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Biden Calls For 'Use It Or Lose It' Provision For Drillers On Federal Land (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
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I can't agree with Biden more.

If a company has a lease to drill on federal land they should use it. Not buy the lease to prevent that oil from being on the market by not drilling resulting in higher gas prices.

I think that the leases that are lost should go to smaller independent companies to promote more competition.

Some democrats think it's a good idea including Pelosi so it has a good chance to get to the House for a vote. Hopefully the republicans in the senate won't filibuster the bill.

If they do filibuster it, they further show how their "drill baby drill" is nothing but a lie.

I'm guessing/hoping they know more about the overall situation with these leases and how this slots into twin goals:

- Converting to full renewable.

- Generally wanting to have more influence if it becomes necessary to demand oil embargoes of other producers. ie, to have their production be more replaceable.

We don't want to undermine the push for cleaner energy and generally expand oil production. This could certainly push them to start production on that land. Moreover, energy companies have already built the push into their business plans. Forecasts about it might have something to do with why they're not using all these leases (so too might closing off competitors. It can be profitable to pay money to close off part of the market you don't want to occupy yourself).

It's framed as it being unfair for our oil producers to reap the rewards of higher prices on the world market resulting from the embargoes. But..it's not like everyone else is at max production. OPEC can simply start closing off the taps if we open them, if it wants. Just about everything said about oil in the media is stupidly over-simplistic.
I can't agree with Biden more.

If a company has a lease to drill on federal land they should use it. Not buy the lease to prevent that oil from being on the market by not drilling resulting in higher gas prices.

I think that the leases that are lost should go to smaller independent companies to promote more competition.

Some democrats think it's a good idea including Pelosi so it has a good chance to get to the House for a vote. Hopefully the republicans in the senate won't filibuster the bill.

If they do filibuster it, they further show how their "drill baby drill" is nothing but a lie.

What a joke. Biden has been telling the oil companies that he was going to put them out of business. He has blamed them for high prices and said they are choosing not to pump more oil. The facts are that Biden did restrict drilling by placing restrictions on new leases, and by slow walking drilling permits on leases. He cut leases from 27,000 to 9,000 and the oil companies found themselves faced with lawsuits that held up leases and with the slow processing by Bidens Dept of Energy.
The Joe says they are price gouging. Yet Biden created the problems with the lease cuts, the refusal to hold lease auctions on federal lands and his killing of drilling on federal lands and killing XL.
What a joke. Biden has been telling the oil companies that he was going to put them out of business. He has blamed them for high prices and said they are choosing not to pump more oil. The facts are that Biden did restrict drilling by placing restrictions on new leases, and by slow walking drilling permits on leases. He cut leases from 27,000 to 9,000 and the oil companies found themselves faced with lawsuits that held up leases and with the slow processing by Bidens Dept of Energy.
The Joe says they are price gouging. Yet Biden created the problems with the lease cuts, the refusal to hold lease auctions on federal lands and his killing of drilling on federal lands and killing XL.
So, do you just enjoy being misinformed or misinforming others?
hang on now.

the oil industry "experts" here have said that the leases are pretty much meaningless.
What a joke. Biden has been telling the oil companies that he was going to put them out of business. He has blamed them for high prices and said they are choosing not to pump more oil. The facts are that Biden did restrict drilling by placing restrictions on new leases, and by slow walking drilling permits on leases. He cut leases from 27,000 to 9,000 and the oil companies found themselves faced with lawsuits that held up leases and with the slow processing by Bidens Dept of Energy.
The Joe says they are price gouging. Yet Biden created the problems with the lease cuts, the refusal to hold lease auctions on federal lands and his killing of drilling on federal lands and killing XL.


"The leasing pause is an unintended result of the Feb. 11 decision by U.S. District Judge James Cain, who sided with a group GOP-led states and argued that the Biden administration’s attempt to raise the real cost of climate change would hike energy costs and hurt state revenues from energy production.

...Despite a campaign vow to stop drilling, Biden has approved more drilling permits on public lands per month than the Trump administration did during Donald Trump’s first three years in office."

Do any of you think that changing the conditions of leases entered into years ago, to meet political expediency today, promotes predictability; a key consideration in the decision to make multi-billion dollar expenditures in petroleum developement?
I can't agree with Biden more.

If a company has a lease to drill on federal land they should use it. Not buy the lease to prevent that oil from being on the market by not drilling resulting in higher gas prices.

I think that the leases that are lost should go to smaller independent companies to promote more competition.

Some democrats think it's a good idea including Pelosi so it has a good chance to get to the House for a vote. Hopefully the republicans in the senate won't filibuster the bill.

If they do filibuster it, they further show how their "drill baby drill" is nothing but a lie.

Biden does something stupid, then he tries to walk it back, then his staff issues a statement saying what Biden meant in his original statement, then Joe says something else stupid. Biden has a knack for offending people then he wants to beg them for favors. Obama had it correct, "don't underestimate Joes ability to F things up".
He cut leases from 27,000 to 9,000 and the oil companies found themselves faced with lawsuits that held up leases and with the slow processing by Bidens Dept of Energy.

BLM says there at 35,871 leases in effect in FY21.


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