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Biden appeal of mask mandate ruling explained (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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When the ruling came down nobody thought Biden would appeal. What's the point they said. The mandate ends in another couple weeks any way.
The reason is power. Biden wants the CDC in particular and the executive branch in general to be able to bypass Congress and create law all on their own. The court ruling that said the CDC doesn't have the power to create law foils democrats future fascist State plans and they will fight tooth and nail to overturn this court ruling long after the mandate would have been lifted on its own.
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For this ruling to stand would prevent the CDC from establishing any number of rules to assure the general health of the public in the future, incl those rules in place now, not just mask mandates on airlines ending "in another couple weeks any way."

For this ruling to stand would prevent the CDC from establishing any number of rules to assure the general health of the public in the future, incl those rules in place now, not just mask mandates on airlines ending "in another couple weeks any way."
Or under the guise of any way.😏
Biden wants the CDC in particular and the executive branch in general to be able to bypass Congress and create law all on their own.
NO. The administration wants the CDC to retain the power to issue public health directives for the next pandemic. I do not understand where people get the idea that mask wearting is some sort of goal of the CDC for nefarious purposes. It helps slow the spread of disease. nothing more.
NO. The administration wants the CDC to retain the power to issue public health directives for the next pandemic. I do not understand where people get the idea that mask wearting is some sort of goal of the CDC for nefarious purposes. It helps slow the spread of disease. nothing more.
Yep "retain the power" as per the OP. The CDC should issue findings and recommend guidelines. They should not have the "power" to force anything on anybody.
Yep "retain the power" as per the OP. The CDC should issue findings and recommend guidelines. They should not have the "power" to force anything on anybody.
I do not understand why anyone with half a brain would want to handicap the agency charged with protecting the US in a pandemic. It makes no sense at all. It's like making your local fire department wait for the city council to vote before they respond.
I do not understand why anyone with half a brain would want to handicap the agency charged with protecting the US in a pandemic. It makes no sense at all. It's like making your local fire department wait for the city council to vote before they respond.
CDC should be and is an advisory institution. They overstepped their parameters when the issued mandates.
That's one of the fundamental differences between conservatives and leftist. Conservatives want to limit the power of government bureaucracies while leftists wish to increase it.
When the ruling came down nobody thought Biden would appeal. What's the point they said. The mandate ends in another couple weeks any way.
The reason is power. Biden wants the CDC in particular and the executive branch in general to be able to bypass Congress and create law all on their own. The court ruling that said the CDC doesn't have the power to create law foils democrats future fascist State plans and they will fight tooth and nail to overturn this court ruling long after the mandate would have been lifted on its own.
This message has been brought to you by the Chinese bioweapons department.
This message has been brought to you by the Chinese bioweapons department.
Actually it's Fauci that is in league with them but that's another thread for another day.
For this ruling to stand would prevent the CDC from establishing any number of rules to assure the general health of the public in the future, incl those rules in place now, not just mask mandates on airlines ending "in another couple weeks any way."

Sorry, unless it's a Resident Evil or I Am Legend type of scenario, the democrats and their attack dogs at the CDC can go #@!% themselves.
That's one of the fundamental differences between conservatives and leftist. Conservatives want to limit the power of government bureaucracies while leftists wish to increase it.
Again, no.
Or under the guise of any way.😏

Good point. Such as rules under the guise of Control of Communicable Diseases, Clinical Laboratory Standards, Toxins, Public Health Assessments, Evaluations of Hazardous Substances, Occupational Safety and Health, etc. No sense in giving the gubmint any right to have any authority to protect the health of the public in those regards. Always thinking, eh Chain?
Good point. Such as rules under the guise of Control of Communicable Diseases, Clinical Laboratory Standards, Toxins, Public Health Assessments, Evaluations of Hazardous Substances, Occupational Safety and Health, etc. No sense in giving the gubmint any right to have any authority to protect the health of the public in those regards. Always thinking, eh Chain?
CDC is an advisory agency not a law making arm of government. They have attempted to seize power they don't have and Biden -democrats want them to have. A judge said no you don't have that power.
CDC is an advisory agency not a law making arm of government. They have attempted to seize power they don't have and Biden -democrats want them to have. A judge said no you don't have that power.

The CDC has the legal right to require incoming passengers to the US be detained and tested for infectious disease. The CDC did not make that law. Congress did. The CDC is following the law, but do not enforce the law. The police do, if necessary. Though the police do not make the law. They follow it.
The CDC has the legal right to require incoming passengers to the US be detained and tested for infectious disease. The CDC did not make that law. Congress did. The CDC is following the law, but do not enforce the law. The police do, if necessary. Though the police do not make the law. They follow it.
Yes their authority is limited and they have overstepped it on multiple occasions.
Yep "retain the power" as per the OP. The CDC should issue findings and recommend guidelines. They should not have the "power" to force anything on anybody.
If they don't, who does that power fall to in the event of a health emergency? Someone has to do it. You will likely say it's up to individual states. But what we know, those states with conservative governors are against most if not all mandates.
Yes their authority is limited and they have overstepped it on multiple occasions.

What other cases can you evidence than the one time so cited by a court, which is under appeal, to support your "multiple occasions" claim?

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