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Best Idea Ever!!!!!!!!!! (1 Viewer)


Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Well, as long as schools teach the "theory of evolution" and intelligent design, I think we should start teaching "germ theory" and the theory that disease is caused by evil spirits. Its only fair, I mean, those stupid scientists cant prove that "germs" cause disease, their theory is so full of flaws. How do we know the scientists arent just making up the idea of germs? Its alot more smart to teach our kids that disease is caused by evil spirits as clearly seen in the Bible, just like intelligent design is clearly seen in the Bible, and you will notice there is no mention of germs or evolution in that book!
Comrade Brian said:
Its only fair, I mean, those stupid scientists cant prove that "germs" cause disease

They can and they did.
Martyr_Machine said:
They can and they did.
Well, proof obviously have no matter to those who push creationism and ID, so per the neocon educational agenda, we have to teach about the evil spirits as well.
I think we already learn about evil spirits... in history class.
KevinWan said:
I think we already learn about evil spirits... in history class.
So which medical illness is caused by what evil spirit? :2razz:
Old and wise said:

So I hear padded rooms are going cheap nowadays, you might want to look into that...
Martyr_Machine said:
They can and they did.

some people cant detect blatantly obvious sarcasm to save their life...

for those of you who werent quick enough to figure it out yet, I was being sarcastic with the germ theory post to liken it to how stupid teaching creationism is
sargasm said:
some people cant detect blatantly obvious sarcasm to save their life...

That will be because the evil spirits are addling their brains. ;)
Hmm, we are having entirely to much fun here, aren't we?
Martyr_Machine said:
They can and they did.
Not necessarily.
They simply told you they have proved that germs exist.
Then they showed you some cheesy pictures of little shapes floating around.
In the bible it never says jack about germs or evolution. However, it does speak of people being healed when evil spirits leave them.

Well, proof obviously have no matter to those who push creationism and ID, so per the neocon educational agenda, we have to teach about the evil spirits as well.

Yup, he's got a few.

So which medical illness is caused by what evil spirit?

Anything you get sick of or hurt by and you don't like it.

Evil spirits FTW!
Anyone who disagrees with me is surely infested with evil spirits. They are corrupt and should be ignored.
If they disbelieve that there are spirits, they are surely mad. So there!

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