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Biden lacks Trump’s punch, and Putin knows it (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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From the Boston Herald no less.

Things are not going well for team Biden

The only thing bullies like Putin understand is a bloody nose, metaphorically speaking, but Biden has no punch. He is a veteran Washington politician who made a career of going along to get along. Trump demanded respect; Biden seeks to make nice.

Putin is a tough former KGB operative with blood on his hands. And unlike Biden and other Western leaders, Putin has a vision, and that vision is to force former Russian provinces like Ukraine back into the bosom of Mother Russia, whether they like it or not.

And Joe Biden has given Putin a window of opportunity to make that vision, or at least a part of it, a reality.

What punch? Trump is out there praising Putin as a savvy genius. If Trump were president right now he wouldn't do anything other than praise Putin.

Trump is the guy who wanted to get Putin back into the G8 even after he was kicked out for annexing Crimea. Can you please stop the gaslighting? Trump loves Putin. If anything he might help Putin invade and invade Mexico Putin style.
Trump didn't have a punch. He's spent the past few days praising Putin and calling him a genius, and all four years of his administration praising him, refusing to hold him accountable for anything and siding with him over all of our own intelligence agencies. Does Vlad still have the pee tapes?
From the Boston Herald no less.

Things are not going well for team Biden

The only thing bullies like Putin understand is a bloody nose, metaphorically speaking, but Biden has no punch. He is a veteran Washington politician who made a career of going along to get along. Trump demanded respect; Biden seeks to make nice.

Putin is a tough former KGB operative with blood on his hands. And unlike Biden and other Western leaders, Putin has a vision, and that vision is to force former Russian provinces like Ukraine back into the bosom of Mother Russia, whether they like it or not.

And Joe Biden has given Putin a window of opportunity to make that vision, or at least a part of it, a reality.

Seriously? The Donald would have walked away and let Putin do whatever he wanted.

He is still licking Putin's ass. He went public with it yesterday.

Is that what you think would have been the proper reaction? Letting Putin do whatever he wanted? If not, what makes you think he'd act against him? Source it.
From the Boston Herald no less.

Things are not going well for team Biden

The only thing bullies like Putin understand is a bloody nose, metaphorically speaking, but Biden has no punch. He is a veteran Washington politician who made a career of going along to get along. Trump demanded respect; Biden seeks to make nice.

Putin is a tough former KGB operative with blood on his hands. And unlike Biden and other Western leaders, Putin has a vision, and that vision is to force former Russian provinces like Ukraine back into the bosom of Mother Russia, whether they like it or not.

And Joe Biden has given Putin a window of opportunity to make that vision, or at least a part of it, a reality.
The only thing Trump would have threatened Putin with is analingus.
From the Boston Herald no less.

Things are not going well for team Biden

The only thing bullies like Putin understand is a bloody nose, metaphorically speaking, but Biden has no punch. He is a veteran Washington politician who made a career of going along to get along. Trump demanded respect; Biden seeks to make nice.

Putin is a tough former KGB operative with blood on his hands. And unlike Biden and other Western leaders, Putin has a vision, and that vision is to force former Russian provinces like Ukraine back into the bosom of Mother Russia, whether they like it or not.

And Joe Biden has given Putin a window of opportunity to make that vision, or at least a part of it, a reality.

Lol! Trump could not stop kissing Putin’s ass long enough to punch…
From the Boston Herald no less.

Things are not going well for team Biden

The only thing bullies like Putin understand is a bloody nose, metaphorically speaking, but Biden has no punch. He is a veteran Washington politician who made a career of going along to get along. Trump demanded respect; Biden seeks to make nice.

Putin is a tough former KGB operative with blood on his hands. And unlike Biden and other Western leaders, Putin has a vision, and that vision is to force former Russian provinces like Ukraine back into the bosom of Mother Russia, whether they like it or not.

And Joe Biden has given Putin a window of opportunity to make that vision, or at least a part of it, a reality.

“Trump demanded respect?” Trump was Putin’s bitch.
From the Boston Herald no less.

Things are not going well for team Biden

The only thing bullies like Putin understand is a bloody nose, metaphorically speaking, but Biden has no punch. He is a veteran Washington politician who made a career of going along to get along. Trump demanded respect; Biden seeks to make nice.

Putin is a tough former KGB operative with blood on his hands. And unlike Biden and other Western leaders, Putin has a vision, and that vision is to force former Russian provinces like Ukraine back into the bosom of Mother Russia, whether they like it or not.

And Joe Biden has given Putin a window of opportunity to make that vision, or at least a part of it, a reality.

Biden is a weak president and Putin was celebrating along with Biden during Biden's inaugural parties. Putin knew from 2014 exactly what to expect - blankets for Ukrainian troops; certainly no weapons. Putin also saw how scared Biden was of the Taliban and the fact that Biden left $80 Billion worth of weapons behind and did nothing to retrieve them -- or the American citizens Biden left behind either.

