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Biden Admits He Can't Stop Pandemic If He Wins (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
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Slightly Conservative
We'll say that the pandemic has been going on for 7 months from February until now. The ACA Supreme Court Decision won't likely come for 9 more months at the end of June 2021. That's a total of 16 total months from Feb 2020 until June 2021. If that is the "midst" of the Pandemic then the Pandemic won't be over until Oct 2022. So, if Biden is warning us that we shouldn't end healthcare protections in the midst of a pandemic, then he is admitting that if he wins the election and takes office in January 2021, the pandemic won't be over until October of 2022. After attacking Trump for his response to the virus, Biden is already admitting it will go on for yet another 21 months after he takes office if he is elected. With all of that anti-Trump rhetoric, is that really the best he can offer us?

We'll say that the pandemic has been going on for 7 months from February until now. The ACA Supreme Court Decision won't likely come for 9 more months at the end of June 2021. That's a total of 16 total months from Feb 2020 until June 2021. If that is the "midst" of the Pandemic then the Pandemic won't be over until Oct 2022. So, if Biden is warning us that we shouldn't end healthcare protections in the midst of a pandemic, then he is admitting that if he wins the election and takes office in January 2021, the pandemic won't be over until October of 2022. After attacking Trump for his response to the virus, Biden is already admitting it will go on for yet another 21 months after he takes office if he is elected. With all of that anti-Trump rhetoric, is that really the best he can offer us?

Maybe he's worried about his own pre-existing condition.
He can't snap his fingers and COVID, which Trump allowed to spread with lies, denials, and dithering and which has killed over 200,000 Americans thus far, will vanish?

Wow, what an admission. That just totally destroys him. Here I thought I was voting for Jesus but it turns out Biden's just an old dude who doesn't happen to be as utterly criminal and corrupt as Trump

Guess I have to vote for the Pedo Peeping Tom with 25 sexual assaults (or is it more now) to his name, the pathetic excuse of a 'man' whose idea of tough diplomacy is offering Putin and Kim a group rimming session, the guy who got over 200,000 Americans killed for the worst of idiotic reasons, the corrupt lout who illegally withheld congressionally-approved funds from an ally struggling against our "greatest geopolitical foe" (until Trump ordered the GOP to love Russia) in an attempt to extort announcement of sham investigations into Biden's son. Guess I have to vote for that now.


Oh. Wait.

We'll say that the pandemic has been going on for 7 months from February until now. The ACA Supreme Court Decision won't likely come for 9 more months at the end of June 2021. That's a total of 16 total months from Feb 2020 until June 2021. If that is the "midst" of the Pandemic then the Pandemic won't be over until Oct 2022. So, if Biden is warning us that we shouldn't end healthcare protections in the midst of a pandemic, then he is admitting that if he wins the election and takes office in January 2021, the pandemic won't be over until October of 2022. After attacking Trump for his response to the virus, Biden is already admitting it will go on for yet another 21 months after he takes office if he is elected. With all of that anti-Trump rhetoric, is that really the best he can offer us?

You post the dumbest shit imaginable.

The only person to ever promise COVID would magically go away was Trump, the utterly corrupt and criminal vile pig-bastard at whose trough you worship.

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