/Ipsos - Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by 12 percentage points nationally among likely U.S. voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll that also showed the number of persuadable voters had shrunk compared with four years ago.
I think this poll hay have been before the Woodward revelations about Trump's misleading the country about the coronavirus' impact.

Thank God we elect the President on the national popular vote.

But with less than two months? What is it Trump can do that will massively turn around public perception of him? Especially in light of today’s development?

Let’s be wary but not fatalistic. We’re winning. Bigly.

all he has to do is continue to be the head of his tribe. the polls almost always tighten.
Biden leads Trump by 12 points nationally among likely voters: Reuters/Ipsos - Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by 12 percentage points nationally among likely U.S. voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll that also showed the number of persuadable voters had shrunk compared with four years ago.
I think this poll hay have been before the Woodward revelations about Trump's misleading the country about the coronavirus' impact.

Doesn't matter if this poll was before or after Woodward's nonsense. It's a bogus poll either way.

All respondents.

Dems - 44%
Reps - 38%
Inds - 10%

But it gets worse...

All registered voters.

Dems - 47%
Reps - 40%
Inds - 9%

...and even worse...

Likely voters.

Dems - 49%
Reps - 41%
Inds - 8%

Compared to Gallup

Dems - 31%
Reps - 26%
Inds - 41%

...and it get even WORSE!!

All respondents - 1337
All registered voters - 1107
Likely voters - 823

So...of that 823 respondents who are likely voters...almost half are Democrats. And somehow, this is supposed to reflect ALL likely voters in the US?



But with less than two months? What is it Trump can do that will massively turn around public perception of him? Especially in light of today’s development?

Let’s be wary but not fatalistic. We’re winning. Bigly.

on this planet ? y'all keep thinkin' that now, ya' heah?
all he has to do is continue to be the head of his tribe. the polls almost always tighten.

I think using previous comps for this election is misguided. At least recent comps. This is going to be closer to an old fashioned landslide than not.*

*I have no special metahuman powers to control events, either through overconfidence or underconfidenced, with words on a screen. ;)
my worry is that it will tighten down to almost a statistical tie right before the election. that seems to be the trend.

Only on Rass, heck they might have him in the lead by November. Wont change the fact that trump is probably the most despised American in the land and that People, Lots of People, Know It. Trump is only fooling his sheep, but he is not fooling anyone else, all they have to do is voice their dissatisfaction and Vote.
I think using previous comps for this election is misguided. At least recent comps. This is going to be closer to an old fashioned landslide than not.*

*I have no special metahuman powers to control events, either through overconfidence or underconfidenced, with words on a screen. ;)

i'll be voting against him. as for everyone else, i can only speculate.
Only on Rass, heck they might have him in the lead by November. Wont change the fact that trump is probably the most despised American in the land and that People, Lots of People, Know It. Trump is only fooling his sheep, but he is not fooling anyone else, all they have to do is voice their dissatisfaction and Vote.

let's hope that they do so and that their votes are counted.
Only on Rass, heck they might have him in the lead by November. Wont change the fact that trump is probably the most despised American in the land and that People, Lots of People, Know It. Trump is only fooling his sheep, but he is not fooling anyone else, all they have to do is voice their dissatisfaction and Vote.

Rasmussen has Biden +2, Emerson has Biden +2, Zogby has Biden +3.

Just to bring you all back to reality lol.

Trump the most despised American in the land lol? According to polling, Pelosi, Schumer, and the liberal media have lower approval ratings than Trump.
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Rasmussen has Biden +2, Emerson has Biden +2, Zogby has Biden +3.

Just to bring you all back to reality lol.

Trump the most despised American in the land lol? According to polling, Pelosi, Schumer, and the liberal media have lower approval ratings than Trump.

Total Delusion, hang on to that while you can, the clock is running down on the Donald and his minions.
Total Delusion, hang on to that while you can, the clock is running down on the Donald and his minions.

Add to that Morning Consult, Qriously, Leger, Change, CNBC, and Harris which all show Biden +6.

Ipsos is an online only poll BTW. Which would tend to skew against rural voters.

How Many Americans Lack High-Speed Internet? – The Markup.

"Americans in Rural Communities Are Less Likely to Have Home BroadbandAccess"
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Rasmussen has Biden +2, Emerson has Biden +2, Zogby has Biden +3.

Just to bring you all back to reality lol.

Trump the most despised American in the land lol? According to polling, Pelosi, Schumer, and the liberal media have lower approval ratings than Trump.

Rasmussen has Biden up by 8 in Wisconsin. You mad?
Doesn't matter if this poll was before or after Woodward's nonsense. It's a bogus poll either way.

All respondents.

Dems - 44%
Reps - 38%
Inds - 10%

But it gets worse...

All registered voters.

Dems - 47%
Reps - 40%
Inds - 9%

...and even worse...

Likely voters.

Dems - 49%
Reps - 41%
Inds - 8%

Compared to Gallup

Dems - 31%
Reps - 26%
Inds - 41%

...and it get even WORSE!!

All respondents - 1337
All registered voters - 1107
Likely voters - 823

So...of that 823 respondents who are likely voters...almost half are Democrats. And somehow, this is supposed to reflect ALL likely voters in the US?



Let's use Rasmussen!
Let's use Rasmussen!


You can use any pollster you want if you want to believe pollsters.

I can't judge Rasmussen because they don't openly reveal their sampling data. They may be legit...they may be as bogus as all the others.

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