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Biden calls for war crimes trial after Bucha images surface (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Great News for the Libal Order, terrible one for The Golden Horde , Moscow trolls , and Useful Idiots . Biden is 100% right , the first stop destruction of the GH the second one the Hague for the war -criminals !
President Joe Biden on Monday said the atrocities allegedly committed by Russian forces in Bucha, Ukraine, are a "war crime" and called for a trial to take place against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Great News for the Libal Order, terrible one for The Golden Horde , Moscow trolls , and Useful Idiots . Biden is 100% right , the first stop destruction of the GH the second one the Hague for the war -criminals !
President Joe Biden on Monday said the atrocities allegedly committed by Russian forces in Bucha, Ukraine, are a "war crime" and called for a trial to take place against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Yes, the Butcher should be put on trial.

But -- sadly -- he won't be.

The West, however, should hound him and his buddies to the end of their days.

He should never, ever be allowed to attend any international meetings, such as the G-20.

No decent world leader should ever visit Moscow.

No decent world leader should ever communicate directly with him. Messages can be sent through a third party.

(Remember how that Pinochet brute from Chile was (briefly) detained in London? That was the beginning of the end for him. Let's hope that KARMA has a big surprise in store for the Butcher.)
Great news. All those leaders that oversee troops that commit war crimes should be dragged out of office and put into jail ASAP. There should be no exceptions;

"International Criminal Court appeals judges authorized Thursday an investigation into allegations of war crimes by United States military and intelligence personnel, Afghan forces and the Taliban in Afghanistan, in a case that has triggered a diplomatic backlash from Washington."

Any time I hear Biden has taken a position I cringe. In this instance though I have to agree with the SOB.
I mean it's kinda ironic after some of the shit we've done, but I suppose...
Yes, the Butcher should be put on trial.

But -- sadly -- he won't be.

The West, however, should hound him and his buddies to the end of their days.

He should never, ever be allowed to attend any international meetings, such as the G-20.

No decent world leader should ever visit Moscow.

No decent world leader should ever communicate directly with him. Messages can be sent through a third party.

(Remember how that Pinochet brute from Chile was (briefly) detained in London? That was the beginning of the end for him. Let's hope that KARMA has a big surprise in store for the Butcher.)

I mean it's kinda ironic after some of the shit we've done, but I suppose...
Is it a language/technology problem for the Muscovites ️. Dismissing as fake will only make people more angry. Time to stop being timid with these Barbarians. Give the Ukrainians what they need, Tanks and Fighters before The Hordemen succeed in cutting off the South and East.

Great News for the Libal Order, terrible one for The Golden Horde , Moscow trolls , and Useful Idiots . Biden is 100% right , the first stop destruction of the GH the second one the Hague for the war -criminals !
President Joe Biden on Monday said the atrocities allegedly committed by Russian forces in Bucha, Ukraine, are a "war crime" and called for a trial to take place against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He is absolutely right.
Swell. All hail Biden the Awesome for coming out and calling a war crime a war crime!

Granted, everyone calling Bucha a war crime should be proud of themselves for standing up and speaking out against such atrocities but maybe, just maybe IF WE'D ****ING TAKEN SOME MEANINGFUL STEPS IN ADDRESSING THE INVASION IN THE FIRST PLACE THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!!!!

This is like the greatest airlift in global history. Everything that was done BEFORE the airlift is the whole reason one was needed!
Great News for the Libal Order, terrible one for The Golden Horde , Moscow trolls , and Useful Idiots . Biden is 100% right , the first stop destruction of the GH the second one the Hague for the war -criminals !
President Joe Biden on Monday said the atrocities allegedly committed by Russian forces in Bucha, Ukraine, are a "war crime" and called for a trial to take place against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As the polling and the focus groups define what would be a politically popular thing to say to say, Biden is saying it if his handlers approve it.

It's really too bad that this dementia victim, figure head has no integrity, intelligence or moral code that might provide him with the courage to act and do what's right.

If he had any of these things, he would have been constraining Putin BEFORE any invasion happened.

You know... Like Trump did.
Great news. All those leaders that oversee troops that commit war crimes should be dragged out of office and put into jail ASAP. There should be no exceptions;

"International Criminal Court appeals judges authorized Thursday an investigation into allegations of war crimes by United States military and intelligence personnel, Afghan forces and the Taliban in Afghanistan, in a case that has triggered a diplomatic backlash from Washington."

Neither the US, nor Russia, are signatories for the ICC
As the polling and the focus groups define what would be a politically popular thing to say to say, Biden is saying it if his handlers approve it.

It's really too bad that this dementia victim, figure head has no integrity, intelligence or moral code that might provide him with the courage to act and do what's right.

If he had any of these things, he would have been constraining Putin BEFORE any invasion happened.

You know... Like Trump did.

