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Biden Debate Win? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 15, 2013
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I've stated for months that all it will take for Biden to be declared the winner of the first presidential election is for old Quid Pro not to shit himself on national TV. It remains to be seen if he can pull that off.

BUT Jerry Nadler couldn't, and in fact DID shit himself on national TV.

{ But we have to settle this right now. Did Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) poop his pants? Seriously, have you seen the clip? The man looks like he straight-up ‘sharted’ and tried to get away as quickly as possible without evidence of his accident spilling into the public view. }

Will Beijing Biden repeat Nadler's performance?
From a PR perspective, all Biden has to do is not resort to name calling and answer questions concisely and he'll be ok. Basically, don't be a jerk on national TV is already a win.
From a PR perspective, all Biden has to do is not resort to name calling and answer questions concisely and he'll be ok. Basically, don't be a jerk on national TV is already a win.

Quid Pro can do none of those thing.

Trump will bait him and Rapey Joe will call him a "dog faced pony soldier" or some such. The handlers are trying to train Biden to snswer questions, but they can't prepare him for a Trump assault. This is the guy who reads "End of statement, look up at the camera" out loud.

Wallace will do his best to protect Beijing Biden, but Trump will throw hardball questions when the little Goebbels have pitched beachballs under hand to him and helped him with the answers so far.

Trump WILL hit him on the $3.5 million bribe from Moscow and the democrat troops burning down our cities.

But if Quid Pro doesn't Nadler himself, it will be a win.
Quid Pro can do none of those thing.

Trump will bait him and Rapey Joe will call him a "dog faced pony soldier" or some such. The handlers are trying to train Biden to snswer questions, but they can't prepare him for a Trump assault. This is the guy who reads "End of statement, look up at the camera" out loud.

Wallace will do his best to protect Beijing Biden, but Trump will throw hardball questions when the little Goebbels have pitched beachballs under hand to him and helped him with the answers so far.

Trump WILL hit him on the $3.5 million bribe from Moscow and the democrat troops burning down our cities.

But if Quid Pro doesn't Nadler himself, it will be a win.

Biden has no chance with Trump. Listen for yourself.

That was Trump reading........”B” -“T”, born, torn.....you could see his face when his ears heard what he said; usually these gaffes cause Trump to go off on a riff, like the cat that falls off the drapes and jumps up like, ”yeah, I meant to do that!”

I've stated for months that all it will take for Biden to be declared the winner of the first presidential election is for old Quid Pro not to shit himself on national TV. It remains to be seen if he can pull that off.

BUT Jerry Nadler couldn't, and in fact DID shit himself on national TV.

{ But we have to settle this right now. Did Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) poop his pants? Seriously, have you seen the clip? The man looks like he straight-up ‘sharted’ and tried to get away as quickly as possible without evidence of his accident spilling into the public view. }

Will Beijing Biden repeat Nadler's performance?
Maybe if he brings donuts.
Biden has no chance with Trump. Listen for yourself.

Did you enjoy watching Trump implode Tuesday evening?

Your not very good at this prediction/wishfull thinking thing our you?
That was Trump reading........”B” -“T”, born, torn.....you could see his face when his ears heard what he said; usually these gaffes cause Trump to go off on a riff, like the cat that falls off the drapes and jumps up like, ”yeah, I meant to do that!”

It is well known that Trump is one of the most illiterate presidents like nobody has ever seen before.

But what is notable is that when he said the revolunionary army of 1775 took over the "airports" not one of his supporters behind him even blinked their eyes. Of course to be fair the majority of them probably don't have more than a 6th grade education.
Did you enjoy watching Trump implode Tuesday evening?

Your not very good at this prediction/wishfull thinking thing our you?
I see you're having a hard time recognizing sarcasm.
I've stated for months that all it will take for Biden to be declared the winner of the first presidential election is for old Quid Pro not to shit himself on national TV. It remains to be seen if he can pull that off.

BUT Jerry Nadler couldn't, and in fact DID shit himself on national TV.

{ But we have to settle this right now. Did Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) poop his pants? Seriously, have you seen the clip? The man looks like he straight-up ‘sharted’ and tried to get away as quickly as possible without evidence of his accident spilling into the public view. }

Will Beijing Biden repeat Nadler's performance?

I don't think anyone won that debate. Biden lost less than Trump, and lost about as much as the moderator who did a bad job. This is because he wasn't as childish, rude, and unpresidential as Trump.
I don't think anyone won that debate. Biden lost less than Trump, and lost about as much as the moderator who did a bad job. This is because he wasn't as childish, rude, and unpresidential as Trump.

Chris Wallace was the real loser.

BUT I think it was his CNN interview. He'll leave Fox by the end of the month.
I don't think anyone won that debate. Biden lost less than Trump, and lost about as much as the moderator who did a bad job. This is because he wasn't as childish, rude, and unpresidential as Trump.

I'm not sure what any moderator was going to do with someone hellbent on not adhering the format short of cutting microphones.
Chris Wallace was the real loser.

BUT I think it was his CNN interview. He'll leave Fox by the end of the month.

I don't think he impressed CNN or anybody else. He did just as bad as the candidates.
I'm not sure what any moderator was going to do with someone hellbent on not adhering the format short of cutting microphones.

I didn't like how he debated Trump during the debate. I don't think that is a moderator's job. He should have been a lot tougher on Trump when he started interrupting Biden.
Chris Wallace was the real loser.

BUT I think it was his CNN interview. He'll leave Fox by the end of the month.
Wallace is the only legitimate journalist they have left. No way Fox would let him walk.
Wallace is the only legitimate journalist they have left. No way Fox would let him walk.
Fox confused Chris with his dad Mike. That’s who they thought they were getting.
Fox confused Chris with his dad Mike. That’s who they thought they were getting.
So the people at FOX are really stupid? Hmmm, they do employ Hannity and Carlson so you may be on to something...
Fox confused Chris with his dad Mike. That’s who they thought they were getting.
Chris is as close as they could get to a real journalist willing to work for the propaganda outlet for Trump.
Chris is as close as they could get to a real journalist willing to work for the propaganda outlet for Trump.
You can’t accuse them of being unfair and unbalanced. He’s their token anti-Trumpster.
So one out of what? 40? 50?
Well there was Megan and Shepard. They left for greener pastures. One got shit-canned and the other will probably last three months.

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