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Bernie Sander Supporters, if Hillary is the nominee will you vote for trump? (1 Viewer)

Bernie Sander Supporters, if Hillary is the nominee will you vote trump?

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"If you ain't first, you're last"
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Apr 25, 2010
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It's been suggested that any and all Bernie supporters will vote trump if Hilary gets the nominee . . .so is that true?

Bernie Sander Supporters, if Hillary is the nominee will you vote for trump?

It's been suggested that any and all Bernie supporters will vote trump if Hilary gets the nominee . . .so is that true?

Bernie Sander Supporters, if Hillary is the nominee will you vote for trump?


Other. I'll likely vote Jill Stein unless Hillary gives me a lot of good reasons to vote for her and attempts to unify the Left behind the Democrats.

That's technically "No," but I don't want my vote to be confused with an automatic vote for Hillary.
It's been suggested that any and all Bernie supporters will vote trump if Hilary gets the nominee . . .so is that true?

Bernie Sander Supporters, if Hillary is the nominee will you vote for trump?


Anybody suggesting that was in the grip of a fever dream.
It's been suggested that any and all Bernie supporters will vote trump if Hilary gets the nominee . . .so is that true?

Bernie Sander Supporters, if Hillary is the nominee will you vote for trump?


For me it'll either be Jill Stein or Gary Johnson. My number one issue is getting money and corporate influence out of our politics, and with Hillary being the poster child for money and corporate influence in politics, she stands exactly zero chance of taking them on if she's elected. While Trump may at least be better than Hillary on this issue, he's so horrible on so many other issues he won't be getting my vote.
Perhaps not all of them or even a substantial part of them, but they pass on no opportunity to let the world know that they won't be voting Hillary, which is the same as voting for Trump really.

Can't wait for November. I'm going to sit back and watch with a tall glass of schadenfreude by my side.
I've said before that if Bernie gets the nomination I'll vote for him. If Hillary gets the nomination then I'll vote for Trump. :shrug:
For me it'll either be Jill Stein or Gary Johnson. My number one issue is getting money and corporate influence out of our politics, and with Hillary being the poster child for money and corporate influence in politics, she stands exactly zero chance of taking them on if she's elected. While Trump may at least be better than Hillary on this issue, he's so horrible on so many other issues he won't be getting my vote.

It's been suggested that any and all Bernie supporters will vote trump if Hilary gets the nominee . . .so is that true?

Bernie Sander Supporters, if Hillary is the nominee will you vote for trump?

Actually, if Clinton gets nominated, I'll still probably vote for Sanders, even if he isn't running.

So no.
Anger and emotions directly after a primary are typically the same, election-to-election. Immediately after a loss, the non-supporters of the winning-candidate say they'll never back them. Then over 90% do. The polls over the next month won't really demonstrate November's numbers and the polls will predictably revert back to the mean of the past few months. Hillary will likely be president, per the previous polls of H vs T
For me it'll either be Jill Stein or Gary Johnson. My number one issue is getting money and corporate influence out of our politics, and with Hillary being the poster child for money and corporate influence in politics, she stands exactly zero chance of taking them on if she's elected. While Trump may at least be better than Hillary on this issue, he's so horrible on so many other issues he won't be getting my vote.

This is kind of amazing. You are a Sanders supporter considering Gary Johnson, yet many of we Cruz supporters are considering the same. What a mixed-up political year.
Nope. I was initially considering it at first, but now I've ruled out voting for Trump.

I'm gonna vote for either Gary Johnson or Jill Stein.
This is kind of amazing. You are a Sanders supporter considering Gary Johnson, yet many of we Cruz supporters are considering the same. What a mixed-up political year.

LOL. It's hilarious and wildly depressing at the same time. I'm heavily skewed towards social issues over economic ones and I'm also very concerned about money in politics, which in both cases Bernie and Gary match up quite a bit
This is kind of amazing. You are a Sanders supporter considering Gary Johnson, yet many of we Cruz supporters are considering the same. What a mixed-up political year.

Us Libertarian-Left types are an odd breed. I can't speak for RA but I vote Libertarian and Green. It just depends on the candidate and position. Yes, there are many areas in which the they disagree but the issues MOST important to me are issues in which they generally agree. For example, I think both the Greens and Libertarians are far less likely to get us involved in unnecessary wars than the Republicans and Democrats.
LOL. It's hilarious and wildly depressing at the same time. I'm heavily skewed towards social issues over economic ones and I'm also very concerned about money in politics, which in both cases Bernie and Gary match up quite a bit
Unfortunately Gary Johnson gets little to no media coverage.

It's quite a shame, really.
Us Libertarian-Left types are an odd breed. I can't speak for RA but I vote Libertarian and Green. It just depends on the candidate and position. Yes, there are many areas in which the they disagree but the issues MOST important to me are issues in which they generally agree. For example, I think both the Greens and Libertarians are far less likely to get us involved in unnecessary wars than the Republicans and Democrats.

You, sir, DO speak for me. I agree 100% with all of this.

Unfortunately Gary Johnson gets little to no media coverage.

It's quite a shame, really.

Which is why I think it's even more important that we get big numbers to vote 3rd party this year, to get more attention and coverage for the future. Everyone is so disenchanted with our current political system this could be our chance to make some serious gains towards a multi-party system.
Unfortunately Gary Johnson gets little to no media coverage.

It's quite a shame, really.

Johnson will be enormous this year. His poll numbers will grow and grow until he hits that sweet spot of 15% and gets in the debates.
Hopefully so.

Well you have to #FeeltheJohnson to help him get big...

Seriously though I think he's got a legitimate shot at getting into the debates if the full #NeverTrump force gets behind him.
You, sir, DO speak for me. I agree 100% with all of this.

Which is why I think it's even more important that we get big numbers to vote 3rd party this year, to get more attention and coverage for the future. Everyone is so disenchanted with our current political system this could be our chance to make some serious gains towards a multi-party system.

A multi party system won't happen as long as we have a FPTP voting system. Everytime a 3rd party has gotten big it because people are voting for someone or against someone, it never has any lasting effect.
There is no chance I would ever vote for Trump. I do not like Clinton at all but I will be actively encouraging others to vote for her to keep Trump out of office. Clinton is more of the same. Trump is a disaster.
I'm not sure, but I certainly wouldn't be voting for Hillary either way; the DNC needs to be taught a painful lesson about the dangers of political interference.

EDIT: Also what's with Moot voting on this poll? The guy is a bona fide Hill Shill, not a Bernie supporter.
#nevertrump suggests that I will not vote for The Donald.
It's been suggested that any and all Bernie supporters will vote trump if Hilary gets the nominee . . .so is that true?

Bernie Sander Supporters, if Hillary is the nominee will you vote for trump?


No. To me, policy is more important than the person. As much as I think Hilary is a dislikable character, I can't in good conscience vote against the only realistic candidate who says she will tackle the two issues most important to me, climate change and inequality.

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