Trump called the invasion genius. Trump would have been either neutral or supported Putin over the invasion.
Neither the US, nor Russia, are signatories for the ICC
Thanks for clarifying my point. We can kill with impunity but if some other country does it ugh oh;

"One of the main reasons why the United States has opposed signing and ratifying the Rome Statute is because after signing, the International Criminal Court would be able to hold United States military and political leaders to the global standard of justice. This means that the United States would not be able to protect both its military and political leaders that have committed crimes against humanity, like knowingly killing innocents in the crossfire. Yet, the United States still wants to help protect the human rights of people across the world"
Swell. All hail Biden the Awesome for coming out and calling a war crime a war crime!

Granted, everyone calling Bucha a war crime should be proud of themselves for standing up and speaking out against such atrocities but maybe, just maybe IF WE'D ****ING TAKEN SOME MEANINGFUL STEPS IN ADDRESSING THE INVASION IN THE FIRST PLACE THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!!!!

This is like the greatest airlift in global history. Everything that was done BEFORE the airlift is the whole reason one was needed!

I don't disagree (I was and am for US troops in the Ukraine) and forcibly removing Putin from power. However there was no support from either side to actual stand up to Putin because most Americans are scared of him.
Thanks for clarifying my point. We can kill with impunity but if some other country does it ugh oh;

"One of the main reasons why the United States has opposed signing and ratifying the Rome Statute is because after signing, the International Criminal Court would be able to hold United States military and political leaders to the global standard of justice. This means that the United States would not be able to protect both its military and political leaders that have committed crimes against humanity, like knowingly killing innocents in the crossfire. Yet, the United States still wants to help protect the human rights of people across the world"

Your constant attacks against the United States mean nothing. The US targeted terrorists who sought to destabilize the world and there were some unintentional civilians casualties.....Russia targeted civilians to spread terror. They are not the same thing. America did the right thing, Russia did not.
Thanks for clarifying my point. We can kill with impunity but if some other country does it ugh oh;
Something that literally no one claimed.

"One of the main reasons why the United States has opposed signing and ratifying the Rome Statute is because after signing, the International Criminal Court would be able to hold United States military and political leaders to the global standard of justice. This means that the United States would not be able to protect both its military and political leaders that have committed crimes against humanity, like knowingly killing innocents in the crossfire. Yet, the United States still wants to help protect the human rights of people across the world"

The ICC has a number of structural issues, including the fact that 1) any country can bring a claim, and 2) It has shown a tendency, like much in the UN, to operate based more on popularity than it's stated intent. If it worked well, that might be an avenue to address these issues. BUT it's not appropriate here.

There are other ways to address war crimes. This includes simply trying the people in the country where the crimes occurred.
Something that literally no one claimed.

The ICC has a number of structural issues, including the fact that 1) any country can bring a claim, and 2) It has shown a tendency, like much in the UN, to operate based more on popularity than it's stated intent. If it worked well, that might be an avenue to address these issues. BUT it's not appropriate here.

There are other ways to address war crimes. This includes simply trying the people in the country where the crimes occurred.
I do not care how we address war crimes as long as we address them wherever they occur. This is not an our side vs. theirs issue. This is an issue facing all humanity.
Your constant attacks against the United States mean nothing. The US targeted terrorists who sought to destabilize the world and there were some unintentional civilians casualties.....Russia targeted civilians to spread terror. They are not the same thing. America did the right thing, Russia did not.

In other words, our war crimes are okay because we had good intentions! 🙄

Yeah, not the way it works bud.
I do not care how we address war crimes as long as we address them wherever they occur. This is not an our side vs. theirs issue. This is an issue facing all humanity.
Well sure. And there's also a point at which they are just a crime. I don't think Russia even declared war - they just rolled into a neighboring country and started killing people.

This is really premature though. The time to discuss war crimes is after the immediate situation is resolved. It's good to gather information, and to push Russia to avoid civilian casualties, but the immediate need is to stop the fighting and get everyone back into their countries. Then we can deal with recovery and holding individuals accountable.

Personally I think the next step should be removing the security council veto power of Russia. China will probably still object to most actions, but you can't hold Russia accountable for anything while they sit at the table with a veto button.
Well sure. And there's also a point at which they are just a crime. I don't think Russia even declared war - they just rolled into a neighboring country and started killing people.

This is really premature though. The time to discuss war crimes is after the immediate situation is resolved. It's good to gather information, and to push Russia to avoid civilian casualties, but the immediate need is to stop the fighting and get everyone back into their countries. Then we can deal with recovery and holding individuals accountable.

Personally I think the next step should be removing the security council veto power of Russia. China will probably still object to most actions, but you can't hold Russia accountable for anything while they sit at the table with a veto button.

Which isn’t going to happen, because no security council nation is going to want to set that precedent.

Especially since that opens the door for AMERICA to lose its veto the next time we launch one of our “splendid little wars”.
terrible news for the horde"men", be ready for the Hague Ivans !


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