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Biden: I condemn violence in Portland, 'challenge Trump to do the same' (1 Viewer)


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Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
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Biden: I condemn violence in Portland, 'challenge Trump to do the same' | TheHill

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Sunday condemned violence in Portland, Ore., after police said one person was fatally shot amid clashes between Black Lives Matter protesters and counter protesters.

The Democrat urged President Trump to do the same, underscoring his message by noting that a death is tragic no matter what political views the victim held.

“I condemn this violence unequivocally. I condemn violence of every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right. And I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden said in a statement Sunday.

I mean, seriously, between this and Ted Wheeler's press conference today I have no idea how these people can do this with a straight face.

Donald Trump has been condemning the violence in Portland for THREE MONTHS!!!! Democrats have been ignoring it, blaming it on the cops, blaming it on Trump or simply calling it a "myth". Do they really think Americans are that stupid?

If Ted Wheeler stopped the violence in his city three months ago, or even two months ago, or even a month ago we wouldn't be looking at this mess today. If Joe Biden had condemned violence when Minneapolis was on fire or when Chicago was exploding in violence or when New York City was being looted we probably wouldn't be looking at this crap now.

This, fellow Americans, is your modern Democrat party. They say what they say for political effect only. Every comment that comes out of their mouths is carefully crafted to meet the most current polling and focus group approval. They have lied to you for so long and about so many things that they no longer differentiate between truth, lies and propaganda. When we say stuff like "Look at Portland or Atlanta or St. Louis or even Kenosha and you'll see what's in store for you should Democrats obtain the power they so desperately crave" we aren't just spitting in the wind.
Biden: I condemn violence in Portland, 'challenge Trump to do the same' | TheHill

I mean, seriously, between this and Ted Wheeler's press conference today I have no idea how these people can do this with a straight face.

Donald Trump has been condemning the violence in Portland for THREE MONTHS!!!! Democrats have been ignoring it, blaming it on the cops, blaming it on Trump or simply calling it a "myth". Do they really think Americans are that stupid?

If Ted Wheeler stopped the violence in his city three months ago, or even two months ago, or even a month ago we wouldn't be looking at this mess today. If Joe Biden had condemned violence when Minneapolis was on fire or when Chicago was exploding in violence or when New York City was being looted we probably wouldn't be looking at this crap now.

This, fellow Americans, is your modern Democrat party. They say what they say for political effect only. Every comment that comes out of their mouths is carefully crafted to meet the most current polling and focus group approval. They have lied to you for so long and about so many things that they no longer differentiate between truth, lies and propaganda. When we say stuff like "Look at Portland or Atlanta or St. Louis or even Kenosha and you'll see what's in store for you should Democrats obtain the power they so desperately crave" we aren't just spitting in the wind.

This is the way they roll. The Democrats and MSM are Goebbelsians.
Biden: I condemn violence in Portland, 'challenge Trump to do the same' | TheHill

I mean, seriously, between this and Ted Wheeler's press conference today I have no idea how these people can do this with a straight face.

Donald Trump has been condemning the violence in Portland for THREE MONTHS!!!! Democrats have been ignoring it, blaming it on the cops, blaming it on Trump or simply calling it a "myth". Do they really think Americans are that stupid?

If Ted Wheeler stopped the violence in his city three months ago, or even two months ago, or even a month ago we wouldn't be looking at this mess today. If Joe Biden had condemned violence when Minneapolis was on fire or when Chicago was exploding in violence or when New York City was being looted we probably wouldn't be looking at this crap now.

This, fellow Americans, is your modern Democrat party. They say what they say for political effect only. Every comment that comes out of their mouths is carefully crafted to meet the most current polling and focus group approval. They have lied to you for so long and about so many things that they no longer differentiate between truth, lies and propaganda. When we say stuff like "Look at Portland or Atlanta or St. Louis or even Kenosha and you'll see what's in store for you should Democrats obtain the power they so desperately crave" we aren't just spitting in the wind.

Joe Biden 3 months behind everyone else. Go figure.
Biden: I condemn violence in Portland, 'challenge Trump to do the same' | TheHill

I mean, seriously, between this and Ted Wheeler's press conference today I have no idea how these people can do this with a straight face.