All Putin had to do was to look at Jimmy Carter's KGB file to know how Biden would react. God help America. This war could go uber-hot and Biden is definitely no nuclear war or even a conventional war president. Life as we've known it may be coming to an end.

Trump scared Putin because of Trump's unpredictability.

Biden lacks Trump’s punch, and Putin knows it​

Oh stop, Donnie would be fighting for his spot at the zipper of Vlad's fly. But I do think its time to man up.

As Putin's thug military approaches Kyiv it should be obvious that he will be hunting for Zelinsky and the rest of the Ukraine government so that he can arrest them or assassinate them and install his own lapdog puppets instead. It is also obvious that all of Putin's horse shit rationalizations for invasion were just that horse shit. The Donbas region....NOPE...the cover is off that bullshit LIE. What are you doing in Odessa Vlad? What are you doing twenty miles outside of Kyiv Vlad. NATO....NOPE. NATO is a defensive treaty organization Vlad and Ukraine was nowhere close to membership.

So, IMO, its time to unleash the hounds now that the is 20 miles outside of Kyiv.

Vlad is threatening the use of nukes. Fugg you Vlad. Call his bluff. Unleash the full volley of sanctions on Vlad, the Oligarchs, every bank and bank transactions, imports and exports and then find some way to put an air cap over Kyiv via coalition LIKE NOW. Drive Vlad's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, deranged ass back off and force him back onto his heels before he lops the heads off the Ukraine government.

EU and NATO cooperation has been fine to a point. But they have to be driven to the next steps and we have to take the lead AGAIN.

Here is what has not changed in this world since the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The new world has had to come to the rescue of the old world in order to save the old world and save itself.

Putin's rant the other night tells everything about what absolute power has done to his thinking. He has abandoned and swatted away every other concept of government that Russia and the Soviet Union have gone through save one......MONARCHY....the CZARS. Monarchy, the worst, most, destructive form of government ever conceived by one man to rule other men. We either stop him here or at the border of some NATO country as he is about to start WW3. Put an air cap over Kyiv and dare Vlad to shoot it down or try to breach it or make good his bluff to end the world via nukes so he can have Ukraine. Its the Ukraine government Vlad is after today. Its not Donbas and its not NATO at least not today. You want to stop Vlad dead in his tracks....turn his whole little party into a waste? Don't let him topple the Ukraine government.
Biden is a weak president and Putin was celebrating along with Biden during Biden's inaugural parties. Putin knew from 2014 exactly what to expect - blankets for Ukrainian troops; certainly no weapons. Putin also saw how scared Biden was of the Taliban and the fact that Biden left $80 Billion worth of weapons behind and did nothing to retrieve them -- or the American citizens Biden left behind either.

All Putin had to do was to look at Jimmy Carter's KGB file to know how Biden would react. God help America. This war could go uber-hot and Biden is definitely no nuclear war or even a conventional war president. Life as we've known it may be coming to an end.

Trump scared Putin because of Trump's unpredictability.
Laughably absurd. Why was Putin scared of Trump. Was he worried that Donnie would not shave some morning and irritate Vlad's delicate ass cheeks as he inserted his face into Vlad's crack? That is all Vlad had to worry about with Donnie.
Laughably absurd. Why was Putin scared of Trump. Was he worried that Donnie would not shave some morning and irritate Vlad's delicate ass cheeks as he inserted his face into Vlad's crack? That is all Vlad had to worry about with Donnie.
What a well thought out adult response
Putin knows the conservatives are not unified with the united states and that was calculated into his attack time table.
Russia-con propagandists deserve no better
Again. Another astute response. I’m impressed. 👍

Don’t be so hard on yourself
Again. Another astute response. I’m impressed. 👍

Don’t be so hard on yourself
Anybody still supporting madman Putin, the lying dog of Europe and his deranged nonsense deserves no better and anybody passing himself off as an American supporting what is now obviously the 21st Century Hitler and world Pariah Putin is disgusting! Wear it,,,,,Russia-cons deserve it,
Anybody still supporting madman Putin, the lying dog of Europe and his deranged nonsense deserves no better and anybody passing himself off as an American supporting what is now obviously the 21st Century Hitler and world Pariah Putin is disgusting! Wear it,,,,,Russia-cons deserve it,
Things are not going well for team Biden
Under statement of the year .

If puppet stooge Zelensky had not talked about making Ukraine a nuclear power he would only have peacekeepers in the New Republics .

But he was his own worst enemy and now it is just a matter of a short time before he disappears from the scene .

At least he and Sleepy have that one thing in common . They are Finished .
Under statement of the year .

If puppet stooge Zelensky had not talked about making Ukraine a nuclear power he would only have peacekeepers in the New Republics .

But he was his own worst enemy and now it is just a matter of a short time before he disappears from the scene .

At least he and Sleepy have that one thing in common . They are Finished .
Another Russia-con on the loose...probably lives in Londongrad.
Putin is actually using Trump's comments on Russian TV. LOL. The insanity of these Trumpers has no end.


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