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Best 60's Magical Mistress Sitcom? (1 Viewer)

Which one do you prefer?

  • Bewitched

  • I Dream of Jeannie

Results are only viewable after voting.


18th Earl of Diddly
DP Veteran
Oct 22, 2017
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Alright... here it is - the question that has been debated for over 50 years. We finally decide once and for all. Which show was better? Bewitched or I Dream of Jeannie?
Alright... here it is - the question that has been debated for over 50 years. We finally decide once and for all. Which show was better? Bewitched or I Dream of Jeannie?

I've seen a little of both shows on late night tv recently, and I go for Barbara Eden and Dream of , I also want a write-in vote for Mary Ann , no dis against Ginger, just sayin
Elizabeth Montgomery was way hotter than Barbara Eden.

OP, what about The Nanny and the Professor? Wouldn't that be a "magical mistress" show too? She was actually a magical nanny akin to Mary Poppins, but there was some level of unspoken romance implied between her and the widower father.

I've seen a little of both shows on late night tv recently, and I go for Barbara Eden and Dream of , I also want a write-in vote for Mary Ann , no dis against Ginger, just sayin

I'm a Barbara Eden man myself, so I can identify. Plus, that whole Samantha/Darrin thing never rang true for me. Waaaay out of his league.

Truth be told, the only reason I put this poll up was because it seems like this debate has been going on forever.... I can remember being 5 years old in the mid-70's and discussing this one with my buddies. And seems to keep coming back every now and again. A couple of days ago, some guy wanted to debate me on it again. So to finally put this one to rest, I put up the poll, gave it a one-week deadline, once and for all... winner take all.

BTW - I've always had a thing for redheads, so it was Ginger for me.
OP, what about The Nanny and the Professor? Wouldn't that be a "magical mistress" show too? She was actually a magical nanny akin to Mary Poppins, but there was some level of unspoken romance implied between her and the widower father.


Never actually saw that one.... but I wasn't actually around in the 60's (I was born in '70). Was it ever in syndication?

Grrrr.... I thought about putting in an "Other" choice as well... but then I thought "Were there really three of these shows?"

Ooohhh... just looked it up - apparently it didn't debut until 1970 (like me) *L*.
Never actually saw that one.... but I wasn't actually around in the 60's (I was born in '70). Was it ever in syndication?

Grrrr.... I thought about putting in an "Other" choice as well... but then I thought "Were there really three of these shows?"

Ooohhh... just looked it up - apparently it didn't debut until 1970 (like me) *L*.
Nanny and the Professor was only on for a short time in the early '70s.
Ahem,... The OP was asking about the best SHOW , TV show, ya know funniest, best to watch, but it was not asking who's the .se.. .um.... whisch actress is the most..... um... oh nevermind! 😇
Ahem,... The OP was asking about the best SHOW , TV show, ya know funniest, best to watch, but it was not asking who's the .se.. .um.... whisch actress is the most..... um... oh nevermind! 😇


I've been a "Bewitched" fan since I was a child. Still watch to this day.

My first daughter's name is Tabitha. :)

I watched "Jeannie" also, but Samantha is far more feisty with Darren. I never could wrap my head around the whole "Master" bullshit that came with Jeannie.
The Farmer’s Daughter

I've been a "Bewitched" fan since I was a child. Still watch to this day.

My first daughter's name is Tabitha. :)

I watched "Jeannie" also, but Samantha is far more feisty with Darren. I never could wrap my head around the whole "Master" bullshit that came with Jeannie.

I knew someone was going to bring that up!

Can't we just chalk the "master" thing up to a cultural difference?
Wanda Maximoff
You left out Nanny and the Professor, she had ESP, same with The Girl with Something Extra.

And, of course, My Mother the Car.
Samantha always had a brain, and most importantly, she had free will. Jeannie was a ditz, and she had no free will, she had to be subservient to her "Master", she was contractually bound.

And, Uncle Arthur was awesome.

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