Donald Trump has been condemning the violence in Portland for THREE MONTHS!!!! Democrats have been ignoring it, blaming it on the cops, blaming it on Trump or simply calling it a "myth". Do they really think Americans are that stupid?

If Ted Wheeler stopped the violence in his city three months ago, or even two months ago, or even a month ago we wouldn't be looking at this mess today. If Joe Biden had condemned violence when Minneapolis was on fire or when Chicago was exploding in violence or when New York City was being looted we probably wouldn't be looking at this crap now.

This, fellow Americans, is your modern Democrat party. They say what they say for political effect only. Every comment that comes out of their mouths is carefully crafted to meet the most current polling and focus group approval. They have lied to you for so long and about so many things that they no longer differentiate between truth, lies and propaganda. When we say stuff like "Look at Portland or Atlanta or St. Louis or even Kenosha and you'll see what's in store for you should Democrats obtain the power they so desperately crave" we aren't just spitting in the wind.

Donald Trump tweeted support of right-wing militia groups and right-wing radicals going into Portland to confront protestors just a couple of days ago. That is not condemning violence.

This **** is all going on under Trump's presidency. Violence in our cities is under Trump. Leading the world in Covid deaths, that's under Trump. Tens of millions out of work, again, under Trump. Countless small businesses failing, again under Trump. By any measure, he is an utter failure.
One must ask yourself two simple questions.

Who actually benefits politically from violence in the streets?

And in who’s politics interests is it, that the violence is amplified by media?
Donald Trump tweeted support of right-wing militia groups and right-wing radicals going into Portland to confront protestors just a couple of days ago. That is not condemning violence.

This **** is all going on under Trump's presidency. Violence in our cities is under Trump. Leading the world in Covid deaths, that's under Trump. Tens of millions out of work, again, under Trump. Countless small businesses failing, again under Trump. By any measure, he is an utter failure.

Wheeler asked the citizens of Portland to help him get rid of the rioters. That's what happened. The Portland citizens citizens drove into downtown. And the rioters killed one of them.

Wheeler also told Trump to take a hike when Trump, once again, offered to put an end to the riots.

So tell me again...who wants to put an end to the riots?
One must ask yourself two simple questions.

Who actually benefits politically from violence in the streets?

And in who’s politics interests is it, that the violence is amplified by media?

Democrats thought they benefited until they didn't
which is why none of these leftist mayor's are doing anything to stop it.

Now people are sick of their stuff and their friends stuff and their neighbors stuff getting destroyed.
This is the way they roll. The Democrats and MSM are Goebbelsians.

How many threads/posts are you going to use this BRILLIANT term in?

Donald Trump has been condemning the violence in Portland for THREE MONTHS!!!!


If only he had been doing just that. Instead he was using violence of the criminal elements that slip into protests to smear the entirety of the protesters and undermine the message that black lives matter just as everyone else's lives. Instead he has sent in federal thugs to kidnap protesters. Instead he gassed protesters so he could molest a bible in front of a church. Y'know, just like you have been doing.

If he had condemned just the violence but embraced the message, things would be a lot better.

At any rate, I never get anything remotely resembling honest debate from you, so I'll leave it at that.
I'd say though one death is tragic enough and this member probably hadn't planned on going out guns blazing that day, this plays into the hands of the militia movements and the wider MAGA 'race war'. They want retaliation so they - who presumably are better armed - can up the ante. This will be the excuse for more shots fired in weeks to come around the country, because it effectively becomes gang conflict: Antifa, BLM and stragglers on one side and whichever white militia is locally active on the other.

Buggeryou Boys, Oathbreakers, Zero Percenters, Half-Minutemen and now patriot Cosprayer. They're in it to incite more violence, not bring peace.

Let's watch Trump repeat the 'good people on each side' and invite this guy's family to his corner at the debates.
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Biden: I condemn violence in Portland, 'challenge Trump to do the same' | TheHill

I mean, seriously, between this and Ted Wheeler's press conference today I have no idea how these people can do this with a straight face.

Donald Trump has been condemning the violence in Portland for THREE MONTHS!!!! Democrats have been ignoring it, blaming it on the cops, blaming it on Trump or simply calling it a "myth". Do they really think Americans are that stupid?

