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Biden Campaign Firm Hit by Suspected Kremlin Hacking Attack (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Biden Campaign Firm Hit by Suspected Kremlin Hacking Attack


Intelligence officials have long been warning that Russian agents will inevitably try to interfere in the 2020 campaign—now some appear to have been caught targeting a key Biden campaign firm. Reuters reported Thursday morning that suspected Russian state-backed hackers have attempted to breach the systems at Washington-based SKDKnickerbocker, a strategy and communications firm working hand-in-glove with Joe Biden’s campaign. The attacks, which took place over the past two months, were unsuccessful. The failed hacking attempt was brought to SKDK’s attention by Microsoft, which reportedly gathered information identifying hackers linked to the Kremlin as the most likely suspects. The attacks are said to have mainly focused on phishing—a common hacking method which lures users into disclosing sensitive passwords. That was the method used by Russian hackers to access DNC emails, which were subsequently leaked online, ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

A person familiar with SKDK’s repelling to the hacking attempts said the agents didn’t get very far, telling Reuters: “They are well-defended, so there has been no breach.” Another source said it was impossible to confirm if Biden’s campaign was the target, or whether the Russians were trying to gather intel on the long list of other SKDK clients. SKDK has an extremely close relationship with the Democratic Party—the firm’s managing director Anita Dunn served as a White House communications director during the Barack Obama presidency and now works for the Biden campaign as a top advisor. Officially, neither SKDK, Microsoft, or the Biden campaign have commented on the Reuters report.

Little surprise here. The Russian intelligence services are actively trying to help Donald Trump win the 2020 election as they did in 2016.

Fortunately, they were unsuccessful here, but they are not deterred and will continue with their mission to help elect Trump.

A DHS whistleblower has charged that senior DHS officials instructed him to ignore Russian meddling attempts and instead concentrate on China and Iran meddling.

Related: https://www.debatepolitics.com/gene...-alleged-politicization-intelligence-dhs.html
Biden Campaign Firm Hit by Suspected Kremlin Hacking Attack


Little surprise here. The Russian intelligence services are actively trying to help Donald Trump win the 2020 election as they did in 2016.

Fortunately, they were unsuccessful here, but they are not deterred and will continue with their mission to help elect Trump.

A DHS whistleblower has charged that senior DHS officials instructed him to ignore Russian meddling attempts and instead concentrate on China and Iran meddling.

Related: Whistleblower details alleged politicization of intelligence at DHS

Our IS is all over this, and everything else. They know what's going on. The Director just won't tell us. Or tell Congress. My bet one or more Republicans know. Most likely Nunez, maybe Moscow Mitch.
I guess if you're Putin, you're thinking, "Hey, it worked in 2016. No reason not to see if the same thing we did then works now."

It would have been stunning if the Biden Campaign hadn't been thoroughly drilled and trained regarding the most common and successful hacking methods.
Biden Campaign Firm Hit by Suspected Kremlin Hacking Attack


Little surprise here. The Russian intelligence services are actively trying to help Donald Trump win the 2020 election as they did in 2016.

Fortunately, they were unsuccessful here, but they are not deterred and will continue with their mission to help elect Trump.

A DHS whistleblower has charged that senior DHS officials instructed him to ignore Russian meddling attempts and instead concentrate on China and Iran meddling.

Related: Whistleblower details alleged politicization of intelligence at DHS

As informed by the 2016 election, its the best bang for the buck Russian Intelligence is ever going to have. Why would they quit?
Are we sure it's Putin or could it be Falwell?

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