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Best/Worst Music of all time. (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Southern California
Political Leaning
The best music of all time is that produced in the classical and romantic eras by the germanic peoples. The worst of all time is rapcrap.
alphamale said:
The best music of all time is that produced in the classical and romantic eras by the germanic peoples. The worst of all time is rapcrap.

I'd have to agree. the last classical period and the early and mid romantic periods produced most of my favorite composers.

rap is probably the only genre that I (almost) consistently dislike.
The best music is the Country & Western from the late Fifties and Sixties-- before they tried to split it into "country" and "folk" and before it all turned into a bunch of bubblegum pop with a "country twang".

The worst? Without a doubt, the commercialized corporate bullshit that all the record labels turn out for teenaged girls. You can listen to it for hours, and absolutely none of it will stick in your memory because it is empty meaningless dribble.

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