If Ted Wheeler stopped the violence in his city three months ago, or even two months ago, or even a month ago we wouldn't be looking at this mess today. If Joe Biden had condemned violence when Minneapolis was on fire or when Chicago was exploding in violence or when New York City was being looted we probably wouldn't be looking at this crap now.

This, fellow Americans, is your modern Democrat party. They say what they say for political effect only. Every comment that comes out of their mouths is carefully crafted to meet the most current polling and focus group approval. They have lied to you for so long and about so many things that they no longer differentiate between truth, lies and propaganda. When we say stuff like "Look at Portland or Atlanta or St. Louis or even Kenosha and you'll see what's in store for you should Democrats obtain the power they so desperately crave" we aren't just spitting in the wind.

BLM is the DNC's AR-15 problem. They just are too smart to realize how screwed they are.
Extremism is on the horizon.

As an independent observer I would caution the left wing intellectuals to reason with their massess to stop the violence and focus on ideas and discussion.

Based on past patterns it is not fun when the right wing goes on the violent route.

You probably don't care since I highly doubt the majority of people protesting are even employed.

A lot of us that want to be left alone will end up paying the price for the social disruption.

Maybe get up tomorrow, take a shower and start thinking about how to produce a good and a service for another human being. Trust me, work will set you free. :)
How many threads/posts are you going to use this BRILLIANT term in?

As many times as I can. FAKE news is far too tame for what is going on. It portrays the Goebbelsians in too tame a light and is just like making a claim that they are phony and guilty of mere puffery. It is far, far worse than that. It is an orchestrated attempt to bring down Trump and America and there is no better term for it than Goebbelsian. He was an acknowledged master at propaganda and using the news like a finely played fiddle with their acquiescence of course. He made a lifelong study of what to do to indoctrinate people and he mastered that craft like Beethoven did the piano. It was Joseph Goebbels that knew he couldn't get away with killing Jews unless he shaped the public's minds into hatred of the Jews. He made the Jews the enemy. Like in the Salem witch trials, he whipped up the crowd to see the Jews as evil and not human. When you are able to do that, you get the people to do what YOU want thinking that it is what THEY want. The crowd gets whipped up into such a frenzy (like many here on these threads) that THEY are calling for the innocent girl to be burned alive.

My main area of interest is indoctrination and I have a website that is about media indoctrination which perhaps some day I will share with the angry mob here. Make no mistake, the MSM is complicit with the evil Democrats to instill hatred of Trump by using the Goebbelsian tactic of repeating lies over and over so that the public believes them to be true. It happened with the Russian Collusion ruse. Just recently, all of the anchors used the same term to describe the Republican Convention....DARK, when it was far more enthusiastic and upbeat than the Dems. The news now is filled with a bunch of evil assassins like Cuomo, Stelter, Cooper, Cilliza, Blitzer, Lemon, Katy Tur, Mika and Joe and a whole array of hateful spiteful people intent on bringing America down.

There is NO better term for them than Goebbelsian and I will use that until it sinks into everyone possible. So thanks...but NO thanks. Goebbelsian will be in my posts forever.
Biden: I condemn violence in Portland, 'challenge Trump to do the same' | TheHill

I mean, seriously, between this and Ted Wheeler's press conference today I have no idea how these people can do this with a straight face.

Donald Trump has been condemning the violence in Portland for THREE MONTHS!!!! Democrats have been ignoring it, blaming it on the cops, blaming it on Trump or simply calling it a "myth". Do they really think Americans are that stupid?

If Ted Wheeler stopped the violence in his city three months ago, or even two months ago, or even a month ago we wouldn't be looking at this mess today. If Joe Biden had condemned violence when Minneapolis was on fire or when Chicago was exploding in violence or when New York City was being looted we probably wouldn't be looking at this crap now.

