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Beware the Soros zombies - They’re headed to the Republican convention ... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 25, 2013
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George Soros ... the boogie-man does put his money where their mouths are.

"Billionaire George Soros has funded liberal organizations intent on bringing confusion, disarray and trouble to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next week."

"In a Facebook posting, Brave New Films bragged about driving a fake internet campaign — a petition to allow for open carry at the convention — into the mainstream media. The petition was reported on as if Republicans wanted it, however, it was simply created by a liberal, Soros troll.
“And the 2016 internet Troll Of The Year Award goes to some genius from Ohio using pseudonym: the Hyperationalist,” Brave New Media wrote on their Facebook page, congratulating the original scammer. “When Washington Post and other mainstream media write about your act in a serious way — you won. Respect!” "

"The ACLU — which Mr. Soros‘ gave $1.7 million to in his latest filings — won a lawsuit on behalf of anti-Trump protesters to both expand the area of their protests and allow people to make speeches inside the event zone in locations other than the free speech zone designated by the city.
Professional protesters like CodePink have filed for demonstration permits, along with lesser known anti-Trump groups. CodePink helped stir the chaos at the California Republican convention in April.
On opening day, a “Dump Trump” march was planned, with about 50 left-wing groups committed, and activists have been promising on social media to descend upon the city to make their voices heard."

Beware the George Soros zombies - Washington Times

Anyone surprised?

Read the whole thing ... lots of groups you've grown to know & love are mentioned.

I posted it as a public service in case anyone still believed what's going to happen starting tomorrow has anything to do with citizens concerned with good Government.
George Soros ... the boogie-man does put his money where their mouths are.

Beware the George Soros zombies - Washington Times

Anyone surprised?

Read the whole thing ... lots of groups you've grown to know & love are mentioned.

I posted it as a public service in case anyone still believed what's going to happen starting tomorrow has anything to do with citizens concerned with good Government.

I don't think that Soros' politics are good for the country, but it is his money.

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