This, fellow Americans, is your modern Democrat party. They say what they say for political effect only. Every comment that comes out of their mouths is carefully crafted to meet the most current polling and focus group approval. They have lied to you for so long and about so many things that they no longer differentiate between truth, lies and propaganda. When we say stuff like "Look at Portland or Atlanta or St. Louis or even Kenosha and you'll see what's in store for you should Democrats obtain the power they so desperately crave" we aren't just spitting in the wind.

hook line and sinker, you take it all
Biden: I condemn violence in Portland, 'challenge Trump to do the same' | TheHill

I mean, seriously, between this and Ted Wheeler's press conference today I have no idea how these people can do this with a straight face.

Donald Trump has been condemning the violence in Portland for THREE MONTHS!!!! Democrats have been ignoring it, blaming it on the cops, blaming it on Trump or simply calling it a "myth". Do they really think Americans are that stupid?

Joey is dumb as a stump.
Of course the Democrats are going to condemn the insurgency. The insurgents work for the Democrats.
It is really something to watch Biden and that mayor of Portland make the claims they did. And their Spox out there this morning was just as bad.

I guess that is what desperate people do. They are in panic mode because Biden's poll numbers are tanking in the battleground states and he did not get a bump from his convention even with his handmaidens in the media fawning over all 4 nights! And to add more salt to the wound 6 Democratic mayors in Minnesota came out and endorsed Trump. Last poll out of Minnesota had Biden and Trump tied, last poll out of Michigan had Trump up +2. Other polling show Trump has gain support in the Black and Hispanic communities. The polling lately shows a surge in Trump's favor.
Biden: I condemn violence in Portland, 'challenge Trump to do the same' | TheHill

I mean, seriously, between this and Ted Wheeler's press conference today I have no idea how these people can do this with a straight face.

Donald Trump has been condemning the violence in Portland for THREE MONTHS!!!! Democrats have been ignoring it, blaming it on the cops, blaming it on Trump or simply calling it a "myth". Do they really think Americans are that stupid?

If Ted Wheeler stopped the violence in his city three months ago, or even two months ago, or even a month ago we wouldn't be looking at this mess today. If Joe Biden had condemned violence when Minneapolis was on fire or when Chicago was exploding in violence or when New York City was being looted we probably wouldn't be looking at this crap now.

This, fellow Americans, is your modern Democrat party. They say what they say for political effect only. Every comment that comes out of their mouths is carefully crafted to meet the most current polling and focus group approval. They have lied to you for so long and about so many things that they no longer differentiate between truth, lies and propaganda. When we say stuff like "Look at Portland or Atlanta or St. Louis or even Kenosha and you'll see what's in store for you should Democrats obtain the power they so desperately crave" we aren't just spitting in the wind.
Does Biden not know that Trump has been condemning violent protests for months? :eek: Doesn't say much for his grasp on reality, does it?
Wheeler asked the citizens of Portland to help him get rid of the rioters. That's what happened. The Portland citizens citizens drove into downtown. And the rioters killed one of them.

Wheeler also told Trump to take a hike when Trump, once again, offered to put an end to the riots.

So tell me again...who wants to put an end to the riots?

Out of town far-right militia members are citizens of Portland? These are citizens of Portland? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1300019849540886528

As usual, between his rampant racism, promotion of lunatic conspiracy theories, and whining, Trump always manages to incite some violence too.

Again, this is all happening under Trump's presidency.

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Donald Trump has been condemning the violence in Portland for THREE MONTHS!!!!

“.....You know what solves it? When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell and everything is a disaster, then you’ll have a, you know, you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be when we were great......".

Yeah helluva condemnation there.
“.....You know what solves it? When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell and everything is a disaster, then you’ll have a, you know, you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be when we were great......".
Joe Biden 3 months behind everyone else. Go figure.

“.....You know what solves it? When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell and everything is a disaster, then you’ll have a, you know, you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be when we were great......".
If only he had been doing just that. Instead he was using violence of the criminal elements that slip into protests to smear the entirety of the protesters and undermine the message that black lives matter just as everyone else's lives. Instead he has sent in federal thugs to kidnap protesters. Instead he gassed protesters so he could molest a bible in front of a church. Y'know, just like you have been doing.

If he had condemned just the violence but embraced the message, things would be a lot better.

At any rate, I never get anything remotely resembling honest debate from you, so I'll leave it at that.

I thought he sent Federal Troops to Portland to quell rioters? Must have been fake news.

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